mystery of love

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Phoebe spotted the other brunette slouching by the coffee cart, she locked eyes on her target and charged

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Phoebe spotted the other brunette slouching by the coffee cart, she locked eyes on her target and charged. As she got near she called out Callie's name causing the fatigued attending's head to dart towards her. A guilty expression took over Callie's face once she saw Phoebe, especially when she saw the girls disapproving look.

Phoebe got to Callie's side and the attending immediately started, "look I know I shouldn't have dumped the work on you to force you to have a conversation you didn't want. I'm just annoyed and upset that Arizona's avoiding me so I took it out on you."

Phoebe's eyes softened as she saw the stress rolling off of her friend. "Hey no. I mean it kind of worked."

Callie's face lit up with intrigue, her desire for information energising her like her beloved caffeinated gold. "You talked to him?"

"Yeah we grabbed a drink and talked... then went back to mine and didn't talk." Phoebe ended with a smirk.

"Shut up!" Callie gasped before smugly adding, "See? I'm always right." Phoebe nudged her lightly before a comfortable silence took over them."Was he good?"

The girls laughed and Phoebe divulged the details of her night with her... Ethan before they finally ordered their coffee's. They carried on sharing stories and tiptoeing around Callie's relationship issues which she definitely didn't want to talk about without a litre of vodka to hand. Callie's pager rang out so she rushed to the ER while Phoebe stayed at their little table for a moment of peace. Her alone time was interrupted by the scrape of a chair and as she opened her eyes she saw the innocent faces of her roommates.

"Hi." Charles greeted as he threw himself down on the chair. Jackson sat down somewhat more elegantly, and less ape-ish.

"You good? You've still got a few more hours until your shift ends, can't give out on us yet." Jackson teased with a hint of concern.

"No, I'll be good, just need this coffee to kick in." Phoebe assured with a gentle smile.
Charles looked between them with a suspicious eye.

"So Phoebe how's the nurse? Ethan, right?" Charles questioned loudly breaking the soft silence that followed the gentle, sleep-riddled exchange.
Phoebe raised her dark eyebrow, confusion swimming in her eyes as she tried to understand the sudden shift in conversation. Jackson stared at her, awaiting her reaction over his own coffee cup. Completely nonchalantly.

"He's fine. Why?" Phoebe leant back into her chair. An instinctual frown took over Jackson's face and it was gone the next second, but it was there long enough for Charles to catch a glimpse.

"I just wasn't sure if I heard something last night." Charles nonchalantly replied, failing to hide his teasing smile.

"Charlie!" Phoebe scolded before her embarrassment was interrupted by a yawn. "I'm leaving this conversation now." She advised with a stretch before retreating back to her shift.

"I knew it." Charles whispered in victory as he watched Phoebe's figure disappear.

"What are you talking about now?" Jackson asked.

"Oh no. You're not fooling me. You totally like her?" Charles pointed at Jackson, a crazed sort of happiness taking over his face.

"Who?" Jackson replied in ignorance.

"Okay you're pretty but not dumb. Phoebe, you moron." Charles straight faced at his painfully oblivious friend.

"Phoebe? Well I mean, obviously I like her she's my best friend-" Jackson went to continue but was interrupted.

"First of all- ouch. Second of all, I'm not buying it. You're in love with her, and at first I thought I was seeing things and then that you were just clueless but it's so obvious now!" Charles explained proudly, already noting to buy some earplugs for the apartment.

"Okay, you've lost your mind." Jackson established as he stood from his chair, moving away from Charles.

"You're in denial." He retorted loudly. His deep voice travelling through the quiet night atmosphere of the hospital.
"Dude. Just think about it." Percy called out, letting Jackson leave with the lingering thought of the earthy eyed beauty.

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