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Today was the day. The day of Bruce and Selina's wedding.

The day Jason and Damian's mom and dad got married.

The four Wayne brothers were Bruce's groomsmen and the four girls were Selina's bridesmaids. Alfred was officiating the ceremony.

Things started off without a hitch, the ceremony was a beautiful one and Selina looked absolutely gorgeous in her wedding gown. The vows, like the family, were non traditional, but the couple wouldn't have them any other way.

"Selina, the day I met you was one of the happiest days of my life. I know our relationship hasn't always been the steadiest, but I believe things work out the way they do for a reason. For that, I am so grateful that I wound up with a woman as kind, understanding, and accepting as you. I don't think anyone else in the world would accept my dalliances with other women, even if we weren't together during those years. I love you, Selina. Thank you for making accepting my crazy life and wanting to join me on this journey."

Everyone chuckled at that and Selina looked up at Bruce. "I love you too, Bruce. But fair warning, if you have anymore 'dalliances' with other women now, I will castrate you."

"I won't, I promise."

"Good. Thank you, Bruce, for giving me this loving and wonderful family. I can't wait to bring our next child into the world as a united fro-rghh." Selina grabbed her stomach, a pained expression on her face. "Oh no, not now."

"Selina, is the baby coming?" Bruce asked.

"Mhm. Its okay, we can finish this." Selina smiled, tears in her eyes.

"Oh sure, this baby doesn't have to be a bastard." Dick whispered to Tim, getting an elbow to the ribs.

The ceremony continued on, Selina holding her belly the whole time. Alfred pronounced them husband and wife and a moment later, Bruce was rushing Selina out to the limo.

The siblings stared at one another, unsure of what to do. Alfred, luckily, knew exactly what to do. He began to usher everyone out, gesturing for the siblings to help him. They obliged, helping Alfred clear their home before rushing to Barbara's car. They jumped in, Barbara stepping on the gas pedal to bring them to Selina's designated hospital.

"I can't believe we still don't know if we are having a brother or sister." Stephanie pouted.

"I just hope the baby is healthy." Helena chimed in, looking out the window. "We should place bets on what the baby is going to be."

"Helena, that's sick!" Dick gasped. "I'm in."

"Me too."


"Hell, why not."

"This is so wrong, we are awful people. I think the baby is a boy."

"Hey! We haven't started bets yet!"

"Fine, three weeks allowance the baby is a boy."

"What if she is having twins?" Cass inquired. "That's a more interesting question than guessing what our sibling is deemed at birth."

Everyone fell silent. "True, but the doctor said she wasn't having twins..." Tim mumbled.

"Could be a surprise baby?" Barbara added. "Hiding from all the scans and stuff."

"I just hope everyone involved is healthy." Damian piped in.

"You're so sweet, Dami." Jason cooed. "Five weeks allowance she is having twins, one boy and one girl."

"Damnit, Jason! I was going to say that!"

"Got to be quicker." Jason smirked as the car stopped outside the hospital and they all rushed inside to the maternity ward waiting room.

They all received strange glances from the staff until Barbara and Alfred explained that they were here with Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. Then the staff nodded in understanding, having been warned about the Wayne-Kyle children.

The siblings sprawled out in the waiting room, taking over a corner and commandeering it for themselves, still in their wedding attire. They pulled out their phones, knowing it was going to be a long time before they heard any news on their mother and new sibling. Some pulled up Netflix, others texted friends and significant others, while the rest played games.

Hours passed by before anyone said anything.

"I'm starving." Helena groaned.

"Hel, imagine how mom must feel. I mean she is pushing another living thing out of her body right now." Tim smacked his sister's leg.

"Ew, nasty."

"Its a miracle of nature, Dick. Don't be immature." Barbara scolded. "Its been awhile, we should be hearing news soon."

"Doesn't change the fact that I want food in my belly." Helena grumbled.

"Yeah, I'm with Helena." Stephanie added, Damian shyly nodding. "Let's go to the vending machines and-"

"Family of Selina Kyle?" A nurse called out and all the children bolted to attention. The scrambled over each other and Alfred to get to the nurse, standing before her. The nurse simply raised a brow at their strange get ups before gesturing for them to follow her. "Your mother is out of labor now and has requested to see all of you. Right this way."

"The moment of truth." Dick muttered, yelping when multiple hands hit him.

The group entered Selina's hospital room, gasping when they saw Selina and Bruce each holding a baby.

"I knew it." Cassandra whispered.

Selina looked up, smiling warmly at her children. "Come, meet your little siblings."

The older children rushed over, looking down at the babies. "What're their names?"

Bruce nodded down at the baby in his arms. "This healthy baby boy is Terry and the healthy little girl your mother is holding is Carrie."

Selina saw the shocked looks on her older kids faces and laughed. "I know, we were just as surprised as you lot to find out I was having twins. But after I had Terry the doctor announced there was another baby and out came Carrie." She smiled down at her daughter. "Do you want to hold them?"

The siblings all nodded, taking turns holding the babies. Jason was nervous, not having held a newborn baby since Damian almost thirteen years ago. He took Terry from Dick, tears in his eyes as he looked down at the small bundle. Jason was so beyond glad he was alive to see this moment, to experience these emotions, to enjoy this experience with his family. He was incredibly thankful that his family fought for him and continue to fight for him everyday. Holding this small life in his arms, Jason was filled with such overwhelming love, he felt the need to protect this baby with his life. But he knew, looking around the room, he wasn't alone in this feeling. That the rest of his family would fight for these two babies and protect them as well, just as they protect every other member of their clan. Jason was no longer alone in this world, and he never would be again. And neither would these babies.

Jason smiled down at his little sibling and greeted him. "Hey brother."


I couldn't resist that being the last line.

Thank you all so much for following this story, reading, commenting, and voting. I worked really hard on this story and it really means a lot to me that so many people have read it and seemed to like it. Thank you all and I hope you check out my other works because 'Hey Brother' is officially over.

(I may or may not be crying a little bit...)

(Okay, I am. Sue me. I've been working on this story since September 2019 and now its May 2020 and its over and I just have a lot of feelings, okay?)

(Ahem. Anyways, Thank you all so much for reading this story. It means the world to me that people actually read the work I put up here.)

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