🕸🕷Make Us Never Happen [T.H]🕷🕸

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Listen to Shy Martin because she's aMazInG

Thank u for 3k reads! Love yall uwu

WARNINGS: SaaAaaaddDd ?¿ n long? Spider-man far from home spoilers if you haven't watched it yet (wich you should have by now because it's been like a year lol)


Opening the set's door, you put on your best smile. You were a director, and this was gonna be your best project yet. You werent really gonna direct the movie, but you'll co-direct.

And it was an achievement seeing you were only twenty-two

The movie was the new Spider-man movie,  you already knew who's gonna be there, and it makes you really nervous. Knowing literally the main character was someone you used to love makes you want to yeet off a building, but this is work, you need to keep things professional.

"hello everyone" you exclaimed. And people greeted you back.

Some people, you already met, like the people behind the scenes, such as Jon Watts, the director. And the makeup crew, the camera men, and outfit people.

But you never really met the cast.

You didnt make it to the table readings because you were sick, so Jon just gave you the scripts to learn, even though you didnt really need to learn them.

You walked towards Jon, who was sitting on his director chair. You called out to him and he turned around, standing with a smile, "Y/N! So nice to see you again." he said, giving you a friendly hug

"you too." you said, letting go of the hug.

Jon then motioned you to go with him, "come, i'll let you meet the cast"

With that, you felt your heart beat quicken. It's been a year since you last saw him, were you really ready?

Sighing, you reminded yourself that this is for work. You're a professional, you set your personal life aside.

You followed Jon into a room where everyone was. The both of you entered, and your eyes wandered around, but you couldnt see him. "why are you even looking for him?" you mumbled to yourself.

"Y/N!" Jon motioned you to come to him. You walk towards him, he was with the cast. You smiled at them, "Everyone, this is Y/N, my co-director. And Y/N, that's Zendaya, Jacob, Jake, Samuel, Marisa and Jon. Favreau, ofcourse"

You laugh, "hello, everyone, it's very nice to meet you all. Specially you, mr. Gyllenhaal, i'm a big fan" you smile. You couldnt help but squeal mentally, cause he's Jake Gyllenhaal

He laughed, "it's nice to meet you too, Y/N."

Everyone then greeted you, then Jon Watts said, "where's Tom?"

Jacob answered, "He's on his-"

"i'm here!"

That voice made you stop. He was right behind you, you just know it.

"Tom! I want you to meet someone." Watts looked at you, "this is-"

You didn't let him finish, you turned around with a smile on your face, "Y/N. I'm Jon's co-drector" you smile

Tom's eyes widen, he didn't expect to see you here. Well, actually, he did, cause he knew you were gonna be in set because Jon told them in the table reading, and he was shocked, at the same time proud, cause at a young age you're already achieving your dream.

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