Chapter Forty Six

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Just a heads up, every chapter from now on will deal with a time skip. I know, I know, I just want to get through Selina's pregnancy. Also, sorry it is kinda short. I'm losing steam with this story.

"What? What do you mean, the venue is 'indisposed' at that time?" Selina groaned into the phone, holding her six month along stomach. "Where are we supposed to have our wedding then?"

There was some talking on the other line and Bruce was sure he could see a vein in Selina's head start to show. He took the phone from her. "Listen, make it work. I don't care how much more I have to pay. That is where my fiancee wants to have our wedding, so that is where it is happening. Understood?" Bruce hung up before the other person could utter out an answer. He turned to Selina, crouching down next to her. He placed one hand on her shoulder and the other on her stomach. "Are you alright?"

Selina smiled at him. "I'm okay, just a little stressed with this whole wedding thing. I think I need to lay down."

Bruce helped Selina stand up, walking her over to the bed. He tucked her under the covers, kissing her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Bruce walked to the door, turning the lights down before closing the door gently behind him. He continued down the hallway, coming upon the library. He heard laughing inside so he walked in, not surprised to find his children with their friends and significant others gathered around one of the tables playing a card game. He smiled, entering the room.

Jason was the first one to notice him, waving him over. "Dad! Hey! You remember Artemis, right?" He gestured to the tall redhaired girl to his side. She smiled and waved.

"Of course, its good to see you again, Artemis."

"You too, Mr. Wayne." Artemis grinned, holding Jason's hand.

"Please, call me Bruce." He looked around the table at the rest of the group. "What're you playing?"

"We're playing bull." Karen answered. "If you want, we can deal you in next hand?"

Bruce smiled, waving Karen off. "That's quite alright, thank you though. I am very busy getting things ready for the wedding."

Bruce left the library, satisfied that all his children were safe and accounted for.

In the library, things were getting intense. Helena and Dick were in a screaming match over whether or not to call bull on Cassandra while Jaime and Stephanie were arguing about how Steph called bull on him and made him pick up the entire pile, doubling his hand. Damian and Jon were watching the chaos with shit eating grins on their faces, slowly discarding their cards into the pile while no one was paying attention to them.

Or so they thought.

"Hey! What do you twerps think you're doing?" Ivy snapped, glaring at the two youngest members of the group.

Jon gulped. "Busted." He murmured to Damian, who just smirked.

"Don't worry, I've got this." Damian whispered back. "Ivy, why are you so worried about me and Jon when your own girlfriend has been putting down double the amount of cards she's been saying she has each time?"

Ivy gasped, turning to Barbara. "You have? What the hell, Babs?"

Barbara shrugged. "This game is war, Ivy."

"Actually, its bullshit." Jason snickered, yelping when Tim slapped him on the back of the head. "What? I thought it was funny."

"It was funny, dude." Kon chuckled.

"Et tu, babe?" Tim groaned. "Don't encourage him, he'll start cracking more 'jokes'."

"Screw you, I'm hilarious." Jason flicked Tim's elbow and Tim retaliated by pinching Jason's bicep. They devolved into a play fight, the card game forgotten as they wrestled.

Artemis chuckled, looking over to Kon. "Are they usually like this?"

Kon shrugged. "Jason has been in a really good mood lately, its made the family open up more. Plus, going to therapy has surely helped quite a lot. So, as of late, yes. They are like this."

Tim let out a squeal as Jason put him in a headlock, giving him a noogie.

Damian pulled out his phone, taking a video of his brothers and uploading it. "A fight for the title of dumbass of the family...who will win."

"Damian! Watch your language." Dick scolded, breaking away from his argument with Helena.

"Dick, I turn thirteen soon. I should be able to say dumba-"

"La la la la! I can't hear you!" Dick shouted. "You're still a baby and forever will be a baby to me."

Damian turned to Jon with a deadpan expression. "See what I have to deal with?"

Jon snorted. "Be grateful you have siblings."

Damian smiled softly. "Yeah, they are pretty great when they want to be."

"And now you have at least another one on the way. Lucky you."

Damian paled. "You think my mom could have twins or something?"

Jon shrugged. "Who knows? Babies and pregnancies aren't really my forte."

Damian looked around at the rest of the group, thinking about adding a baby or two to the mix. He wasn't sure how it would work, but he was excited about the prospect of no longer being the youngest Wayne. He was nervous, too. He had never dealt with a baby before, but then again, all he would have to do was occasionally change a diaper or give a bottle and perhaps babysit. And even then he wouldn't really do it by himself. He has his family to help him. And its not like the baby or babies are his, they're his sibling(s). He wouldn't even do the majority of the work, not even close to it. So why sweat it?

He was going to enjoy being babied while he could. It did have some perks, after all.

Damian was happy, things were calm in their lives, the storm was over. Sure, they still had bumps in the road, but they were learning, slowly, how to deal with them as a family unit. And that was all he could ask for.

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