Chapter Twelve

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Jason made his way through the streets of Gotham, his hood pulled over his head, hands stuffed in his pocket. He didn't know where he was going, all he knew was he had to get out of there.

He felt guilty for leaving Damian behind, but he knew he would be safer at the manor than on the streets with him. The family would take better care of him than Jason ever could.

Jason grunted in frustration, rubbing a hand through his hair and knocking the hood off his head.  He felt like there were eyes watching him but brushed the feeling off as him just being paranoid. But after walking through more streets and turning more corners, the feeling only intensified.

Jason couldn't take it anymore and whirled around, eyes narrowed as he didn't see anyone. He went to continue walking when someone grabbed his arm and tugged him into an alley, slamming his back against the hard wall.

"Man, what the he-" Jason was cut off by a punch to his stomach, doubling over in pain.

"Shuddup and give me your wallet." His attacker snarled in a slimy voice.

"I don't have my wallet on me." Jason wheezed out, free hand going to hold his stomach. "And if I did, I wouldn't give it to the likes of you."

He got punched in the face by a ringed hand, his head snapping backwards from the force and knocking into the wall behind him, making him see stars. He felt the blood drip out of his nose as he stared at his assailant. He grinned cheekily at the man, regretting it when the man threw him to the ground and began kicking him mercilessly. Jason groaned, trying to cover his vital organs and curl up in the tightest ball possible.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing?" A new voice yelled, making the man stop his kicking.

"What's it to ya?"

"Well, I happen to be in the neighborhood and I'm not very fond of people beating on someone helpless." The vaguely familiar voice spoke. "So if you'd be so kind as to leave the poor guy alone, I would greatly appreciate that."

Jason's attacker snarled at the newcomer. "You want to take his place, boy?"

"Nah, I'd rather kick your ass."

Jason didn't see the ensuing fight but could hear it, along with the sound of someone running away. He just hoped it wasn't his rescuer.

And he was right when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, man, you o- Jason?!"

Jason snapped his head up at the mention of his name, squinting at the dark figure until he could make out who it was. "Harper? What are you doing here?"

"I work across the street. I should be the one asking you what you're doing. Shouldn't you be at home?" Roy sighed, helping Jason to his feet. Jason stumbled a bit and Roy threw his arm around Jason's waist to support him, lifting his arm to place it on Roy's shoulders. "Woah, easy there. Come on, let's get you cleaned up."

He practically dragged Jason across the street and into a fast food joint that Jason was pretty sure was called Red Robin. Roy places Jason in one of the booths before walking away, muttering something about getting ice.

Jason closed his eyes and leaned his head back, stretching his abdomen in a way that made him hiss in pain. Jason opened his eyes a moment later when he heard someone approaching, getting ready to run again until he saw it was just Roy. He relaxed for moment, allowing Roy to place an ice pack on his head. "Here, hold this there. I'm going to get clean cloths to clean up your face."

"What's wrong with my face?" Jason mumbled and Roy rolled his eyes.

"Just...stay put." Roy returned a moment later a clean cloth and a cup of water. He crouched down in front of Jason and dipped the cloth in water, raising it to Jason's face. He dabbed at the blood, from both his nose and a cut on his lip from the rings, a look of concentration on his face.

Jason looked away a moment later when Roy peeked up at his eyes, avoiding eye contact with the red head. He waited patiently as Roy was extra careful with the cut on his lip, eyes looking up at the ceiling.

"'re all cleaned up." Roy stood up and took the cup and cloth with him, walking back around the counter. Jason got up and followed him, watching as Roy threw out the cloth and dumped the water before turning to face Jason. "Now, you wanna tell me what you're doing in this part of town?"

Jason shrugged. "I may or may not have run away from the manor..." Roy raised an eyebrow, arms crossed loosely over his chest. "I needed to get out of there, it was too...constricting."

Roy nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I get that. My foster father, Oliver Queen, is super strict. He even made me get this job so I wouldn't become complacent."

Jason chuckled, sliding down the counter to sit on the floor. He looked up at Roy, about to say something when the bells above the door rang, signaling someone had entered the food place. Jason fell silent, holding his breath as Roy greeted the company. "Hi, welcome to Red Robin, what can I do for you?"

"Hi, my name is Barbara,  and these are my siblings." Jason's eyes widened when he heard his sister's voice. "We have come to the understanding that you are friends with our brother Jason."

"Yeah, I guess you could call us that. What's up?"

"Well, you see, earlier this evening Jason ran away from home. We were wondering if you have seen him?"

Roy paused a moment. "Nah, haven't seen him since yesterday."

Jason breathed a sigh of relief, listening to the shifting weight of his siblings. He was in the clear, until a certain voice spoke up. "Well, if you do see him, please let him know we want him to come home. He shouldn't be on the streets, he should be back home with us."

Damian... Jason bit his lip when he heard how heartbroken his younger brother was, glaring down at his hands.

"Will do, good luck finding him." Roy waved to the siblings as they exited, waiting until they were completely out of sight before bending down to Jason's height. "Dude, you so owe me. Come on, let's get out of here."

"Where are we going?" Jason winced when he shifted his weight.

"My place, Oliver may be able to help." Jason allowed Roy to pull him to his feet, following his friend out of the fast food place and waiting patiently while Roy locked the door. "Come on, let's go."

"Meeting the dad before the first date, you sure move fast, Roy." Jason snickered.

Roy looked at him with a sigh of resignation. "You definitely have a concussion."

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