Chapter Twenty Nine

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How many of you thought I was actually going to kill Jason???

Wayne Manor Caught In Explosive Confrontation As Jason Al Ghul-Wayne Makes A Reappearance, Killing Mother Talia Al Ghul In The Process

Terrorist Talia Al Ghul Found Dead By The Hands Of Her Oldest At Wayne Manor

Jason Al Ghul-Wayne Makes Explosive Come Back, Murders Mother, And Has Near Death Experience Himself

"Dang, Jay, you really know how to make yourself the center of attention." Damian snickered as he scrolled through the headlines next to Jason's hospital bed. "Every single news outlet is talking about you."

"That's called power, my dude." Jason smirked. "Did they at least use a flattering photo of me?"

"See for yourself." Damian held his new phone out for Jason to see the pictures of him being loaded into the ambulance next to his school photo.

"Oh great, I look like a goddamn serial killer in my school photo. They couldn't have used a photo from Helena or Tim's Instagrams?" Jason whined.

"Hey, at least they let us clear the air surrounding my supposed death." Damian shrugged. "Now you are no longer wanted for that."

"I wasn't wanted for murdering you the minute everyone found out you were alive, Dami." Jason pointed out. "Ugh, where are dad and mom with our food? I am so sick of hospital food."

"Think on the bright side." Damian smirked.

"What bright side?" Jason grunted.

"Two more days until you can come home...and see Roy."

Jason blushed, tossing one of his pillows at his snickering little brother while mumbling curses at him.

Two Days Later...

"Ah, home sweet home!" Jason cried out, spinning around in the parlor of the manor with his arms spread wide.

"Welcome home, Master Jason."

"Alfred!" Jason hugged the older man tightly. "Oh, I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. It hasn't been the same without you the past two months, Master Jason. Please do refrain from being kidnapped and blown up in the future."

"I'll try, Alfred." Jason winked. "Where is everyone else?"

"In here!" Barbara called from the living room.

Jason followed the sound of his sister's voice, coming into the living room to see his family all gathered around the coffee table. The coffee table had a cake that read "Welcome Home Jason!" on it in red frosting.  Jason beamed at his family dropping his bags next to his parents, who had picked him up from the hospital, and ran to his siblings. They collided in a huge group hug, a tangle of limbs and some tears.

"It was stupid of the hospital to say only mom, dad,and Dami were allowed to visit me!" Jason grunted from the middle of hug. "I should've fought harder, but you know, drugs."

"Its okay Jason, we're here now. And we aren't going anywhere or letting you go anywhere." Stephanie squeezed Jason extra tight.

Jason nonchalantly wiped his eyes, stepping out of the group hug. "So, we gonna eat this cake or what?"

"You're really going to have the cake I bought without me?"

Jason perked up at the sound of that particular voice and whipped around. "Roy!"

"That's right, Jaybird." Jason flung himself into Roy's arms. "Woah!"

"Oh, shut up. Its been two months since I've properly seen you." Jason mumbled into Roy's shoulder. "Stupid hospital keeping me for three weeks, not allowing anyone else but Dami and my parents in."

"Hey, its okay. I'm here now, aren't I?" Roy kissed the top of his head. "Now, let's go eat some cake, yeah?"

Jason and Roy broke apart, walking hand in hand back to the cake. Everyone gathered around as Jason picked up the knife and sliced up the cake into pieces, handing pieces out to each of the family members and Roy. Everyone took a seat on various chairs, couches, and the floor, gathered around to chit chat about whatever came to mind.

Jason and Roy were sitting on the floor, Jason's legs tossed over Roy's lap as they ate their slices of cake and listened to everyone talk about what has been happening in their lives. It was a calm and peaceful get together, one nobody wanted to end.

But alas, all good things must come to an end.

Tim stood up and stretched. "Alright guys, this has been fun and all, but I have to go catch up on some sleep. See you at school tomorrow, Roy?"

"See ya."

As the family members slowly disappeared one by one, Roy and Jason migrated to the couch. They snuggled up together, pulling a blanket over themselves as Jason turned on the television to some random movie. Jason rested his head on Roy's chest as Roy played with his hair, both of them as content as content could be.



"Thank you."

"For what, Jaybird?"

Jason sat up slightly so he could look at Roy as he spoke. "For sticking around despite how completely psychotic my mo- Talia was. For sticking around despite what I did...what I had to do."

Roy took Jason's hands in his own, resting his forehead against Jason's. "Oh, you don't need to thank me. I will stick by you no matter what, Jason. You are very important to me."

Jason smiled shyly at Roy, kissing him softly before pulling away. "And you are very important to me, Roy."

They stayed like that for a moment, foreheads pressed gently together before Roy spoke. "Jason...have you ever considered going to therapy?"

Jason froze. "What?"

"You know, talking to someone, a professional, about everything your mo- Talia, did to you, what she made you do?"

Jason jerked back, a look a mix between shock and betrayal on his face. "I don't need therapy, Roy. I'm fine. I can handle it. I've been handling it for the last sixteen years."

"But Jason, you just shot someone and almost died...It could be very beneficial to talk that experience through with a trained prof-"

"Get out."


"I said, get out!" Jason stood up abruptly, ripping the blanket off Roy. "Get out of my house!"


"No, Roy, I thought you understood. I thought you got me. But turns out you were just trying to push my parents' agenda on me." Jason snarled. "What happened to always being there for me, huh? What happened to that? Was that just a load of shit?"

"Jason, what has gotten into you?" Roy asked, brow furrowed. "Can we talk about this?"

"Leave, damnit!" Jason roared, pointing at the doorway.

Roy gathered his things and walked to the doorway. "Jason, this doesn't change anything. I will still be here for you.  You are important to me."

Jason watched Roy walk out, sinking to the floor with a thud. He cradled his head in his hands, feeling tears prickling the corners of his eyes.

Why did he have to be such a mess?

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