🕸🕷When The Party's Over [P.P]🕷🕸

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~I'll call you when the party's over.~

Yes, it's a Billie song. Been loving her lately, she's amazing.

Btw, thank you for almost 1k reads! ✨

WARNINGS: saaaaaaddddd n im planning on making this short so ya


You waited.

Still no answer on the phone.

All your coworkers already left and went home

It always ended up like this! He said he'll pick you up, but he never did.

You sigh as you removed your heels and slowly walked to your shared apartment with Peter

It was freezing, but it didnt even bother you. You felt numb as you were left with your thoughts.

The moon lit on your face, silent tears running down your face.

When you arrived at your apartment, it was quiet. All you could hear was the wind outside. You sat on the couch and decided that, tonight, you'll talk to Peter and see how that goes.

You knew being Spider-man isnt easy, and that it's so low of you to break up with him just because he didnt pick you up

But it isnt just that. It's more than that. He doesnt seem to be home anymore. You barely see him, and he's sleeping when you do.

It just feels like the both of you are slipping away

You slightly jumped when you heard the door open and close. He was home

Peter put his keys down by the kitchen and walked into the living room, shocked that you're still awake

"babe, what are you doing awake?" he asked as he walked towards you and sat on the empty space beside you.

You swallowed the lump in your throat, "we need to talk, Peter"

He shifted in his seat, then took your hand, wich you gently pulled away, making him frown, "is there something wrong?"

You bit your lip as some tears already streamed down your face, "dont you know that i'm no good for you?" you said, looking at him.

"what are you talking about? Y/N, you're perfect for me." he said, then pulling you in for a hug but you stopped him

"Peter, i told you i'll call you when the party's over." you said

Peter mentally slapped himself for forgetting. He was so caught up on beating up bad guys that he forgot to pick you up... Again, "i'm so sorry. I swear this will be the last time. We can fix this-"

"i barely see you, for the past 3 months this is the first time we spoke properly." you said, wiping your tears as new came

He bit his lip. His heart was breaking, but he knew this time would come. "Y/N, i'll make it up to you, i swear!"

You sighed deeply, "Pete, do you even love me anymore?" your voice cracked

His eyes were red from stopping tears, "ofcourse i do." was all he said

"then why didnt you call back?" you asked, he stutterd, "do you even know when our anniversary is?" you asked, he didnt answer, he couldnt. He couldnt even keep track of time, what more of the date. You sigh deeply then sniffled, "just let me let you go, Peter."

Peter looked at you, biting his lip, "do you want me to?" he asked, broken. You slowly nodded, and his tears ran down his cheeks silently, "alright then."

You stood up and walked towards your bedroom, getting your lauggage and filling it up with your clothes. Once you were done, you zipped it and stood up. You looked around the room, remembering all your happy memories with Peter

The times the both of you would sleep in and just cuddle eachother, times you'd just catch up. You wiped your tears and went out of your room.

Peter was still sitting on the couch, silently crying, but stood up when he saw you exit your room.

He walked towards you, then hugged you tight, you didnt budge, you liked this, but it'll be better if you left.

"i still love you, Y/N. I hope i made you happy" he said then kissed your forehead, letting his lips linger there for a little bit longer

"i still love you too, Pete. I hope you'll find someone better." you said and looked up at him, giving him a smile of goodbye

"goodbye, Y/N." he said, backing away slowly.

"goodbye, Peter." you said, and walked out of the door, leaving Peter broken and silently crying while looking at the front door where you left.


Sad, yes i know, just been really addicted to Billie Eilish lately :))

But do request! I'm like really bored and i'd do anything rn.

Thank you for almost 1k reads! Imma cri uwu

Anyways, love yall potathoes 3000! (okay now i want baby potatoes)

Mischief Managed xx

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