Chapter Fifteen

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I tried to make this chapter very fluffy as I felt the last few chapters were pretty angsty. So have a chapter full of sibling bonding, nerf wars, and possible reveals!

"I. Am. Bored."

It was day five of Jason's mandatory bed rest and the rest of the Wayne siblings had just stepped in the door when he ambushed them with a nerf gun he no doubt got Alfred to buy for him.

Damian rolled his eyes and side stepped the next dart. "Jay, you should be resting. Put the gun away and go back to bed."

Jason stubbornly shook his head, firing a dart at Stephanie's head. "No, I am so sick of being cooped up in my room. I want entertainment. I demand you entertain me."

"And I demand you get back in bed." Damian countered, eyebrows knitting in confusion when Jason smirked in response. "What is happening to your face? Why do I get a bad feeling about this?"

Jason said nothing just beckoned his siblings to follow him into the living room. They did as they were asked, an air of caution falling upon them when they saw the furniture over turned and set up like a barricade. A pile of nerf guns sat in the middle of the room, each with one of the Wayne kids' name engraved on it.

"Jason, what is all this?" Barbara asked.

"This, dear sister, is what I call a declaration of war." Jason snickered, shooting Dick, Tim, Barbara, and Helena with darts. "The line has been drawn, the sides have been decided, a battle to the death has been declared. May the best sibling live."

"Jason, this is ridiculous." Tim sighed.

"Bold words for someone standing in lava." Jason pointed at Tim's feet, which were planted firmly on the floor, unlike Jason, who was standing on the coffee table. The rest of the siblings scrambled to grab their guns and jump on the nearest surface, Dick snatching Tim up as the teen refused to move.

"I will not take part in this childish game." He called out from his spot on Dick's shoulder.

"Are you forfeiting for your team, then?" Jason smirked.

"No!" Helena cried out, slapping a hand over Tim's mouth. "We do not forfeit! We shall win this game of yours, Jason. What does the winner get?"

Jason thought about this, dodging a dart fired his way by Barbara. "Hmm, the winning team makes the losing team do their chores for a month?"

"One week."

"Two weeks."


"May the best siblings survive." Jason cocked his gun, firing dart after dart towards the opposing side.

"Cass, cover me! I'm going in." Steph called over to her sister, diving out from her hiding spot behind the over turned couch and making a break for the enemy line. "For Team JaCaStAn!"

"Hey! How come you guys all get the first two letters but I have the last two letters of my name?" Damian whined from his position, firing a dart at Helena and hitting the wall behind her.

"Because you're the youngest." Jason and Cassandra answered at the same time Stephanie called over. "So I can say 'jackass' and not get yelled at by Alfred."

"I heard that, Miss Stephanie." Alfred called as he walked by the doorway. "And just so all you know, I will not be cleaning this mess up."

"Wouldn't dream of letting you, Alfie." Jason smiled at him.

"Master Jason, you should be-"

"Resting, I know. I will, as soon as I kick their as-"

"Master Jason!"

"-tronamically large behinds!" He finished with an innocent wink towards the butler, who huffed and wandered further into the manor.

The nerf war continued as darts were unloaded and reloaded, battle cries sounding so loudly through out the manor that Bruce and Selina looked up from their respective paperwork in their office and sighed fondly.

"Should we go check that out?" Selina murmured.

"Nope, I learned a long time ago with teenagers to just let them be." Bruce replied, flipping over his report. "Besides, if it gets out of hand, Alfred will come get us."

"True." Selina took a sip of her tea and returned to her work as her children were back flipping off furniture two stories below.

"Ha! Take that, Jason!" Barbara called out as she managed to hit Jason in the arm with a dart.

"No! I've been wounded!" Jason cried dramatically. He turned to Damian with fake tears in his eyes. "Avenge me, brother."

Damian nodded stoically. "Your death will not be meaningless." He looked over at the opposing side, now only being Barbara and Tim left. "For Team JaCaStAn!" He hollered, charging in guns ablaze. He shot Barbara in the stomach while dodging a dart Tim shot at his head by pulling the back bend move from the Matrix.

Damian stood up right and smirked, sauntering over as Tim frantically tried to reload his gun. He raised his nerf gun to Tim's forehead. "Any last words, brother?" Tim stayed silent, staring down the barrel of the nerf gun as Damian fired the dart at his forehead. Tim fell dramatically backwards as Damian's team was declared victorious. He helped Tim to his feet. "And that is why you always go for the head."

Tim clapped Damian on the shoulder. "I hate to bail on all of you while you clean up this mess-"

"Oh hell no! You helped make it-"

"Technically, it was all Jason. He turned the furniture over all by himself." Tim pointed out. "Anyways, I have a date with Kon-" Tim felt his face flush as soon as he realized what he said. "I-I mean...shit."

The room fell silent as everyone realized what Tim said. Nobody said anything for a beat before Stephanie let out a snort that turned into a fit of giggles. Tim looked at her nervously as she calmed down. "Tim, my man, did you...did you honestly think none of us knew about you and Kon?"

"I didn't." Jason and Damian said at the same time.

"Yeah, but you guys just got here so that doesn't count." Stephanie dismissed them with a wave of her hand before turning back to Tim. "Dude, that's like saying none of us know about Dick and Wally-"

"Wait, what?! You guys know?!" Dick squeaked.

"-or Helena and Karen-"


"-or Barbara and Ivy." Stephanie finished. Everyone stared at each other in shock, realizations dawning on them. Stephanie blinked. "Wait, did none of you guys seriously know?! Were Cass and I the only ones clued in about everyone's relationships?"

"I think so." Cassandra smirked.

"Wait, are none of you straight?" Jason asked, gesturing at his siblings.

"Oh please, like you are one to talk, Mr. Harper-Is-So-Pretty-I-Want-To-Stay-With-Him-Forever." Stephanie scoffed and Jason blushed.

"Shuddup." He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.

"And Steph and I are straight, FYI. She is dating Jaime Reyes." Cassandra shrugged.

The group fell into another silence before Tim cleared his throat, backing up towards the door. "So, I'm just going to go..."

"Oh, hell no you aren't! You need to help clean before your date, mister!"

Tim sighed. He was so close. So close.

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