🕸🕷That Time Of The Month [P.P]🕷🕸

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I'm questioning my existance rn cuz like what is happening and why is it happening. Like i dont even know why i'm writing this rn. Okay i'll leave. Bye

Btw, if you feel uncomfortable reading about periods, feel free to not read this. But i dont know why you'd be though, it's a woman's nature to have periods. It's normal :)

WARNINGS: Just swearing cuz y not coconut. And also it might be a lil bloody ;)


Just a normal morning, you were walking to school, drinking a cup of coffee to wake you up from your late night study session by yourself last night

It all went good, until in second period, you felt your stomach hurting. You turned to MJ, your friend, and asked her with wide eyes

"MJ, what day is it?" you asked quietly, trying not to get the attention of the teacher

"uh, 12th i think? Why?" she asked

Your face turned pale, "mother of merlin!" you cursed under you breathe, "MJ, do you have extra pads i can have?" you asked her embarrasingly

"oh! Yeah, sure" she said and reached inside her bag, giving you a pad.

You raised your hand, grabbing the attention of the teacher, "excuse me, can i go to the restroom?" you asked

The teacher raised an eyebrow, "i dont know, can you?" she asked rudely

It took all your guts to not roll your eyes, "may i go to the restroom?" you asked, trying hard not to sound rude

She just nodded and gave you a hall pass

You ran towards the nearest restroom, and right as you sat on the toilet, you felt it.

"shit! How can i forget? God i hate periods" you mumble to yourself

Once you've done your business, you went out and went back to your classroom

You sat down and frowned the whole class, not in the mood to do anything because of the pain you're feeling. You didnt even notice the bell ring, but as soon as you did, you and MJ went out and gone to the cafeteria

You went to your usual table that you share with your other friends, Peter and Ned. You saw them already sitting there so you sat beside Peter and MJ sat infront of you, beside Ned. You burried your face in your arms and groaned

"what happened?" Peter asked you and placed a hand on your back, soothing it

"why did i have to drink coffee earlier? Why didnt i think of the day! Why- agh!" you just exclaimed and got your bag and got the sandwich your mother packed for you and took a bite out of it

"oh" the only thing the two boys said, knowing what you meant.

"yup, it's that time of the month boys! Dont want to angry her, now do we?" MJ smirked

You glared at her before saying, "Shut up, Michelle"

They just laughed at you, knowing well that you dont actually mean it.

Peter then stood up

"where the hell are you going?" you asked him

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