Chapter Thirteen

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When Roy finally got Jason back to his house, the poor teen was practically unconscious, relying heavily on Roy to drag him up the stairs and to his bedroom. He placed Jason on his bed, tucking him in.

Roy paused when he heard footsteps behind him, turning to see Oliver standing in the doorway with a curious expression. "Hey, Ollie-"

"Roy, what are you doing?" Oliver asked, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at Jason.

Jason grinned lazily up at the man. "Hi, you must be Jason. I'm Oliver."

Roy rolled his eyes. "Jay, you got that backwards."

Oliver furrowed his brow in concern. "Roy, this boy must be at a hospital. What is he doing here?"

Roy shifted uncomfortably. "Well, you see, he kind of ran away from home and I found him being mugged. I'm pretty sure he has a concussion."

"Oh, he definitely has a concussion. Which is even more of a reason to bring him to the hospital!" Roy flinched, looking down at Jason. Oliver sighed. "Why did he run away from home? Who is he?"

"Jason Al Ghul-Wayne. And he didn't say."

Oliver's eyes widened at Jason's name. "You brought a Wayne over? Roy, you know how Bruce feels about me. He is going to accuse me of kidnapping!"

Roy sighed. "He just looked so...desperate. I didn't know what else to do and I certainly couldn't leave him on the streets!"

Oliver deflated, muttering how he was going to get Jason some pain killers. Roy looked over at Jason sprawled out on his bed, a dazed look to his eyes.

Roy groaned, pulling out his phone and opening messages. He was glad that he and Tim were partnered up for a project earlier in the year, forcing them to exchange numbers.

So Roy fired off a text to Tim, explaining the situation to him and letting Tim know Jason was safe. He got a reply immediately, letting him know the Wayne siblings were on their way.

Roy sat next to Jason on the bed, looking down at the barely conscious teen. "Sorry, Jason, hope you can forgive me."

Jason cracked his eyes at that, looking up at Roy with a cheeky grin. "With a cute face like yours, how can I not?"

Roy rolled his eyes at that, telling Jason to get some rest. Oliver returned with a cup of water and two pain killers, handing them to Jason.

Jason took them with a grateful look, placing the cup down on the bedside table. He looked up at Oliver with a lopsided smirk. "Has anyone ever told you that your son is a great dude?"

Oliver grinned, patting Jason's head. "He is, thank you for saying that." He straightened up, walking to the door. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to."

Roy rolled his eyes. "I already let the Waynes know he is here." Oliver nodded curtly, exiting the room and leaving the two teens by themselves.

Jason rolled over, looking up at Roy. "Harper, you told my family I was here?"

Roy gulped. "Yes? I mean, you need medical attention and I can't keep you here forever."

Jason let out a soft laugh. "Thanks, Harper."

"Was that sarcastic?"

"Nah, I need to see my family." Jason sighed, staring up at the ceiling. "I was a jerk and I need to apologize."

Roy decided to ask the questions burning his mind."What even happened? Why'd you run away?"

Jason groaned. "It all started at the gala..." Jason launched into the story of the phone call, his lashing out, and his fight with Cassandra. "I couldn't take it anymore, so I left...figured I'd find my way to mother's prison and wait until the next day to visit her, like she asked."

Roy nodded, about to respond when the doorbell drew his attention. He knew who it had to be.

Roy excused himself, making his way to the front door. He opened it and confirmed what he knew to be true. Standing there were all the Wayne siblings, various expressions painted on their faces. Roy motioned them inside, closing the door behind them. "He is upstairs in my room, but I must warn you, he isn't in the best condition."

At that, Damian sprinted up the stairs before Roy could tell him where his room was. The rest of them followed to see Damian burst into Roy's room, eyes landing on his barely conscious brother.

"Jay!" Damian was by his side in an instant, hugging his brother.

Jason groaned. "Dami, not too tight, my tummy hurts."

Damian furrowed his brow at his brother's strange wording, looking to Roy for an answer. "He has a concussion and most likely some bruised ribs. Oliver gave him some pain killers, so those should kick in soon."

Barbara sighed, shaking her head while pinching the bridge of her nose. "What are we going to do with you, Jason?"

Jason laughed, stopping when his ribs ached. "Sorry, sorry...if you think I look bad, you should see the other guy."

Stephanie grinned. "You won the fight?"

Jason scoffed. "No, I got my ass handed to me. Roy over here was my knight in shining armor."

"Yeah, you're lucky I showed up when I did. That guy would've killed you." Roy grunted, making the siblings' eyes pop out of their head.

"Jason, what did you get yourself into?" Helena groaned.

Jason grinned, shrugging his shoulders. "He wanted my wallet, told him no."

Dick turned to Roy. "If you've been with him this whole time, why did you say you didn't know where he was?"

Roy looked to the ground sheepishly. "He seemed really desperate to stay hidden, so I respected his wishes." Dick glared at Roy. "Sorry?"

Dick rolled his eyes. "Whatever, we are taking Jason home now."

Jason clapped his hands lazily. "Woo! I miss Alfie."

His siblings all sighed, helping him out of the bed and to the door. Damian paused next to Roy. "Thank you for saving my brother and keeping hin safe. You're a good friend."

And with that, the Waynes took Jason outside and called Alfred, letting him know they were all safe and that they had Jason. Alfred told them he was on his way.

Jason grinned, leaning heavily on Dick and Tim. "Ah, its good to see you guys."

"Jason, we've been here for fifteen minutes..."

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