🕸🕷Glad To Call Him Mine [T.H]🕷🕸

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Olryyyt, i am so sorry if i havnt told u, but, Y/N stands for Your Name hahaha

Anyways, first Tom Holland imagineee! Though i like Peter Parker imagines more cause he's a sweet lil bean that should be protected at all times! But Thomas is also a sweet bean, so yeah, i'll get going 😂

WARNINGS: uhm, eh? Not much, just fluuuuuuuffff


I bolted up once i heard the trailer door shut, wich caused a little headache, but it's fine.

I've been waiting for my boyfriend for about 5 hours now and i didnt even noticed i slept on the couch!

We're currently on set for his new Spider-man film, and i could tell, he is exhausted

"hey, babe, done with your scenes?" i asked and patted the empty space beside me, telling him to sit down

He sat down beside me and immidietly hugged me

"i'm tired" he whisperd and i chuckled

"i guess you could sleep. You've been filming for 5 hours, i think you deserve a break." i said and moved a little so he could lay down on my lap, and he did

I played with his hair with one hand and held his hand in the other as he falls asleep.

I smiled as i saw his peaceful face and heard his light snores. I stopped playing with his hair and got my phone from the table beside the couch.

I opened it up and took a picture of him and made it my lockscreen. A few minutes of staring at him, my phone rang

"hello, Harrison, what's up?" i asked as soon as i answerd

"hey, Y/N, just wanna know if you're with Tom? He has a scene coming up." he told me

I looked at Tom who's currently in dreamland and said, "yeah, i'm with him, but can he have a break for atleast an hour? He's sleeping, and i dont want to wake him up from his slumber" i chuckled

It went silent on the other line, might be Harrison asking the staff if they could film a different scene first

"yeah, that's cool. The director said they're gonna film a scene with Zendaya and Jacob first." he said

"okay, thank you Haz. He's just been very tired, i just dont want him to get sick, you know?" you told him

"yes, ofcourse. He's very lucky to have you, do you know that? Everytime you're without him, he would talk about how glad he is to call you his. Sometimes i just want to smack him and tell him that he's being very annoying. Dont get me wrong though, i'm happy that you both found eachother." he ranted and that made you smile

You stared at the sleeping figure infront of you and said, "well, i'm very glad to call him mine aswell." you answerd

And you swore you saw Tom smile because of that


And that's, the mothaforking, tea.

Anyways, how was that? Is there anyone here?? Lol i need friends HAHAHA

I need to tell you guys something, though i forgot what it was, so, yeah. I'm such an oldie. Oh well, that was that and i have nothing else to say. But Sam wouldnt move his seat wich annoyed Bucky and i who are at the backseats.

Yes, i'm from Cap's team even though i love Peter with all my heart, i would love to fight for what's right :')

Love yall 3000, Potathoes 💜 (yes, lemme call u guys potathoes)

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