The Elite Challenge

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Hearing the revelation of Lysandre's rise to champion status, I immediately knew where I had to go. Wherever the corrupted man went, his terrorist organisation was sure to follow. In addition to that, I would finally be able to confront the Elite Four on why they sat back while Team Flare ran rampant across the region.

"Do you have to go so soon?"

I looked up from my thoughts to see a concerned look on a light blonde's face. The locks of her hair were held neatly behind her ears, showing off her viridescent eyes. An apprehensive expression crawled onto my face as I could only reply in one way.

The two of us were sat on a park bench, watching the bright sun set over the horizon. The orange rays danced over the grassy field before us, lighting up the wild park pokemon in an peachy hue.

"Lysandre isn't going to wait for me before he starts to exercise his new power."

An understanding nod was all that I received from Elaine. As much as I wanted to stay with her, I had signed myself up for the duty of taking care of Team Flare. In turn, that involved making sure Lysandre was apprehended so, I had to leave as soon as possible.

"J-Just make sure you get back alright."

I understood the risk I was taking by going to Lysandre so the visible stress on Elaine's face was not surprising to me. A reassuring smile crept onto my face, wanting to keep the light blonde calm.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'll get back in one piece."


"Aegislash use sacred sword to finish the battle!"

"Use leaf storm to finish Barbaracle, Sceptile."

"Arcanine use fire blast to end the match."

"Dragon rush now Dragonite."

Following the final victory over Malva, the Elite Four were defeated by my hand. Now, no-one stood between Lysandre and I, the path between us forced open by my pokemon and I.

"Well, well, well. I should have expected that from you Aaron."

I looked up from recalling Dragonite to the other side of the battlefield to my opponent. Her vibrant pink hair remained still as she crossed the field, making her way over to me. The high heels she wore caused her to extend an inch above me in height. Through her orange tinted lenses, her tangerine eyes stared daggers at me.

"You're the infamous trainer who had stood against Team Flare all too often."

The atmosphere between us had become extremely tense, the Elite Four member visibly displeased with me. I held my ground, steadfast to her intense gaze. She let out a short breathe, straightening her posture as she continued.

"Who would have thought a runt like you would be going through to challenge the champion?"

From her tone and previous words, I could tell Malva felt a hatred toward me. So, I could only assume that she was somewhat involved in the group's terror attacks.

"I guess you work for Team Flare then?"

Malva let out a light chuckle before shaking her head gently. I waited for her to elaborate but for the seconds that followed, she remained quiet.

"Somewhat, but not any more. I prefer to keep my hands clean when it comes to that group but that's not my business."

I was confused as to how someone who openly admitted to being a part of Team Flare had been able to secure a place in the region's Elite Four. Malva must have sensed my confusion as a small smile crept onto her face as she took another step forward. Her steel gaze pierced through her orange tinted lenses as I felt her eyes on me.

"I've also heard you have a gift, Aaron."

Once more, I remained silent, not wanting to converse about the 'gift' I was forced to possess. However, I could tell that the Elite Four member had come to know about my mysterious power.

"So my guess is that Lysandre will see you as somewhat useful to his plans. Don't throw away the opportunity life is presenting you with, young trainer."

It would take much more than Malva's hardly convincing words for me to side with Lysandre and Team Flare. My expression displayed my answer clearly, allowing the Elite Four member to pick up on my thoughts.

"As the strongest trainers of the region, why didn't you help to protect the innocent people that were subjected to pain from Team Flare? Instead, the four of you stayed here, allowing a terrorist organisation to run wild in your region. How are people like you entrusted with such authoritative titles?"

As I spoke, I felt my eyes begin to burn up. I knew what was happening but I made no attempt to conceal the shift in colour. For now, I needed to know why the Elite Four had stayed in the shadows while terrorists plagued the region. The muscles in my arms began to tense, my fist clenching tightly as I felt anger overcome my body.

A light chuckle from Malva didn't help to answer the question. She adjusted her orange tinted lenses before shifting her weight from one foot to another. I could see her mind trying to piece together a response when in truth, I could see that neither Elite Four member had a valid excuse.

"The proposal presented to us by Lysandre was convincing enough for the four of us to turn a blind eye to Team Flare."

Malva held her speech, taking a deep breathe before continuing.

"Diantha, on the other hand, felt otherwise to Lysandre's plan, unhappy with the number of people and pokemon that would inevitably be harmed as Team Flare went about their business."

The reason being told to me was not convincing in the slightest. As strong trainers, it became an unwritten rule to protect those who lacked the strength to protect themselves. Elaine had showed me this path and as I walked it, I realised the responsibility that was thrust upon me. Instead of turning tail, I knew to look out for the weak.

So, a sick tasted filled my mouth as I listened to the nonsense spurting from Malva's lips. Her orange irises unflinching as she spoke.

"Lysandre dealt with Diantha, removing her from the picture with our help. Now that the strongest trainer in the region was out of the way, he was sure no-one could put a stop to his plans."

Disgust filled my eyes as I told myself to keep calm. I could not believe what I was hearing, from an Elite Four member nonetheless.

"You see, Aaron. Money talks. As a child, you wouldn't be expected to see the world in the same light as us, adults. The truth is, this planet is filled with war and corruption. The equality between humans and pokemon alike never existed, and it never will."

I saw truth in the final part of Malva's words. Just from travelling around the region, I was able to build a fraction of the picture of inequality in the world. From the lack of healthcare in Geosenge to the modern machinery in Lumiose, I could see that not everything was equal.

I hated myself for giving Malva and the Elite Four a small percentage of slack. But, I could not forgive their excuse of 'money talking'. That was the lowest of the low and to think that such renowned trainers were influenced so easily.

"That's not an excuse, Malva. The world, let alone the region, would be plunged into another war, causing greater devastation than the last!"

Slowly, the Elite Four member shook her head, showing that she disagreed with my words.

"As I thought."

She let out a short sigh before ushering me out of the fiery chamber. I knew that I didn't want to stay here for any longer than I had to. Lysandre awaited and I couldn't stop now.

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