Chapter Thirty Nine

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Big drama coming in the next few chapters, prepare yourselves.

Maybe even a death or two, who knows?


Jason stared numbly at the fire, the events of the last few hours playing over in his head. Roy had acted normal for the duration of their relationship and preceding friendship, he never wouldve guessed that he was working for Ras.

Jason scoffed. That's what made him the perfect agent.

Everyone else had moved out of the room, giving Jason the space he needed. Everyone except for Damian, of course, who sat by the fire on the opposite couch of his older brother.

"Jay, I am sorry you had to find out this way."

Jason said nothing for a moment, just staring into the fire. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before turning to face his younger brother. "How long did you know Roy was working for Ra's before you told me?"

Damian winced. "Jay..."

"How. Long."

Damian sighed. "Ten days."

Jason nodded slowly. "I see." He sank down onto the couch, looking down at his hands. "You weren't going to tell me, were you? Barbara convinced you to tell me."


Jason nodded once more. "Thank you for telling me. It is better I know the truth going into this."

"Jason...what are you planning?" Damian asked cautiously.

Jason felt something click into place in his head. "Plan...Roy knew the plan. Shit." He raced out of the room to the dining room where the rest of the group was, Damian following right behind him. They ran into the room, slamming the doors open upon their entrance. "Roy knew our plan. What do we do?"

Everyone felt knots in their stomachs as they realized what this could mean.

"Absolutely nothing." All eyes snapped to Ivy, who sat calmly next to Barbara. She shrugged when she saw the confusion. "They would expect us to change the plans, assuming Roy told Ra's he was found out. So, we keep the plan the same. Besides, it is a little too late to change the plan."

"Ivy, that is actually genius." Jason breathed out.

Ivy winked in return. "I am certifiably a genius, you know."

"How is your project coming along?"

"Completed. Of course, I can't test it to see if it will work, but I believe I got the right formula for you."

Jason nodded, turning to Wally. "And did you manage to make something to spike everyone's drinks with?"

Wally saluted him. "Yes sir, whipped up quite the placebo for ya."

Jason felt his heart swell. This was happening, it was really happening.

"Don't worry Jay, nothing can go wrong to ruin this. We've got this in the bag." Damian smiled at his older brother.

Jason grinned back. In one week's time, everything would be right in the world once more.

Well, as right as it could be after finding out his boyfriend was working for his psychopathic grandfather the whole time and most likely sold him out.

But other than that, things would be righted.

- - -

Of course, there would always be bumps in the road.

One said bump happened to be named Oliver Queen, pounding on Wayne manor's front door at an unsavory hour the next morning, waking the entire household up.

Alfred opened the door, taking in the sight of the distraught Oliver, invited him inside for some tea.

That was how the Waynes found him, sitting in their living room with Alfred with a cup of steaming tea, talking in hushed voices.

"Oliver? What are you doing here?" Bruce asked, his eyes narrowed at his fellow billionaire.

Oliver looked up from his tea, narrowing his eyes past Bruce at his children. "Where is he?"

"Where's who? Oliver, what are you doing here at four thirty in the morning?" Selina asked, wrapping her robe tighter around her body.

Oliver put his cup down, standing up. "Roy. He wasn't home last night when I got home, but his car was there. I've been searching for him all night. Then I got this text from him." He pulled out his phone, reading aloud. "'Ollie, please don't be worried about me. Everything will be fine. I will come home when I can, hopefully in a week. I trust Jason.'" Oliver looked up and glared at the accused boy. "So, I'll ask one more time before I call the police. Where. Is. My. Son?"

All eyes fell to Jason, everyone unsure of how he wanted to handle this situation, whether he wanted to tell Oliver about their plan or not.

Jason was done trusting people, but he couldn't get the police involved. So, he thought on his feet. "I broke up with Roy last night. He gave me one week to think about my decision, said he would give me space...I...I never expected him to run away."

Oliver looked at Jason, scrutinizing him for a moment before sighing. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have come in here accusing you. I'm just worried about him."

Jason placed a hand on Oliver's arm. "Hey, I understand. I'm...I'm worried about him too. If you need anything, you know where to find us."

Oliver smiled at him. "Thank you, Jason. I can see why Roy likes you so much. You know, he never stopped talking about you. He was headed down a dark path but then you showed saved him, Jason. Thank you."

Jason fought back the wince. "Don't mention it. Just bring Roy back safely."

Oliver nodded, excusing himself after apologizing for waking them all up so early. Jason groaned, turning to face his family as he rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. "Roy, what have you done?"

"Jay, you can't actually be worried about him! He betrayed us!"

Jason grunted. "Its complicated, okay?! I just...give me some space, okay?" Jason turned and walked back to his room, leaving his family to stare after him.

"I'm worried about him."

"We all are, Bruce. We all are." Selina sighed. "Come on, let's go to back to bed. We only have six days before all hell breaks loose."

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