🕸🕷I'll Be There [P.P]🕷🕸

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How can he make eating a doughnut look so sexy? Idk. How? HOOOWWW!

WARNINGS: Kinda triggering, maybe? You're gonna get robbed and slightly get sexually harrased


It was 10pm, and you were just walking home from the supermarket when suddenly, a man pulled you into an alleyway

"ouch!" you exclaimed when your head hit the wall

"shut up! Give me your all your money! And your phone, everything!" the robber exclaimed

You whimperd, remembering that you left your phone at home and you only had 2 dollars left inside your pocket because you spent almost all of it for groceries

You reched for the 2 dollars and gave it to him

"what the hell is this?" he asked angrily

"that's all i have" you whimperd

"well then, you'll have to do" the robber smirked and grabbed your butt

You jumped, "no! Please no" you had tears streaming down your face as the robber's hand started to climb up your shirt

Suddenly, the robber was off you abd all you saw was a guy in a red and blue suit beating up the robber

You slid down the wall and cried, hands on your face. Everything happened so fast, all you heard was groans and grunts

Then it went silent, you heard light footsteps coming over to you, you stood up with tears in your eyes and backed away

"dont touch me!" you pressed your eyes closed

"it's okay, it's all over. You're alright" a soft, familliar voice said

You carefully opened your eyes, and saw the friendly neighborhood Spider-man infront of you

Even though you didnt know him, you ran to him and hugged him tightly, tears streaming down your face. He hugged you back immidietly wich shocked you, but didnt bother speaking about it

"thank you, thank you. I dont know what i would've done if you didnt pass by" you choked

You felt him rub your back and place a masked kiss on your head

"why were you out this late anyways? You could've atleast texted me that you were going to the grocery store" he asked and glanced at the reusable bags on the ground when the robber pulled you

Your tears stopped and you furrowed your eyebrows, "excuse me?" you backed away, "i'm sorry, but not everyone has contact to spider-man" you told him, eyebrows raising

You heard him sigh and he put his hand on top of his head and gripped the mask, your eyes widen when he slowly removed his mask

And if it's possible, it widen more when you saw who it was

"Peter?!" you exclaimed, hand on your chest like you're having a heart attack

"before you get mad at me, i can explain! I was just trying to keep you safe-" he stopped when you hugged him tightly again

You were more surprised and relieved than mad that the one and only friendly neighborhood spider-man is your boyfriend

"i'm sorry" you mumbled to him

He held you tight, "you have nothing to apologize for, i'm the one who needs tk say sorry for not going with you" he said and kissed your forehead

"but you didnt know. It's my fault, i didnt give you a call or a text." you said and looked up to meet his eyes

"it's all good, but please do tell me when you're heading out at any time of the day, i'll be there" he said and smiled

You smiled too, "good thing you were around, huh?" you laughed

"well, i was actually across town, just stopped a little thief before my spidey senses tingled. It only tingles whenever there was an emergency" he chuckled

You were supposed to say something when you heard a grunt, Peter immidietly put on his mask and looked at where the grunt cane from

It was the robber, passed out and webbed on the wall

"i think he's starting to wake up, let's get you home" he said and grabbed all of the reusable bags that was filled with groceries with one hand and gave it to you

"wow, such a gentleman" you eyerolled

He chuckled when you grabbed the bags and he held your waist

"i cant swing if both of my hands out occupied, now can i?" he said

Your eyes widen, but before you could react, he pointed his hands on top of a random building and started to swing


Lame, i know

But ei, i was wondering if you guys would like a Harry Potter crossover here in this book. Like you're a slytherin and Peter's a hufflepuff and you're like bestfriends with Draco Malfoy (because i've been inlove with him lately ehe) and yeah

Even though you wont answer, i'd probably make it anyways lol

So yeah, i'll just uhm, meet Draco now at the Great Hall. See ya'll latur

Bye Potathoes, love yah 1,000,000 XD

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