Chapter Six

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After Jason and Helena had dropped him off at his homeroom classroom, Damian had gone in and done roll call, a little shocked nobody had said anything when the 'Al Ghul' part of his name came up. But then again, his classmates were twelve. They probably don't pay attention to the news.

Damian made his way to his next class, walking into the science room. He was surprised to see an almost professional level lab in the school, especially for middle schoolers, but he wasn't complaining. He made his way over to one of the lab benches, taking a seat. Not long after a boy came bounding in with black hair and blue eyes, taking the seat next to Damian.

Damian wasn't sure what to do, but luckily the boy was the first one to break the ice. "Hi! My name is Jonathan Kent! But you can call me Jon! What's your name?"

"Damian Al Ghul-Wayne." Damian eyed the boy carefully, waiting for a reaction from his last name. But there was none, not even a slight hint of a flinch. "But you can call me Damian."

Jon laughed, nudging Damian with his foot. "What else would I call you? Dami?"

Damian scrunched up his nose. Only Jason was allowed to call him that. "No."

Jon laughed again, more awkwardly this time as he was unsure how to reply.

Thankfully the teacher came in and saved them both from having to converse too much more. The class went smoothly and the two boys compared schedules, finding out they had the majority of their classes together. Jon offered to show him around during lunch, which Damian politely declined.

He needed to see his brother, not that he would ever admit that in a thousand years.

"Okay, well, this is the lunch room. You can also have lunch outside, which a lot of the older kids do when it is nice out. I'll see you around Damian!" Jon walked off, leaving Damian to stand in the entrance of the lunch room by himself.

He pulled his phone, texting his brother to see where the rest of the family was. Jason texted back almost immediately saying they were outside by an oak tree. Damian smiled, making his way outside to the tree Jason described. He was a little shocked to see more people than just the family were there.

He made his way over to Jason, taking a seat on the grass next to his big brother. Jason smiled, nudging Damian with his elbow. "Have fun with the morning? Make any new friends?"

Damian thought about it. "I met a kid named Jonathan Kent. He seems nice."

A teenager with blue eyes and black hair popped his head up. "That's my cousin! He's pretty chill, the little twerp he can be."

Tim noticed the confusion on Damian's face when he saw the virtual stranger and did the introduction. "This is Kon El, Damian. Kon, this is my other brother, Damian."

"Nice to meet you Damian. Listen, be nice to my cousin. I know he can be a bit overwhelming sometimes but he means well." Kon gave Damian a pointed look and Tim slapped his shoulder. "What?"

"You were glaring at my brother like you were going to rip his arms off!"

"Was not!"

As the two teens broke down into a mini argument, Damian looked around the group at the strangers interacting with his siblings. He turned to Jason, who had been with the group a tad longer than he had, asking him who everyone was. "The red head next to Barbara is Pamela Isley, or Ivy, as they like to call her. I still haven't gotten the story on that one. The blonde girl that isn't Stephanie is Karen Starr, you met Kon, the boy next to Stephanie and Cassandra is Jaime Reyes, and the red head next to Dick is Wally West." Jason chuckled. "Don't ask me how I remembered all their names, I think I have a note somewhere around here."

Damian nodded, looking back at the group as they interacted with his family. He turned back to Jason. "How was your morning? Did you make any friends?"

Jason snorted. "If you can count Roy Harper as a friend, then sure, let's go with that."

"Tell me about this Roy Harper."

"He is the type that doesn't like authority, so he is constantly getting in trouble. He always has his phone in his hand, texting someone or something. And he won't leave me alone. He doesn't have this lunch, but he has most of my classes. He looked at my schedule." Jason sighed. "Tell me about this Jon."

"He sounds like the exact opposite of your Roy Harper. He is a stickler for rules, never has his phone out, seems like a teacher's pet. But he also won't leave me alone. Until I told him I was eating lunch with my family, then he backed off. I wonder why?"

"People at this school fear Cassandra. I don't know why, she's a sweet heart." Stephanie smiled at her sister, one Cassandra returned.

"The things I do you have no idea about, Stephanie."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Keep your innocence." Cassandra chuckled. "Don't worry about it." Dick and Helena exchanged a look that didn't go unnoticed by Damian. He wanted to comment on it but figured that would be out of line.

The bell rang, signaling everyone had to go back to class. Damian groaned lowly, turning to Jason. "Do I have to go?"

Jason smirked. "What happened to the brother this morning that was all about making new friends?"

"He had to sit through four different lectures and take notes. My hand is cramped."

"Welcome to hell." Tim muttered again, walking off with Kon.

"It will get better. Try holding the pencil at a different angle." Stephanie suggested before walking off with Jaime and Cassandra.

"I could give you all of my old notes, Damian. I still have them from seventh grade." Helena suggested with a shrug. "Besides, its your first day. I doubt teachers would get mad if you slacked a little bit."

But mother would. Damian thought with a slight wince. "Thank you Helena, but I must take notes and learn for myself. I will see you all at the car after school."

"Okay, but remember-"

"I will text you if I need anything." Damian nodded, walking away with a slight smile and a warm feeling inside.

He got to his next class to, English, to see a smiling Jon saving him a seat. Damian shook his head with grin, thinking to himself that maybe school wouldn't be too bad.

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