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|| Authors Note: I know most skephalo books describe Darryl as having blonde hair, but his hair is actually brown, so that's how I will state it.||

Zak and his mother lived by themselves for his whole life. He never knew who his father was, and frankly, neither did she. Despite everything, however, she was still a good mother.

Zak also had a boyfriend, Clay, who he loved with all his heart. Zak thought that Clay would never leave him and that one day they could have a life of their own where they would get married and have kids- a life where they could just be happy.

It was a typical school day for Zak, and he was hanging out with his friends Vincent and Darryl by his locker when Clay pulled him aside.

"Hey, can you meet me by the playground in 5?" He asked. Zak, of course, agreed.

"Sure," he said. "I'll see you soon."

Zak was excited, thinking that maybe Clay would give him some flowers or maybe they could have a nice picnic. He wandered to the playground, pondering what he might say to the boy.

When Zak arrived, Clay put his hand softly on the boys back, guiding him to the nearby neighborhood lake.

"Zak, I'm sorry." he began to rant as they walked. "It's not my fault."
"You're taking to long, I just couldn't hold back anymore."
"She was so beautiful, it was impossible to resist her."

Zak froze. He didn't know what to think. Is Clay trying to say that he cheated on Zak? That he doesn't want to be with him anymore? This was a man he trusted, the man he expected to spend the rest of his life with. His eyes began to feel hot as he began to cry, slowly, silently, letting the tears drip off his cheeks and onto the ground, one by one. Clay simply stood there, watching with an unamused facial expression, knowing this was the kind of reaction he expected out of the young boy.

Zak began to walk away, not a run, not in any rush, but with slow movements. His tears continued to fall, and he decided to go home. He walked down the sidewalk all the way back to his home, which took him nearly half an hour, as he usually took the bus. Wishing he had a car, the Junior unlocked the door to his house and walked in.

His mother was sat on the couch, doing some school work, as she was a teacher.

"Hi, sweetheart!" Zak's mother said enthusiastically.

"Hello, mom." Zak said sadly, making it obvious something was wrong.

She looked up at the boy to see what was upsetting him, only to be met with his tears running down his face.

"Oh, baby, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Uh...yeah mom, I'm fine." He began heading upstairs to his room where he could bawl his eyes out.

Once Zak had finished crying, he decided to head downstairs, where he smelt what he assumed to be lasagna. His mother pulled it out of the oven.

'Perfect timing' Zak thought, licking his lips. He was hungry.

"Hey, sweetheart." His mom said calmly, not mentioning the previous events.

"Hey mom," He replied. "That looks delicious."

"Bon appétit"

Zak sat down along with his mother and began to dig in. She, however, didn't move her fork from where it was placed. Noticing this, Zak looked up at her.

"What happened earlier?" She asked, not knowing what to expect in response.

"Ah- it's nothing." Zak said as his eyes began to water

"No, really, what happened?"

"Nothing!!" A single tear fell down onto his cheek.

"Okay Zak, you're gonna tell me what's wrong right now." She said firmly.


"Yes! I can only help you if you tell me what's wrong!" They began yelling at this point.

"Maybe I can't!" Zak said, knowing his mom wouldn't understand how he felt.

"Well, you're going to have to!"

"Fine!" Zak said, done with her. "You want to know what happened? I'll tell you! It's... it's Clay. He... broke up with me... It's - I - I'm gay, mom"

"Excuse me?"

695 words

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