"Tori..." Ally called making her not budge.

Not one bit, she just continued to stare out the window. Ally slowly walked over to her and being a the short person she was, she had to walk with long strides or it'll take forever to get to her.

Once she reached Tori, she had tears spilling out her eyes like a river. Her eyes showed the only feeling she never saw in Tori eyes, even when they hated and messed around at times. No not sexual, but that did happen once which they told each other to pretend like it didn't happen. As if Tori was reading Ally mind, she spoke exactly about that time.

"I can't forget..." She said softly.

"Can forget what?" Ally asked curiously.

"I can't forget about the time where we...gotten close." She said as innocently as possible.

Oh, that's why Ally hated her, because of one drunken night, Tori took her virginity. But Ally wasn't really mad about that, she was scared about what will happen the next day. Hearing Tori speak made Ally feel the urge to speak of it go away.

"I'm sorry Oreo, I shouldn't have lashed out on you that day...I was scared and panicked." Ally softly soothed as Tori smiled at the nickname.

Orea lol. Ally couldn't think of anything that would fit Tori's name. She definitely didn't want to call her Vic, Vicky, of anything with a V at all. So when she heard the or in Tori again she was like, Or...reo. OREO!

"You know I just pretended to hate you so I can stay close to you." Tori admitted making Ally blush.

"I...gosh darn it Tori." Ally says hiding her face with her hands.

"What did I do?" She asked.

"You being all cute and making me blush, ugh." Ally groaned as Tori adjusted herself.

"Hey Ally?" Tori called making Ally remove her hands.

"What?" Ally asked and Tori tackled her into a hug.

Who imagine, I'm cuddling the love of my life...Tori immediately shook that thought out of her head and just embraced the warmth from the younger and much smaller girl...

"Ew school." Dinah fake gagged.

Lately she hasn't been boxing and that's better to show up at school with hugs and kisses then bruises and cuts.

But lately she's been missing it a lot, so she vowed to train the entire week to finally defeat her enemy. He beat her everytime, but this time, she is winning for sure and no doubt. She has her good luck charm by her side as well so.

"We're here so don't get too caught up." Tori says sitting down as Ally sat down on her lap because she's too lazy to get one herself.

"Woah, is Tally rising?" Normani asked making Ally blush as Tori shrugged.

"Miss short blush cakes here could've easily just got a chair so I guess so." Dinah joked making Normani laugh.

"Hey leave her alone, and where is Camren?" Tori asked.

"No idea." Normani answered first before Dinah being Dinah answered.

"I don't know, probably making out or worse...fucking." She continued her jokes while Normani rolled her eyes.

Just then, Camila and Lauren came in shocked but were laughing like crazy.

"There they are." Normani pointed and they quickly sat next to us from the table behind.

"Okay we definitely did not go into a weed chamber." Camila blurted out as Lauren hushed her.

"They wasn't supposed to know." Lauren told her not even quiet herself.

"How stoned are you two?" Tori asked.

"Well taking that we actually...tried it...we are stoned." Lauren told everyone making their eyes bulge out of their sockets.

"You got my bestfriend high!?" Ally and Normani shouted making their classmates look at the situation curious now.

"Hey, we didn't know it was a weed chamber until the guy gave us some edibles and-" Camila cut herself off noticing how everyone is staring.

Uh oh.

Her face turned red and she coward herself into Lauren's jacket that she gave her after they ate the brownies. She wasn't even cold so she doesn't even know why she had it on for real. Lauren I guess felt her discomfort because the next second everyone was back into their own space as soon as Lauren spoke the words of...

"You all will be nippleless if you bitches continue to ease drop."

She was clearly high to even fuction what the hell she just said but I guess people wanted their nipples still attached to their chest.

"Is she okay?" Dinah asked seeing Camila currently hiding herself basically behind Lauren.

"I don't know." Ally softly said confused.

Also curious why Camila is so quiet and acting strange.

As they bickered back and forth about Camila, Lauren just being the friend she needs, even though they know that they are more than friends, cuddled up to Camila.

She felt more sober now and focused on what is the problem at hand, she needed to find out for safety and protection reasons. Rubbing her back softly, all she did was whisper all good things about Camila in her ear until she was less tense.

The bickering stop as they saw Camila smiling while she layed on Lauren's shoulder and her legs were wrapped around her waist as well. Lauren held her by the waist and continued to speak, but they couldn't hear a single word she was saying. But whatever she was saying must have been funny or good, because Camila couldn't stop smiling like a lovesick puppy.

"I bet you they're gonna kiss before the weekend." Dinah spoke making them all look at her.

"That's a whole 4 other days plus today, I don't even think they will make it to Wednesday without breaking." Tori explained.

"Okay stop speaking of my bestie with her...I don't even know what to call her." Normani says making them laugh.

"Her very good friend." Dinah emphasis making everyone groan while Dinah laughed.

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