Chapter Seventeen

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This chapter could have gone one of two ways...I chose to give you a more light hearted chapter. We shall save the drama for later.

P.S. I wrote this with a 100.3F fever so if it seems...weird, I apologize.

"So, do we yell 'Surprise!' or something?" Roy asked as soon as Jason opened the door to let him in.

Jason shrugged, gesturing for him to step inside. "I honestly have no idea. To be honest, I'm not sure why we are even throwing this thing in the first place."

"Uh, because it will be fun and the look on mom and dad's faces will be absolutely priceless?" Helena piped up as she walked by with a tray full of rainbow colored cupcakes. "Hey, Harper. Welcome to Wayne manor."

"Thanks, Helena." Roy called back to her, shrugging his sweatshirt off. He eyed the other guests, his gaze immediately becoming glued to Tim and Kon. He smirked. "I knew it."

"Oh come on! Are we that obvious?" Tim kind of whined, pouting slightly when Stephanie nodded.

"I thought we did a nice job of hiding it." Kon slipped his arm around Tim's waist, kissing his temple. "But now that your family knows, or to put it so Stephanie doesn't hit me, now that your family is open about knowing about us, I can show you off and spoil you the way you deserve it."

Tim blushed furiously while Stephanie and Cassandra pretended to barf and gag.

"Way too sweet, save that for the cake, Kon!" Wally snickered from his spot on the couch, his legs draped over Dick's lap.

Kon stuck his tongue out at the red head. "You're just jealous, West."

"Oh yeah, totally. You caught me there."

As the two continued their good natured bickering and teasing, Jason took a look around the gathering of teenagers and Alfred.

Dick and Wally had claimed one of the couches for themselves, becoming a tangle of limbs that Jason didn't even know where to begin to tell them apart from.

Helena and her girlfriend, Karen, were helping Alfred set up the food while occasionally throwing barbs at Dick and Wally for being lazy.

Barbara and Ivy - which Jason has yet to find out why they call her that - were chatting with Cassandra by the fire while Stephanie and her boyfriend Jaime teased Kon and Tim by the window.

Damian and his friend, Jon, had claimed one of the other couches, taking turns putting filters on the other party goers and sending the photos and videos to each other.

Jason felt someone nudge his arm and he turned to his side, jumping when he saw Roy standing there with a raised brow. "Aren't you going to give me a tour, Jason? Or am I just going to end up getting lost and having to stay here forever?" Roy faux gasped, covering his mouth dramatically. "That's your evil plan, isn't it? Force me to get lost so you can hunt me for sport?"

"Dang, you figured it out." Jason rolled his eyes. "No, you doofus, I just forgot you were here because you were actually being quiet for once."

"Ouch, you wound me."

"I regret inviting you to my home. Worst decision of my life, zero out of ten, would not recommend."

Roy narrowed his eyes at Jason, giving him a scrutinizing look. "Did...did the Jason Al Ghul-Wayne just try to be funny?"

"I don't have to try, I just naturally am hilarious."

"Keep telling yourself that, pal." Roy grinned at Jason. "But if I were you, I'd leave the jokes to me and the looking pretty to you."

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