Chapter Forty Seven

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This is the final chapter! We just have an epilogue to go through and then this story is officially over! Woo! I have so many mixed feelings about this...

Also, as @nagusuzu pointed out to me, I completely forgot about Damian and Jason putting that kitten on hold at the animal shelter back in Chapter Twenty (yikes, I dropped the ball on this...) so that's where the kitten first appeared. Hope it isn't too confusing.

I apologize for the short length of this chapter, I just didn't know what to write.

"Alfred! Come back here!" Damian yelled, chasing after the young cat as the kitten ran down the hallway. "Let me love you!"

Jason opened the door to his room as Damian ran down the hallway yelling this. "Dami? What's going on?"

"Alfred won't cuddle with me." Damian pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

Jason chuckled, ruffling his brother's hair. "Alfred is a cat, cats let you know when they want to cuddle. Now c'mon, let's go see what the rest of the gang is up to."

Damian nodded, following after Jason as he followed the noise of a loud crash and laughter coming from Dick's room. He knocked on the door, entering when Dick let him know it was okay. The two new comers looked at the mess before them and chuckled.

"What the hell are you guys doing?" Jason snickered.

The other siblings had set up multiple Twister mats on various surfaces and were currently trying to play a complex version of the game.

Helena rolled her eyes. "What the hell does it look like we're doing?"

"Trying to break each other?" Damian shrugged. "What's with all the mats?"

Stephanie gasped from her backbend. "Have you never played Twister before?"

"We have, you were with us, just not...whatever this version is." Jason gestured to the room. "This seems like a surefire way for someone to end up hospitalized and I think we've all had enough of hospitals."

"But its so much fun." Dick whined. "Come join us."

Jason and Damian exchanged a look. "We, uh, we've got to find Alfred."

"Oh! He was just in here, to check on us and bring us water-"

"Not human Alfred, Alfred the cat." Damian clarified. "I want to cuddle my cat."

Cassandra stood up from her position, effectively causing the rest of the siblings to collapse in a pile. "I'll help."

"Ow, Cass, a little warning next time, mayhaps?" Steph complained, rubbing her back.

"I want to help to!" Helena declared, jumping up to a standing position. "I love that little kitty."

Damian growled. "Alfred is mine."

Tim chuckled. "Down, Bessy." Jason looked at Tim like he had three heads and Tim sighed. "Its from Mulan, you uncultured swine."

"So, are we going to find Alfred or what?" Barbara asked, popping her joints.

"First one to find Alfred the cat gets Alfred the human cookies!" Helena called out, rushing out the door.

"What!? No fair, you got a head start!" Stephanie yelped, sprinting after her sister, the rest of the siblings in pursuit.

Bruce and Selina were enjoying the weather outside when their children burst outdoors, screaming for Alfred. They just exchanged a look, knowing how wild their kids are. Bruce leaned over and kissed Selina's cheek, a hand on her eight month belly.

"We should probably tell the kids that the wedding had to be moved to our house and is now taking place a month early." Selina hummed, leaning into Bruce's touch.

"But where's the fun in that?" Bruce smirked. "Besides, they seem to be enjoying themselves right now, we'll tell them at dinner tonight."

Selina looked down at her belly. "This baby will be the first of our children not born of wedlock. Not that there is anything wrong with being born of wedlock, but I find it interesting that the wedding had to be moved to a week before my due date because of issues with contracts."

"The world works in mysterious ways." Bruce smiled, holding Selina closer to him. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

"Oh, yuck. No PDA." Helena called out as she ran past her parents.

"We're in our own backyard, technically this isn't PDA, Helena!" Selina called back.

"Still gross, mom!" Helena chuckled, turning and running back to the house when she heard a victory screech. "Damnit!"

She sprinted inside to see Damian holding his kitten to his chest, a content smile on his face, the rest of the siblings standing around with defeated looks on their faces.

"Oh, Alfred, don't scare me like that again! I thought I lost you!"


"I know I smother you but its because I love you."

Stephanie leaned in to Cass. "Is he talking to his cat?" She whispered.

"I believe so."


"Alfred says to mind your business." Damian stuck his tongue out at his two sisters. "He says you're jealous that Alfred the human went and got me my kitten when the shelter called to remind us that we placed Alfred the cat on hold a few months ago and you guys didn't get a pet."


"Yes, you can have some treats, Alfred."

As Damian walked off with his kitten, the rest of the siblings stood there with various expressions on their faces. Some were weirded out while others were thinking that Damian talking to Alfred the cat was the cutest thing ever.

Jason was the second.

"I will get him a million kittens if they make him this happy." Jason sighed.

"I don't think that's healthy, Jason. I mean, how would he properly take care of a million cats?" Tim shrugged. "Be real."

Jason rolled his eyes. "How do you think Damian would feel about a puppy? I mean, his birthday is coming up in a few months so..."

"Talk to mom and dad, see what they say. But I think a puppy would be a wonderful addition to the family." Dick smiled.

"We may have to wait until after the baby is born and settled for a few months, but if you pick a puppy and like put the puppy on hold I don't see how that would be a problem?" Barbara suggested.

Jason nodded, looking where Damian left. "I'm just glad everyone is safe and happy. I'm so thankful that this house is now a home for Damian and me."

Stephanie snorted. "Who would've thought almost a year ago when you showed up that you would be such a big sap?"

Jason chuckled. "A lot, obviously, has happened, Steph." He looked at his siblings, a warm smile on his face. "I love you guys, really, thank you for sticking by Damian and myself through all this bullshit I pulled."

"Of course. You're family."

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