Chapter Eighteen

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The next few chapters will sort of be filler chapters as I work up towards the climax of the story. I need a few chapters of calm and fluff before Shit Hits The Fan. If you have any requests for fluff, feel free to ask away! I will try my best to work them in if I can fit them into the story.


"What? What do you want?" Jason groaned, turning to see Roy giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Your attention and affection, obviously." Roy bat his lashes innocently, snickering when he saw a small blush dust Jason's cheeks. "Who knew that the rough and tough Jason Al Ghul-Wayne was such a softie on the inside and so easy to make blush?"

"Shut it, Harper." Jason mumbled, gently elbowing Roy in the side.

Roy slipped his hand into Jason's and tugged on it until Jason whirled around. He walked him backwards a step or two until his back was pressed to the wall, Roy keeping him trapped there with his body. Roy smirked up at him, Jason being slightly taller than him. "Why don't you make me?"

Jason blushed harder, gulping slightly when he saw the teasing glint in Roy's eyes. Jason sucked in a breath and leaned down, catching Roy's lips in a kiss. They stayed like that for a moment, caught up in the feeling of their kiss, before they broke apart with small smiles on their faces. Jason kissed Roy's nose. "Is that what you had in mind, Harper?"

"Hmm, I don't know, you may have to try harder than that, Jaybird." Roy's grin was a flirtatious one as he slid his hands up Jason's arms, resting them behind his neck.

"Hey, Jay, I was wondering if-oh! Okay, I see you are busy. I will come back later." Roy and Jason jumped slightly at the sound of Damian's voice coming from the doorway, pulling away from each other to see Damian standing there with an innocent expression.

Jason smiled at Damian, slipping out of Roy's arms to walk over to his little brother. He ruffled his hair, much to the annoyance of the twelve year old. "Never too busy for you, little bro. What's up?"

Damian whined at Jason's hand, slapping it away. "You know I hate it when you do that."

"Which is exactly why I do it."

"Jerk." Damian grunted. "Anyways, I'll come back when you are less preoccupied."

"Damian, you are my number one priority, always. Sorry, Roy, but its true."

"None taken, we just started dating. I don't expect you to change your life to revolve around me." Roy smiled at Jason. Jason returned the gesture.

"So, you want to tell me what's going on?" Jason turned back to Damian with an arched brow.

Damian shrugged. "I was just going to see if you wanted to watch a movie with me. I finished all my homework and everyone else is busy."

Jason slung an arm around Damian's shoulder. "I would love to watch a movie with you. Just give me like another hour or so, okay? Then I will meet you in the movie room with freshly popped popcorn and soda, as long as you don't tell Alfred."

"You know nothing gets past him."

Jason chuckled. "That's true. But how does that sound? You want to go pick out the movie and set up the fort in the mean time? Maybe see if any of the other brats want to join in?"

Damian nodded. "Of course. And I'm sorry for cutting into your date."

Roy shook his head. "No, don't be. Ollie gave me a curfew anyways, I should be heading out soon too." Damian gave Roy an unsure grin before nodding, heading off in the direction of the movie room. Jason turned to Roy with a skeptical look. Roy shrugged. "What? Your brother clearly needs you right now for reasons he isn't disclosing, that trumps time with me. I can handle that."

Jason pulled Roy in for hug, kissing his cheek. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Damn, Jay, getting all sappy on me this early in the relationship? Oof." Roy teased, hugging Jason back.

Jason pulled away slightly and placed a tender kiss on Roy's lips. "Thank you, I really mean it."

"Anytime, really. Your family is very important to you and I don't want to stand in your way. Now go have fun with your brother, I'll see myself out."

"Nonsense, let me walk you out. I wasn't raised to be that much of a savage." Jason led Roy to the door, bidding him farewell with a hug and a kiss just as Dick and Stephanie were getting home. "Hey, Dami and I are going to watch a movie, you guys in?"

"Heck yeah! Let me just change. I'll bring some blankets and pillows for the fort." Stephanie hollered, rushing off towards her room.

"Sure, that sounds like the perfect way to wind down after the day I had." Dick yawned.

"Long day?"

"Oh, you have no idea."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Not really, but thank you." Dick clapped Jason on the back with a smile. "I'm going to follow Stephanie's lead and get changed. Meet you in the movie room?"

"Yeah, I'm going to pop some popcorn."

"Sounds good."

Jason went into the kitchen and pulled out the popcorn machine, setting it up as he searched for the popcorn kernels. He found them and placed them in the machine, starting it up. As the popcorn was popping, his phone began to ring. He checked who it was and found it to be a blocked number.

Jason debated answering it. It could be important, but on the other hand, is any blocked call ever good?

As he was about to answer it, the call fell through. Jason shrugged it off, turning back to the popcorn. He finished making the popcorn and gathered it up in a bowl, heading towards the movie room. He claimed his seat inside the pillow and blanket fort that Stephanie and Damian had created.

"So, what movie did we decide on?" Dick asked as he walked in wearing sweats.

"We decided on The Avengers." Damian gestured to the screen which had the movie cued up.

"Oh! I love this series!" Dick sighed. "What are we waiting for? Start it!"

"Okay, okay. Damn."

"Language!" Damian's three siblings all said at the same time, making eye contact with each other. "Aye!"

Damian rolled his eyes. "I regret every decision I have ever made."

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