sad together

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"Can we talk?"

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"Can we talk?"

Phoebe looked up from her shoes into the emerald eyes of Jackson Avery, the brown specks of his eyes matching those scattered across his face. Phoebe's eyes graced over his features taking in his small shadow of a smile. She hadn't been this close to him in what felt like years, her mind went blank for a second as she gazed at him before snapping back to reality.

"Um yeah." Phoebe nervously replied before they made eye contact. "Yes, lets go." Phoebe confirmed with more confidence as she took ahold of his hand and led him into an empty hallway. Phoebe came to a stop once they were alone but Jackson quickly took control and grasped her arms and guided her into the bedroom behind them.

Slightly startled Phoebe took in her surroundings and Jackson closed the bedroom door. She slowly recognised the crumpled clothes across the floor and the shoes thrown half hazardously. It was his new room, in his new house. Phoebe turned to face the man to find him close behind. They took each other in, inspecting for changes, injuries, anything.

"Hi." Phoebe smiled.

"Hi." Jackson mimicked, as they shared sweet smiles.

"How are you?" Phoebe asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm okay, I guess. I uhh- how have you been?"

"Not great honestly but I think I'm getting there. Or at least starting to."

"That's good. I was kind of lying before, life's sucked. Like a lot." Jackson breathed out a laugh at his previous lie and Phoebe joined in with a nod of understanding.

A content silence settled over the pair as Jackson looked down at Phoebe, he gently took a hold of her hand, timid in his hold worried that she'd pull away. She didn't.

"Are we- are we going to talk about it?" Jackson quietly asked. Phoebe intertwined her fingers with his, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze which encouraged Jackson to grasp her tighter.

"I don't know what to say." Phoebe earnestly replied.

"Well.." Jackson started before softly asking, "Have you feelings changed?"

"For you? No." Phoebe replied, shaking her head in conviction, her hair flew around her shoulders in her passion.

"Have yours?" Phoebe timidly asked, loosening her grip on his hand for a second before Jackson grasped them both.

"Of course not." He smiled.

"But I- I don't know if I can." Phoebe tried but found herself struggling to explain. Jackson simply looked at her in confusion, never loosening his hold.
"I feel-" Phoebe paused, taking a deep breath to collect her thoughts, the pressure on her hand relieved the fog from her mind.
"I feel bad. Guilty." She explained. "I feel guilty that I survived and I don't know how to deal with that, how to cope with that. And I don't want to be happy because I feel like I shouldn't be. That I can't be but if I was with you, I know that I would be happy and I just can't do that. I can't let myself, not yet. And things with Ethan only ended a few weeks ago, it seems...too soon." Phoebe struggled to explain. A silence settled over them once again and Phoebe glanced up at Jackson, worried to see a frown on his face. However, his face held a gentle, reminiscent smile.

"You know, I never would have said anything to you if it wasn't for Charles." He advised in a light tone.

"What?" Phoebe asked in shock, thinking that the whole thing was unknown to Charles.
"I didn't even realise how I felt about you but somehow he knew. Said he'd known for ages and was just waiting for me to catch up. He wouldn't stop bugging me about it and I was so sure that you were just my friend, my best friend. But he showed me that I was wrong, that you were always so much more than that and always would be. To him you were like his little sister and all he ever wanted was for you to be happy. And to tease you about it along the way." Jackson chuckled out his sincere explanation. He watched as tears filled her eyes but a joyful grin took over her face as she thought of her lost friend and how he knew what she never got to tell him.

"It just sucks that we didn't get to say goodbye." Phoebe muttered as she leant into Jackson, cowering into his comforting embrace as they wrapped around each other.

"I know." Jackson muttered into her hair.
"But we didn't need to." Jackson offered as he smiled and placed a kiss on the top of her head. "We showed him every day how much we cared."

Phoebe tightened her grip before chuckling out, "You're such a softie."
The pair smiled adoringly at one another as they shared soft laughs, relief flooding them at the spark of happiness and comfort that they found in one another.

After a moment of bliss, Jackson moved his hands up to cup her jaw as he looked contently into her eyes. Phoebe gave him a gentle, encouraging smile as her hands slid to his chest and rested around his neck. Jackson lowered his head to rest his forehead on hers before they met each other with a delicate kiss. They poured their love into that one moment, holding each other, cherishing one another and expressing what they could not say.

do no harm.   - j. averyWhere stories live. Discover now