sympathy for the parents

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It was bright and early in the morning and the hospital was already abuzz

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It was bright and early in the morning and the hospital was already abuzz. Patients walked the halls; some holding IV poles, others being wheeled along by loved ones. Nurses and doctors were scattered, some like walking zombies coming off of a long, gruelling shift and then there were others, like Phoebe, whose day had just begun.

Phoebe had gotten to the hospital at dawn, up before the sun. Now, after a few hours, the sun filtered through the abundance of windows as Phoebe animatedly chatted to her friends. Huddled by the nurses station was Phoebe, April and Jackson. All were in between patients grabbing charts and trying to catch up.

"So... how's being the chief's assistant?" Phoebe teased as she wrote on a chart, sparing April a glance as a mischievous smile took over her face.

"Ha. Ha." April responded sarcastically. "I'm not his assistant. He just needed some help and I mean it's the least I can do for him. Dr Shepherd did get me my job back." She continued defensively.
Jackson snickered as he held back an eye roll.

"He needed some help huh? I bet you were more than happy to lend a helping hand?" Jackson said playfully as he rose a brow, a hinting smirk on his lips.

A disgusted frown covered April's face as she shook her head. She snapped closed her chart and said, "you disgust me. That's just so... crude! Disgusting!" April muttered as she walked away from the giggling pair.

Phoebe nudged Jackson after she regained her breath, "That was so uncalled for."

"What?" Jackson spluttered out. "You were just laughing about it. I thought I was going to have to get you an oxygen mask." He exaggerated.

"I never said it wasn't funny. Just kind of uncalled for... maybe you have been spending too much time with me. You've come to the dark side." Phoebe dramatically exclaimed, still half focusing on her work.

This time Jackson did not hold back his eye roll, and shook his head at Phoebe's dramatics. He had been spending a lot of time with her but they lived together and worked together. It was practically impossible for them not to be together, not that he was complaining. His only complaint was that recently she had been spending an awful lot of her evenings off at a certain nurse's apartment. When he wasn't with Phoebe, he was probably with Charles and she seemed to always come up in conversation anyway so really she was inescapable. She was a permanent, certain element of his life, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Jackson's thoughts were interrupted by the grey haired attending. Mark leant against the desk on Phoebe's other side, his steely blue eyes trained on the resident.

"So you go on dates with nurses but not me?" He jibbed playfully.

Phoebe looked up at the new voice, rolling her eyes at Mark's comment. This caught Jackson's attention, he kept his ears peaked while he focused his eyes on his chart, appearing as uninterested as he could.

do no harm.   - j. averyWhere stories live. Discover now