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"Come on Baaaaabe!" We're going to be late because of you!" Ruby calls from the hall of our apartment.

I met Ruby at a party on campus. We are currently college sweethearts, I guess. We made the decision to move out of our dorms a f get our own apartments later on. I was a little....uncertain about it, but it's not so bad I guess.

I tie my tie around my neck and feel slightly more at ease about tonight. I have to meet Ruby's Latina side of the family, which I am scared out of my ass for.

Everyone knows that side of the family. There's her cousin Zelena: a famous fashion designer. Zelena's little sister Regina: recently crowned the youngest successful surgeon in the country. Then there's their mother Cora: the best Lawyer in the Country. Ruby's Granny: a five star Chef. Finally Cora's husband Henry: a well known judge.

I absolutely have a feeling that they are all uptight about gays, especially me. I'm more on the guy side, if you know what I mean.

I meet my beautiful girlfriend in the foyer. She looks great tonight! Her hair is curled nicely and her black dress hugs her curls perfectly.

"No drooling when we get there," she scolds playfully.

"I'll try my hardest not to." I shrug as we leave.

We pull up to a set of iron gates that surrounds acres and acres of land. The gate slowly opens for us and Ruby drives the car down the long cobblestone road. A huge mansion comes into view and I believe my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach. There's no way in hell that I will be able to impress this family.

"Who's house is this again?" I gulp.

"Ti ti Cora's. Even though the family is rich, the rest of us choose not to live as extravagant as her." Ruby explains as she parks the car. I frown at that response.

"Why? Who would pass up something like this?" I ask.

"Because we want to at least feel normal and not bombarded with high expectations. Let's go!" She squeals with full excitement as she gets out of the car. I follow. She rings the door bell and so we stand wanting for someone to open the door. Meanwhile, Ruby is in one of her rambling fits.

"Oh you'd love Regina and Zelena. Zelena is so fun and open and she loves to joke around. Regina...she's a little uptight and serious but once she gets comfortable around you, she's the most sweetest thing..."

Thank god the door finally opens. I thought Ruby was going to die! She didn't stop to take not one breath of air. I tense as the door creeps open, anxiously waiting for who would be revealed on the other side. I was anticipating Cora or Granny but no. It is a beautiful brunette in a red blouse and a tight black pencil skirt. Her hair is curled to perfection and those plump red lips are sending me on over drive.

"Hola!" That husky voice...It takes all of my energy not to drool and to keep my mouth closed, but I can't stop staring at her.

"Hola!" Ruby greets and gives the woman a tight hug. She then turns to me and oh my god that smile is to die for! If I weren't mistaken, I'm sure she checked me out for a brief moment. I know I'm not crazy.

"¿Y quien est este?" This woman speaking Spanish is pure heaven to my ears!

"Oh!" Ruby chuckles. I chuckle as well because of how giddy she is at the moment. "This is my girlfriend Emma."

"Hi..." I wave shyly. The woman holds out her hand giving me a light chuckle.

"Hi. I'm Regina." I take her hand and feel so many butterflies in my stomach. I mean, I'm sorry to say...Ruby is hot, but Regina is panty dropping gorgeous! Our eyes lock making me want to know what's going on in that beautiful brain of hers.

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