🕸🕷Hufflepuff Peter (AU) [P.P]🕷🕸

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where are mah HP fans there? MAKE NOISE OMAYGOD

Btw, in this story, Draco is kind to you even though you're a halfblood, because your father works with his father, Lucious, and yeah. You've been friends since born and such HAHA

Also, this is indeed fifth year, but let's not put Umbridge for this story. I hate that little bi- so much

And by the waayyy!! Since you guys are wizards and witches here, Peter's not gonna be Spider-man anymore, so yeah, that's it. HAHAHA

WARNINGS: uhm, Draco being a lil mean to ur lil bean, Peter. But you got it all under control lmao


You just got off Hogwarts express for your fifth year at Hogwarts, and you smiled widely when the huge castle came into your vision

"Y/N!" you heard someone shout, you turned around and saw your bestfriend, Draco, running tiwards you

"Dray! Oh my god, you're so tall! Unfair!" you exclaimed, but hugged him anyways

You both have been bestfriends since birth, you were sorted in Slytherin wich shocked the other students, because you were so kind and you werent even a pureblood.

You were kind to everyone, even to the golden trio, wich annoys Draco, but you jist ignore him

"nah, you're just naturally short" he chuckled and you just rolled your eyes, then you looked around, you saw Peter, a Hufflepuff your age staring at you.

You gave him a smile and his eyes widen and turned around to go to the carriages. You furrowed your eyebrows, ignoring the slight pain in your heart when he walked away

"what's with him?" you mumbled


It's dinner time, and everyone is in the great hall, waiting for the sorting of the first years to end

You looked around, and your eyes landed on the Hufflepuff table, wich is only a table away from the Slytherin's

Peter, was once again, staring at you, this time, you stared back, and raising your eyebrows in a polite kind of way and smiled a little

This time, he smiled back.

You didnt even notice the sorting finished until Draco shouted,

"Hey, Parker, why do you keep staring at Y/N? Got a crush on her or something?" he laughed, and Peter looked down and turned red

You faced Draco and slapped his arm

"that wasnt very polite, Malfoy" you rolled your eyes and looked at Peter again, he was slowly looking up to you, and you gave him an apologetic smile, and he just nodded

Headmaster Dumbledor told everyone to be quite and made food magically appear on the tables, he then said, "let the feast begin", and so it did

Students munched on everything, until they were so full, they'll need to unbutton their pants. You shook your head at the scene, specifically at Draco, who literally had sauce all over his mouth. You cringed and looked away, and started eating your potatoes.

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