Letting Go

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The following day after Elaine's victory in the Laverre pokemon showcase, the two of us had decided to head to our next destination, Dendemille Town. Neither of us had any business there, as there was no gym or performance stadium, it was a small town that allowed us to rest before setting off on the second leg of our journey to Anistar City.

"I'm feeling kind of light headed, mind if we rest here for a second?"

Slowly, the light blonde removed the backpack from her shoulders before sitting down to lean on a large oak tree. I wasn't going to push her further considering she was clearly feeling unwell, so I decided to sit beside her, taking the chance to catch my breathe.

"Sorry, I'm just- I'm just feeling a little nauseous."

From her stuttering, it was clear that Elaine needed her rest which also provided an opportunity for my pokemon to train for a while as she caught her breathe. Within seconds, the light blonde was drifting in and out of sleep, her head occasionally falling onto my shoulder as she fell into slumber every so often.

Noticing something was wrong, I sat up, shifting my body toward a dozing Elaine. I raised my right hand to her forehead, noticing that her temperature was a little too high. As I lifted my second hand up to her face, I felt a sudden stinging sensation in my eyes, causing me to recoil in pain, landing on my back.

"Aaron? Are you alright? What happened?"

I couldn't answer truthfully, unsure why I had actually sprung backward all of a sudden. Fortunately, the burning feeling in my eyes seemed to calm down as I sat back up, leaning over to the woozy light blonde.

"I'm alright, don't worry about me. You need to rest."

We were both facing each other, only a few inches apart. Elaine opened her eyes as she emerged from sleep, staring into mine.

"Aaron... I don't want to alarm you but your eyes are doing the thing again."

Confused by what she meant, I asked to elaborate. The light blonde took a deep gulp before opening her mouth to continue.

"They're not purple anymore. Th-they look gold again, like they did at the restaurant."

I didn't want to panic her so I as I acknowledged what she stated, I encourage her to rest and recover her strength. Slowly, she leaned back onto the tree. I raised both of my hands instinctively reaching to her temples. As I rested my hands at the sides of her head, I felt a sudden wave of something wash over me.

As the light blonde allowed herself to fall asleep, I felt my vision beginning to brighten, just like how it did when I was at the mysterious grey stone bricked temple.

I had no choice but to succumb to the vivid lights as my eyes naturally closed, not wanting to be blinded.


As I opened my eyes, I noticed that I wasn't near the grassy path that I was originally at. Instead, I had awoken to the sight of a moderately sized house which stood isolated at the end of the road.

Bewildered at how I arrived here, I frantically looked around, desperate for answers. Just as I turned slightly to my right, I was startled by a certain light blonde haired girl who stared longingly at the house before her.


My question was answered as the girl turned to face me, shocked that I was standing beside her. She asked how I was even here but after a few minutes of explaining, she realised that even I had no idea what had happened. As I asked about our location, the light blonde thought her response over for a few seconds before replying,

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