Prologue - An Unusual Sight

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Harsh sunlight lit up the sky above, illuminating the area around the house. Vaniville Town was quite bland, nothing really happened in such a small town anyway.

However, one fateful day would change the course of my future.

The sun was at its peak in the sky over the park. I had decided to take a stroll around, not wanting to stay indoors during such amazing weather.

Young couples and families filled the park as they went about their days. Some new trainers playing around with their pokemon, some more experienced people training theirs to get stronger. But I wouldn't need to concern myself with any of those people. On the first day I had moved to Vaniville five years ago, I came across this secluded area, away from the rest of the world, locked away in what seemed like a hidden grotto.

The trees covered the area perfectly, reducing the harsh sunlight. There was also a small pond that lead out toward the main lake where multiple water type pokemon could be found relaxing in the water. At the age of nine I had moved to Vaniville with my mother and still five years later, I found myself in this area very often.

Today, however, my eyes caught a glimpse of something unusual. It was a sight that I had never seen in such a serene and tranquil area such as this.

An injured pokemon that I did not recognise was huddle by the side of a tree. It's blue skin had been scratched indicating that another pokemon had attacked the poor creature.

Slowly, I made my way over to the pokemon, careful not to startle it. As I got closer I was able to get a closer look at the pokemon. It had very light blue skin with a white underbelly as well a snake like body that couldn't have been more that two metres long. Small fins protruded from the side of the pokemon's head so I got the picture that it was a water type pokemon that I had never met before.

The pokemon looked over to me as I approached it slowly, it's beady purple-black eyes staring directly as me. It made no effort to rush away so I assumed that is was comfortable with me coming near.

Soon I was within breathing distance, the pokemon still staring directly at me. I crouched beside it, not wanting to make any sudden movements.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to hurt you."

My hushed whispers seemed to put the pokemon at ease. I could tell that it was hurt but it was doing it's best to shake off the pain. I had been studying pokemon at home since I had moved here but this was completely new to me.

"Do you need to be taken to a pokemon center?"

The pokemon was confused at my question, unsure how to answer. I realised that it was the wrong question to ask so I tried again.

"Are the pokemon that hurt you still around?"

As if on cue, the cry of a pokemon jerked my head to the left, in the direction of the clearing. In the space, two small wolf like pokemon stood bearing their fangs toward me. Their black underbelly was well covered by their thick grey fur and I recognised these two pokemon as the trouble makers that would often try to pick on the pokemon that lived around here. The creature beside me huddled behind my body, clearly scared of the two pokemon.

"Hey don't be scared. I'll deal with them so you can feel safe again."

Most times, the protector of this group of pokemon, a Florges, watches over this clearing. The pokemon possessed strength that would scare most attackers away in the first place but any that became brave were sent home packing.

However, she wasn't here at the moment. So it was up to me to protect the rest of the pokemon here. I was too young to be allowed to train any pokemon so all I could do was dissuade the Poochyena from attacking anyone.

Other small pokemon gathered around, anxious to see what would happen so their trust was placed in me of all people.

"You shouldn't be so mean to other pokemon, they didn't do anything to deserve it!"

A few of the surrounding pokemon cheering in agreement causing the two wolf pokemon to snarl at my statement. Their options were limited but as the saying goes; a creature's most dangerous when its backed into a corner.

Then out of nowhere, one of them charged forward directly toward me, teeth glowing white. All I could was raise my arms to try and protect my face however, contact was never made.

I opened my eyes, wondering how I was still unscathed. My gaze fell on the blue snake pokemon that had jumped into the way and had taken the attack in my place. I took a step forward to ensure that the pokemon was alright but my doubts were extinguished when she turned and nodded toward me, signalling that she was ready for battle.

I had never had a pokemon battle with me before so I had absolutely no experience when it came to them. However, I had pokemon looking to me for help, I couldn't afford to back down now. Once again, the same Poochyena charged forward, its teeth glowing white.

All I could do was give directional advice as I called out, "Move to the left!"

The snake pokemon followed the instructions and swiftly evaded the attack. The reckless charge caused the pokemon to stumble into a rock, losing balance as it fell over.

"Now's the chance! Attack!"

After watching countless pokemon battles on TV and on the computer I was able to recognise the move used as twister, a dragon type move. The snake pokemon leaped into the air, twisting its body, creating a blue coloured vortex out of thin air. The attack hit its target head on and even I wondered if anyone could survive the strong attack.

When the vortex dissipated, the Poochyena was knocked out on the floor, unable to continue battling.

"One hit was all it took. What is this pokemon?" I whispered under my breathe.

The second attacker turned tail and fled, not wanting to be on the receiving end of another one of those attacks. All of the other pokemon rejoiced as the threat had been dealt with. They rushed to the side of the snake pokemon, cheering her for the victory.

The sun was no longer visible through the trees, so I guessed that it was now the evening. I knew it was time to leave and go back home. As I left, I made an internal promise to return to the clearing as often as I could to check up on the pokemon.

Almost everyday since then for the last two years, I had visited the area, increasing the relationship I had with the park's pokemon, especially this new, mysterious pokemon.

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