Chapter Forty Four

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This story is going to be 48 chapters and then an epilogue. We are almost there y'all. Thank you to everyone who has stuck around since the beginning. It means the world to me that people actually read the stuff I put out here.

Anyways, you came here to read drama. I shall deliver.

It was three days after Jason's death and revival before anything happened.

It started with a twitch of an eye, then a finger.

Damian, naturally, seeing as he was watching Jason like a hawk, was the first one to notice.

"Guys, guys! I think he's waking up!" He called out to his family, gaze never leaving his older brother's face. "Come on, Jay, come back to us."

"Nngh..." Jason moaned, his face contorting in pain.

"Uh, is he supposed to look like that?" Dick asked.

"How should we know?"

Before anyone could answer Stephanie, Jason's eyes opened, slowly but surely. His gaze was unfocused at first before he zeroed in on Damian. He gave a weak smile. "Hey, brother, why...what's with the face?"

Damian, who's face was contorted in a look between happiness and anger, let out a chuckle of disbelief. "You die on me and you ask what's with my face?! Asshole."

"Hey now...swearing is my thing." Jason coughed, wincing when that irritated his healing stab wound. "Did I really...die?"

"Yeah dude, for over a minute." Tim supplied an answer.

"Damn...can't believe I missed that."

"Jay, I swear-" Jason let out a chuckle that devolved into another coughing fit. Damian sighed. "Jay, take it easy. You just woke up from a coma and cheated death. You need to rest."

"'m fine. I actually need to talk to you..." He looked up at the rest of the family. "In, uh, in private."

The rest of his family nodded, leaving the room. Damian gave Jason a look. "Just so you know, Roy is in here too. He's past that curtain."

Jason's eyes bugged out. "What? What's he...doing here?"

"Ivy tested the cure on him. He should be getting discharged any minute now." Damian shrugged. "Anyways, what did you want to talk to me about?"

Jason shifted a bit to get more comfortable, a look of uncertainty on his face. He wasn't sure if he should tell Damian, but he promised he would be truthful from here on out and that means about the past as well. " know that letter you found in the fire? The one I said was a therapy exercise? Well, it was actually-"

"A suicide note?" Damian finished, one eyebrow raised. Jason looked at him in shock. "Yeah, I know. Just like I know your therapist was actually working for Ra's, which I assume you knew too."

They sat in silence for a beat. "It wasn't part of the plan, I hope you know. This. I didn't...I didn't want to die. At least, I don't anymore."

Damian smiled at Jason. "I'm glad to hear that. So, Ra's cutting you wasn't part of your plan?"

"No...he caught me off guard. I was too weak to move out of the way. I'm sorry."

Damian stood up and engulfed Jason in a hug. "You have nothing to apologize for, Jay. You died for me, for our family, literally. I mean, if you want, you can pay for my therapy with your allowance, but I don't think that's needed."

"I think I'll give it a shot."

"What? Paying for my therapy?"

"No...therapy. I think I'm ready." Damian looked at Jason with tears in his eyes. "What?"

"Nothing, I'm just really proud of you. I love you, Jason."

"I love you too, Dami. Now, can you give me a minute with Roy? There are some things I need to discuss with him, as well."

Damian tensed up. "Are you sure?"


"Okay...I'll be right outside if you need me."

Jason shooed Damian out after Damian moved the curtain aside so that Jason and Roy were facing each other. "I hope you weren't listening to that conversation."

Roy didn't respond, bopping his head. Jason narrowed his eyes, realizing he had headphones in. He picked up the television remote and threw it at Roy, hitting him in the chest.

"Ow! Jason, what the hell?"

"I'm talking to you, take your headphones out." Roy did, looking at Jason expectantly. "We need to talk about where we stand."


"The trust is too far broken for us to be in a relationship like were right now or any time in the foreseeable future. However, since you risked your life for me, and if you are willing, I could really use a friend right now."

Roy looked at Jason and sighed. "I can go with that. Friends works for me."

"Damian will probably lose it and be up your ass all the time."

"That's okay, I deserve it."

"You do."

As if he were listening at the door, which he totally wasn't, Damian burst in the room. "What?! You're going to be friends with him?! After everything he did?"

"Yes, Dami, got a problem with it?"

"Why, yes I do, and frankly, so should you. For one-"

"Damian, that's enough. Let Jason make his own decisions." Stephanie defended, walking into the room with the rest of the family.

"Sorry, Jason, we got bored waiting outside." Tim said, unapologetic.

Jason smirked. "That's fine, I was finished talking with Damian and Roy anyways."

"What were you talking about anyways?"

"A private talk for a reason, Stephanie."

As their children fell into a round of bickering, Selina and Bruce slipped into the hallway to have a chat.

"Should we tell them now or wait?" Selina asked.

Bruce sighed. "I don't know, we just got Jason back. I don't want to do anything that might put a damper on that."

"Bruce, they deserve to know."

"I know, Selina, I know that. I just want to tell them at the right time."

"Tell us what?" Helena asked, popping her head into the hallway. "You know, if you want a private conversation, maybe don't have it in the hallway with the door wide open?"

Selina and Bruce exchanged a look before heading into the room. All eyes were on them. "Kids, we have something to tell you. Now may not be the best time, but there is no time like the present so here goes. We-"

"You're pregnant." Stephanie gasped dramatically.

"How'd you know?" Selina asked, genuinely shocked. "I'm two months along."

It was silent for a long moment before all the Wayne kids yelled in unison. "What the fu-"

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