🕸🕷Ditch This Party [T.H]🕷🕸

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Eeekkk idk!! But but i wanna say thank you for 4k reads! Ily all 💜


Parties, they get pretty boring of you're in one every week.

Well, not like a high school party, those are honestly more fun, but where you're at, it's all fancy and stuff. You dont have a choice but come with your parents, cause they're so famous.

You often ask if you can just stay home, but they always say, "you need to expose yourself to the open", so you end up going with them because you dont have the heart to argue with them.

They're lovely people, it's just that sometimes they're a little fame hungry

Sighing, you sat on your chair, eating some garlic bread sticks that they served. The party happenung right now is some charity event, and of course you wanted to help people, it just gets really really boring.

"wine, ma'am?" a waiter asked. You nodded and said thank you.

You sipped on the red wine, tasting its sweet cranberry flavor. You nodded to yourself, it was good wine.

A boy then sat beside you. You looked at him and smiled a little.

You recognized him. He was the famous Marvel webslinger.

He smiled at you and held out a hand, "hi, i'm Parker Peter- i mean Holland- Tom. Yeah, Tom Holland" he said nervously, making you giggle (he was quite red)

"it's nice to meet you, Parker Peter, Holland Tom, Tom Holland" you said, shaking his hand, they were really soft by the way, "i'm-"

"Y/N. Yeah i know" he laughed awkwardly, you then tilted your head, he was as red as a tomato. He let go of your hand and said, "i- im sorry for interrupting you. I shouldn't have done that" he said and started to ramble to himself on how stupid he was being

You laugh, making Tom stop. He thought your laugh was cute.

"it's fine, really. Don't worry about it" you said, playfully slapping his arm, "so what is Spider-man doing here with me instead of dancing out there or something?" you asked

He scratched the back of his neck, and glanced to where his family was. The seven of them- including Harrison- were invited to the charity event because they had The Brothers Trust, and well, you get the point.

"i wanted to meet you, is all." he said. His twin brothers gave him a thumbs up. He looked back at you, "it's just that i've been a big fan of your parents ever since i was younger" he said

You looked at your parents who were talking to people. You sigh, "right. My famous parents."

Tom noticed your change of mood, "are you alright?" he asked, concern in his voice.

Looking at him, you smile, "yeah, ofcourse." then you looked at the table infront of you, fiddling with its table cloth, "it's just that, i dont want people to know me as 'the child of the stars'. I mean, sure it got its advantages, but i want to be known as myself, you know?. I dont want to be known because of my parents, i want to be known, because i became known. Does that make sense?" you ranted

Tom nodded, "i get where you're coming from. I'm sorry if i offended you." he said. You looked at him and smiled

"it's fine. Just wanted to share that to someone." you said and finished your wine. Putting the wine glass back down on the table, you look at Tom and grinned, having an idea, "what if we ditch this party?"

His eyes widen, "i- what?"

You shrug, "i dont know, go to the Hollywood sign, or something. I want to do something i've never done before." you said, standing up.

Tom stood up aswell, a smile on his face. He offered his arm, and you gladly took it.

The both of you left the party, not caring what happens tomorrow, all you can think about was now. This was a great start, and you're excited to go on a new adventure, go out of your comfort zone.

Tom led you to his car, opening the passenger seat for you. You thanked him and sat down, him closing the door and going around to the driver seat

Once he was inside, he faced you, "ready?"

You couldn't keep the excitement off your face, "always."

He started the engine and drove. Away from the party and to somewhere the both of you don't know.

This felt right, not for your parents, probably, but for you, it feels like you can do anything.

Guess we'll just have to see where this goes.


Heyyy so first of all, thank you for 4k reads! Ily uwu

I honestly have nothing to write, so i'm thinking of ending this book. But if you have requests, i can still do them, but i dont think i can come up with ideas on my own because i'm literally blank

So if this really is tha last chapter, thank you so much!

Anyways, for the (maybe) last time, ily Potathoes 3000 ✨

Mischief Managed xx

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