🕸🕷Superheroes [P.P]🕷🕸

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Enlo, Potathoes, someone has summoned me, so here i am

Jk, no one looks for me and no one cares if i go missing so there ya go.

WARNINGS: me tryna be funny, i guess some ST references? 😂



Here i am, you know, just cuddling with my little bean, Peter Parker inside my room. Just normal stuff, nothing really goin' on, ya know

We've been dating for quite awhile now, and it's been amazing. Although my father-- ehem, the Tony Stark-- did not approve at first, he came around eventually. But he has this rule, my door should always be open atleast 3 inches apart. Its either that or its wide open.

But sometimes, i like to break the rules.

The door's shut.

Well it's not like Peter and i will do anything that's not in his liking anyways.

"ms. Stark, your father has returned from his business trip, would you like me to open your door three inches wide?" Friday suddenly spoke

I looked at Peter and smiled, he smiled back at me and kissed my forhead

"nah, just keep it shut. Thank you, Friday" i told the AI

Peter creased his forehead

"you should open your door, your dad mught kill you." he laughed a little

You just shook your head and chuckled

"let him lose his mind once in a while. I mean, he's invading my privacy too much." i said as i sat up

He sat up aswell, "well he is a dad, he just does what every other dad does, keeping their daughter away from boys" he laughed

I laughed aswell and looked in his eyes

"too bad i love you though." you bit your lip to keep youself from smiling

He leaned forward until our foreheads touched

"well, i love you too" he said and leaned in to connect our lips

It lasted a couple of seconds until i heard my door burst open

"Hey!! Three inches!" my dad shouted. I rolled my eyes and stood up

"dad, calm down" i told him and put my hands on his tensed shoulders

He looked at Peter with daggers in his eyes while Peter looked down looking like a forking beet

"dad, can you please get out?" i calmly ask him and this time he looked at me and his face softened

"why would i go out when there's a boy inside your room? I've been gone for a day and i find you sucking faces with Peter?"

You sigh, rolling your eyes, "please go out dad" i said and pushed him out of my room

Once he was outside, he faced me and looked at Peter who's still sitting on my bed and is still beet red.

"okay dad, have a great day" i said as i was supposed to shut the door when he stopped me

"three. Inches." he coldly said and i rolled my eyes and nodded

He gave Peter one last glare and headed to his lab

I left the door open three inches and went to back to Peter

"sorry about that, he just really sucks sometimes." i told him and he laughed

"it's fine. As i said, dads will be dads." he said and laid down again and opened his arms for me to go into

I smiled and cuddled with him again and we started having conversations about random things. And then we had a conversations about superheroes

"who's your favorite superhero? I mean, besides me ofcourse" Peter asked and i rolled my eyes

"well, spider-boy-"

"it's man." he rolled his eyes

"right, spider-man, my favorite superhero is... You really want to know?" i chuckled and he nodded his head. "underdog" i simply said

He creased his forehead and awhile later, he stopped

"well you're not wrong, underdog is amazing. Have no fear!" he said

"underdog is here!" i continued and laughed. "but seriously, my favorite superhero has to be..." i think, "i would say my mom, but since she's out of the picture after she left me with ironman over here, i gotta say, it's my dad." i answerd

Peter looked at me as if he's telling me to continue

"well, you see, dad is ironman, yeah, he's everyone's superhero. But when he's with me, he is the best dad you could ever ask for. He's been through a lot, taking care of me and stuff. He's been a dad, and a mom to me. Ofcourse besides Pepper and Natasha, but that's different. Dad's amazing and i love him so much. More than he knows." i smiled

Peter smiled and nodded. "he is one of a kind. Wish i could say the same."

My smile dropped because of that. I just hugged him tight, an action i do everytime i want to tell him that i'm always here

"i mean, we basically share a dad now. He treats you like his anyways" i say to him and he backed away

"please dont say that, it makes everything weird. I dont want to be your sibling" he chuckles and i laughed

The door burst open again and there stands my dad in his iron suit

"suit up, Peter, we have a mission." dad said and looked at me. "and Y/N?"

I raised my eyebrows

"i love you too, much more than you know" he smiled and left my room

I looked at Peter and he just smiled and shrugged

I just shook my head and secretly smiled. "these two are probably my favorite superheroes." i mumbled and rolled my eyes


Ohhhh shnap!

This was trash, i know. But i started it and i wanted to finish it, so, meh.

Bye potathoes, ily 3000 💜

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