🕸🕷Seven Minutes In Heaven [P.P]🕷🕸

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Look at them asses 👆

Anyways, sorry if this is trash, but i just really wanted to update on my bday as a treat to you hehe

WARNINGS: uhm, idk


How did you end up with your enemy, Peter Parker, inside a dark closet for seven minutes?

Let's go back to the beginning, shall we?

Your friend, Paige, dragged you into this stupid christmas party, and you went, cause you didnt know Peter was coming!

He was just the one and only guy who's getting better grades than you, and you hated that idea

You always wanted to be on top, and you couldnt, because he was in the way

Well anyways, your friend dragged you into playing seven minutes in heaven, you refused, but because of peer pressure, you said yes

And well, that led you to where you were now

In seven minutes in heaven

With Peter

Your enemy

The both of you were literally sitting at the other sides, getting far away from eachother as much as possible

You sigh, getting up and started banging the door with your hand

"let us out! It's been 30 minutes, for god's sake!" you exclaimed

"no! It's only been a minute!" a guy chuckled

You glared at the door, as if it's gonna do anything

Peter, on the other side of the room, shook his head with a smirk

"that wont do anything, you know?" he said

You looked at him, clenching your jaw, and sitting back down

"what are you even doing here?"

He shrugged, "i could ask you the same"

"i got dragged into this"

"me too. Ned asked me to come with him cause he didnt want to go alone" he said

"huh, such a good friend" you rolled your eyes, making him chuckle

A few seconds of silence passed, you played with the hem of your sweater

"you know, i never really knew why you hated me."

You looked up to meet Peter's eyes at that

"well you never told me why you hated me" you shrugged

"you hated me, without a reason, i guess that's enough reason for me to hate you too?"

You sighed, "i'm stuck here with you for seven minutes, might aswell." you rolled your eyes, "you're such a know it all!"

His eyebrows furrowed, "excuse me?"

"you have such high grades! Even higher than mine! And i just hate that fact. So i hate you" you crossed your arms

"i'm sorry, i guess?" he said, making you sigh, and making you realize how awful that sounded when you said it out loud

"nah, i'm sorry. That's low. I just-" you stopped, stopping the tears in your eyes from falling by looking up, "it's just that, my parents' expectations are high from me. And i just, i just dont want to let them down" you smiled sadly, then looked at him with glossy eyes

Peter stood up from where he was sitting, then walked over to you, sitting down beside you

"maybe i can help you?" he said

You furrowed your eyebrows, "what?"

"maybe i can help you." he repeated, "i can tutor you. We can spend time together, get to know eachother" he shrugged

You smirked, "are you asking me on a date, Parker?" you raised an eyebrow, amused by him

He turned red, "i- uh, well, maybe." he awkwardly said

"huh, guess i'll have to take you up on that offer" you smiled and kissed his cheek, making him freeze and turn red

Just then, the door bursted open, giving you a bright light. Your eyes adjusted on the light, and when it did, your friend, Paige is smirking at you

"how was it?" she asked

You and Peter stood up, smiling

"better than expected" you shrugged, exiting the broom closet, Peter following behind

When you were out of the crowd, you turned to Peter

"friday at 6?" you asked

"uh, yeah, sure." he smiled

You smirked, "okay." you said and turned to walk away

Seven Minutes In Heaven really did do a lot of things.



Hahaha sorry that was really lame, i couldnt think of anything. I'm updating both of my books today cause its my bday and it's a lil treat from me

Hello birthday twin if it's also your birthday uwu

And advanced happy birthday to Astralmysteria UWUUU!

Anyways, Merry Chrysler everyone!

Love yall 3000 ✨

Mischief Managed xx

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