soft place to land

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It was the end of a gruelling shift; Phoebe's scrubs had been ruined, the thought nearly enough to put her off food, her feet were sending sharp pains up her legs from running around the hospital for hours and she couldn't wait to go home and relax

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It was the end of a gruelling shift; Phoebe's scrubs had been ruined, the thought nearly enough to put her off food, her feet were sending sharp pains up her legs from running around the hospital for hours and she couldn't wait to go home and relax.

She stood in the lobby waiting impatiently for her roommates when a cheery blonde bounced over to her. Arizona gave Phoebe a beaming smile before greeting her.

"Hey, what are you still doing here? I thought you would have been halfway in bed after today."

Phoebe let out a tired laugh as she rubbed her forehead. "Yeah I wish. I'm just waiting for Jacks and Charlie."

A less enthusiastic Callie joined her girlfriend's side giving Phoebe a friendly grin before adding, "Well you are welcome to come to ours, Mark's coming round for dinner and you are more than welcome to take him off our hands."

"As fun as that sounds," Phoebe started sarcastically, "I'm going to have to pass. It's roommate night."

"Huh?" Callie asked.

"Roommate night. We all had the same shift so we are going home to slob out on the sofa with a takeout and a movie. We try to do it every month otherwise we don't really see each other outside of the hospital." Phoebe laughed at the irony of not seeing the people she lives with actually at home.

"Oh that sounds so cute." Arizona added, "maybe we should have a roommate night." She commented quietly to Callie with a suggestive raised eyebrow.

Phoebe could see her roommates turning the corner into the lobby and had never been more thankful to see their faces.
"And on that note, I'll leave you two alone. See you later." Phoebe scurried off to join her friends, escaping the uncomfortable sexual tension between her attendings.

"You guy's do not know how good your timing is." Phoebe greeted her friends, relief plastered over her face as she leant on Jackson's arm. Jackson's eyes darted to Charles', remembering his words from the day before, Charles simply wore a smug grin as he spoke to Phoebe feeling Jackson's eyes on him. Jackson awkwardly wrapped an arm around the girl as he wished that Percy had never opened his mouth.

As soon as the trio reached their apartment they were showered and changed into sweats before sitting down to decide what to order. The conversation lasted half an hour before Phoebe made the executive decision of pizza and raced to the phone to order, leaving the boys in charge of the movie.

"So what movie are we thinking?" Charles asked, "Friends with Benefits?" He carried on in a joking tone.

"Seriously?" Jackson groaned. "You've got to stop, she could hear you." He whispered harshly, checking over his shoulder.

"Please she's talking about pizza, she can't hear anything right now." Charles retorted before continuing, "Have you realised that you love her yet?"

"No, but you keep putting these thoughts in my head and it's not cool. I can't think about her like that." Jackson stressed. Ever since Charles brought it up, Jackson couldn't get the idea out of his head and it was messing with him. Whenever he saw Phoebe all he could think about was how it felt to comfort her or how she was always the one he went to when something went wrong, how she dropped everything to help him when his grandfather was sick. But also how pretty she looked first thing in the morning when her hairs a little messed up. Or how bright her eyes get when she laughs. Or how his chest tightens when she sends him a playful smirk. But he couldn't think of her like that. They were friends.

"But you are." Charles simply retorted.

"Only because of you." Jackson pointed out, his voice in a higher pitch than usual.

"No, it's only because I pointed it out. You've always found her hot, now me, I find her annoying and like a sister. You do not think of her as a sister." Charles advised in a matter of fact tone of voice.

"Well yeah, finding her attractive isn't the same as having feelings for her." Jackson tried to counter, but failed by the look on Charles face.

"Okay fine. Does the idea of being in a relationship with her disgust you?" Charles asked, tired of the back and forth.

He was met with silence.

"See? The thought of kissing her makes me want to break out in hives. Like, I'm so uncomfortable right now." Charles concluded, fidgeting in his seat to stress his point.

"The food is on its wa- why are you so quiet, what's happened?" Phoebe asked as she walked into the room, sensing the uneasy atmosphere.

"Nothing. We were just hoping you weren't going to come back." Charles lied, his usual smug smile covering his face

"Funny. I had the exact same conversation with your mother last week." Phoebe countered with a sarcastic smile, she drew a scoff from Charles and a breathy laugh from Jackson who tried to avoid eye contact. She threw herself onto the couch as Charles put on a random film.

Phoebe fell asleep on the couch that evening cuddled into Jackson's side. As he wrapped his arm around her waist, a million thoughts flew through his mind as he reconsidered the girl sat beside him and maybe he had loved her all along. But maybe he realised too late.

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