Chapter Forty Three

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Did y'all get my last message?

"-oy! Wake up!"

Roy jerked awake, looking around to notice he was no longer in a chair but now in a hospital bed across from Jason. He yawned, trying to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Tim. "What gives?"

"Dude, you just had a poison purged from your system, you need to lay down and rest."

"Purged from my- does that mean it works?" Roy asked, trying hard to conceal his hope and excitement.

Tim's face broke out in a small smile. "Yeah, it does. At least for you it did."

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's give it to Jason."

"We're waiting on the doctor to okay it." Helena spoke up. "They aren't fans of experimental treatments, but seeing as nothing they are doing is working, well..."

"They don't really have many other options."

It was silent after that, the only sounds in the room the combined beeping of the machines attached to Roy and Jason. Damian was perched next to his older brother, his fingers intertwined with Jason's as he rested, waiting for the doctor to come back with their answer.

Nobody dared to wake him, this was one of the rare times he actually slept, always afraid that when he closed his eyes and slept, Jason would slip away.

Not that anyone blamed him for his paranoia. Everyone else felt a bit afraid, too. Jason had been in the coma for over a week now, with no progress being made. They could see how the hospital staff looked at them, with pity in their eyes.

They didn't want pity, they wanted progress, results.

And it looked like they were going to be getting them when Jason's doctor entered the room with Ivy. Ivy gave the thumbs up behind the doctor's back, a smile on her face.

"Mr. Wayne, Ms. Kyle, we have decided that we are going to go through with this treatment. Seeing as you have already given your okay, we would like to administer it immediately. Yes?" Bruce and Selina nodded. "Excellent. Er, do you mind moving your son..?"

Bruce stood up and picked Damian up gently, moving him to a chair so that the doctor could have access to Jason's IV drip. The doctor went over just as Damian was waking up. He watched silently as she attached the cure to the drip, watched as the cure flowed into his brother's veins.

Now all there was to do was to wait for it to do its job.

It was about an hour before anything happened.

It started off with a blip in Jason's heart monitor.

"Did you guys hear that?" Damian asked. "His heart machine made a weird noise..."

Beep...Beep...Beep beep beep...beep beep beep-

"Uh, I don't think its supposed to be making that noise..." Tim trailed off.

"Yeah, I think his heart is beating too fast." Cassandra piped up.

"His body is purging a poison, of course his heart is beating fast. Its working over time." Helena pointed out.

Beep beep beep beep beee-

"Screw it, I'm getting a nurse." Selina got up, running out of the room yelling for a nurse. She returned a second later with a group of nurses. "Turns out these things are attached to an alert system, so I didn't have to rush out of the room."

"No, but now you do. We need to clear the room. Now." One of the nurses spoke up. He turned to another nurse. "Go get the doctor."

"Why? What's happening?" Damian asked.

"He's going into cardiac arrest."

"What?!" The Waynes yelled as the nurses forced them out of the room. They rushed to the window to watch as the doctor ran in with the defibrillator.

They watched with bated breath as the doctor administered a medication to Jason, waited to see if anything would happen. The nurses and doctor seemed to also be holding their breaths as they waited to see if the medication would work.


"Damnit, he's flatlining!" One of the nurses yelled, rushing over to the defibrillator.

"Come on, Jay, come on. You're a fighter. Pull through this." Damian muttered to himself, tears rushing out of his eyes as the nurses charged up the defibrillator.




"Jason, I swear, I will never make fun of you again. Just pull through this."




"Jason, cut the shit. It isn't funny anymore." Dick groaned. "Stop fooling around and come back to life."



The doctor sighed, looking down at Jason. "I'm sorry, kid. We tried our best." She turned to one of the nurses. "Time of death-"


All eyes snapped to the heart monitor to make sure they weren't hearing things. Sure enough, Jason's heart was still beating according to the monitor. The doctor ran over and checked herself to make sure that Jason's pulse was there.

"Huh. Well, I'll be damned." She smiled down at Jason. "You're a real fighter, aren't ya?" She instructed the nurses to clean up the equipment before exiting the room to talk to Bruce and Selina. "As I'm sure you saw, we lost him for about one minute and thirty seven seconds. We will need to run tests to make sure all his bodily functions are still up to speed but I believe the worst of it is over."

Selina surprised everyone when she pulled the doctor in for a hug. "Thank you for saving my son. Thank you."

"Hey, its my job." The doctor smiled. "Like I said, we will run some tests, but I believe your son is stabilized. We will know more after the tests. I'm going to go put the orders in for the tests right now. You can go back into the room now."

Everyone rushed back into the room and over to Jason's bed. Damian clung to his hand, feeling his pulse for himself. "Don't you ever scare me like that again, you rat bastard."

"Damian, watch your language!"

"He just watched his worst fear come true, I think he's allowed to swear, dad."

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