🕸🕷CashMeOutsideHawBawDah [P.P]🕷🕸

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Honestly, i dont know. But like that pics so cute and i literally just thought of that sentence (CashMeOutsideHawBawDah), like this second. So uh, i dont really know where this is going- but sure?

That means the title doesnt have to do with anything. Please do suggest a better title because my brain cant take all the thinking HAHA

Note: names that mentioned are fictional. Not sure if they're in spider-man, but yeah. If i mentioned your name, please feel free to change it!

WARNINGS: Me throwing shade over a celebrity, and if you guessed it, please dont kill me uwu (but clue, it's a guy 😂), and occationally cusses, and you being so gossipy HAHAHA


"oh my god! Have you heard?!"

Your two bestfriends, Ned and Peter, looked up to you from their what seems to be like a serious (a/n: sirius ehe) conversation.

"uh- heard what?" Peter asked as you sat down infront of them

It was lunch time and you just soaked Some. Tea. Up.

"Micheal dumped Elena over text! Like, who does that?!" you exclaimed, getting your sandwich from your bag

Ned put a finger up, "him, obviously"

You roll your eyes, "and that's not all, he went sleeping with some older girl that models for magazines. I doubt it's true though. I mean, Micheal is a dick, even Liz wont look at him! And she's the most famous person in school!" you said, biting into your sandwich furiously

Peter then looked behind you, you were pretty sure he zoned out. So you looked behind you, ofcourse, it was his crush, Liz.

You roll your eyes, ignoring the way your heart hurt then looked at Ned, but he was also looking at Liz

"oh, come on! She's not even pretty!" you exclaimed, throwing your hands up to show your point

Peter looked at you with a frown, "she is! look at the way her smile reaches her eyes!" he said

But no, it wasnt true. The only thing that's true is he likes Y/N. But cant ask her out because he values their friendship. He doesnt think it's worth losing a good friendship for something he doesnt even know that'll work out

You scoffed and wrapped up your unfinished sandiwch and put it inside your bag. You stood up and put on your backpack

"look, i dont know what you see in her, but let me tell you, i've drank a lot of tea, and so far, hers is the hottest. Under that bush of hair of hers, there's something darker than a fucking cave" you said and mumbled a "jerk" and walked out of the cafeteria

The two boys were left, confused and surprised by your sudden outburst

"what just happened?" Ned asked, looking at Peter

"you guys are so oblivious" the girl that always sit on the end of the table shddenly spoked up

The boys looked at her and tilted their heads

"excuse me?" Peter said

The girl, who's also known as MJ, looked up from her book, "she likes you, but you'd rather go with some older girl who doesnt even look at you" she shrugs

Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "uhm, first of all, ouch? And second, she doesnt like me! Where did you even get that idea?" he asked, then laughed nervously

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