🕸🕷Grassy Ass [P.P]🕷🕸

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Yah idk. But it's inspired by this 👇

 But it's inspired by this 👇

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WARNINGS: Author using goigle translate cause she aint smart enough to speak Spanish. And you being all cringey cause this story is cringey but like it's really funny.



You turned around from your locker, and saw Peter, your boyfriend, running towards you

"Pete! What's up?" you asked as soon as he got to you

"i was wondering if you want to go to Delmar's later with me. My treat!" he said

"the one you've been going to and telling me about their sandwiches? Like The Best Sandwiches In Town Delmar's?" you ask

He nodded, grinning, "the only one" he answers

"well then, sure. It's very intresting how you talk about it everyday and never brought me there" you said and closed your locker, walking together to class, hand in hand


After school, you met with Peter outside, and started walking to Delmar's

While walking, you couldnt help but stare at Peter while he talks about sandwiches with passion, like it's the only thing he loves in this world

"why are you so hyped about this? They're just sandwiches!" you interupted something he was saying, and laughed

"what?! They're NOT just sandwiches, Y/N! They're the best sandwiches in Queens!" he argued, but grinning

"still just sandiwches" you shrugged

"i'm telling you, when you taste them, you'll want to go back everyday" he said and you just rolled your eyes

You arrived at Delmar's and the guy behind the counter immidietly recognized Peter

"ah! Peter! So great to see you again" said the man

"same goes to you, mr. Delmar" Peter said and went to the counter, and started petting a cat, "how's it going Murph?" he said

"let me guess, a number 5 with extra pickles and smooshed down real flat?" mr. Delmar asked

"you know it!" Peter said, smiling

Mr. Delmar then looked at you

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