Part 1

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I used to have it all. I used to have the perfect boyfriend, the perfect friends and the perfect life. Then I went and threw it all away. I just couldn't handle it though. Being in the spot light all the time, just wasn't my sort of thing. I was used to the quiet life and just being able to walk the streets without having your photograph taken by every person that passed you; people coming up to you to ask your boyfriend for his autograph or being asked for an interview by every single person that walked past you in the street. I hated it and I couldn't live with it.

In case your wondering, Tom Parker is my boy...I mean ex-boyfriend. You know, Tom Parker from The Wanted who has slowly risen to fame around the world. Had an arena tour, two albums with a third on the way and eight singles with a ninth on the way. Yeah, I was stupid to leave Tom Parker but I really couldn't handle all this change. I didn't want to leave him, you gotta believe me when I say that but I just didn't think I had a choice. It was either get used to the fame and get over it or it was leave Tom and let him get on with his life while I get on with mine. I just couldn't imagine myself ever getting used to the fame, so I took the coward's way out. I left Tom and I haven't seen him since then.

The night it happened, I rang my bestfriend, Lauren, who had always been there for me and she picked me up. The only thing which made this difficult was the fact Lauren was also Jay's younger sister - she promised to keep it a secret though which is why I trusted her and asked for her to help me...and no one else. I packed all my stuff up before Tom got home from his night out and once he had passed out on the bed; I told Lauren it was time. It was time to leave my old life behind and get on with my new life. They only thing I left Tom was was a letter. But there was one thing I left out. I didn't tell him that I was carrying his child...

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