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It's been almost four years and that prom night had finally bit them in their ass. Camila was getting ready to lock up the place until she hear bickering at the entrance of the bar.

"So Shawn, did you get the money?" This still, unknown guy speaks first in which Camila to clearly hear them.

"Not yet...I-I'm still working on it." Shawn muttered and Camila starts making her way to her office.

"Why are you so nervous, fag?" Austin hissed.

"That's enough! The police is still on the case of the missing Baker boy" Unknown huffed.

"The body is already gone by now, so they should just make their job easy and forget about the whole thing." Austin snickered.

"That boy's brother, I think his name is Colson, is on the case so I don't think they are going to just give it up." Unknown reassured and Austin smile faded.

"Look at you sounding smart, nerd." Austin took his toothpick out of his mouth before stuffing his hands back in his pockets.

"Whatever." Unknown says quietly.

Just then, a knock on the door had triggered all of them. Austin held the gun and the unknown guy puts his hand over it to hide it before opening the door. There they seen Dinah and Lauren, they were mostly scared of Dinah because even though she's shorter than them, she had a cold stare.

"Mendes and Mahone, how's it going buddies?" Lauren smirked realizing who they are.

"How do you know them?" This unknown person that Lauren and Dinah finally get to see asked.

"Relax Justin, we used to go to the same school." Lauren hit his chest and entered the bar.

The three white boys (no literally that's what they are) looked in between each other and watched as Lauren seen a paper than was being written just stopped. Her face fell and her eyes squinted before picking up the white sheet.

"Just came to check up on the bar, as usual Shawn, you should start locking up." Lauren hit his shoulder.

"Let's hurry this up Lauren, your wife is getting impatient." Dinah finally spoke causing the other three to swallow a lump in her throat.

"Your wife?" Justin asked.

"Oh yes, Camila and I are still very much together." Lauren locked eyes with Austin saying that.

"You bast-" Austin huffed.

"Relax Austin." Justin put his hand out and ushered for him to leave.

"Yes, relax Austin." Lauren waved.

"I'll take it that you own this place, it looks nice for someone your age having to own such a good business." Justin complimented and Lauren nodded.

"Uh, how long were you two out there?" Shawn wondered.

"We just walked up to the door and knocked on it, I also forgot my keys in Camila's office so let me go get that." Lauren ushered and they nodded.

It was just Dinah and the other two, she had a blank stare then felt a buzz in her pocket.

"Jeez, so impatient." Dinah mumbled as Justin looked at the phone suspiciously.

Dinah noticed his behavior and hit facetime on Normani's name.

"Hello Mufasa." Normani greeted first as she grabbed her plate and put it on the coffee table.

"Hey, how's JJ doing?" Dinah wondered.

"He fell asleep while eating dinner." Normani showed her with his face messy and so was hand as he slept with the dirty plate in his lap.

"Cute. I'll be home in ten minutes." Dinah smiled.

"Okay..." Normani trailed off as she stared off into the distance.

"Is she okay?" Justin raised an eyebrow slightly.

"Yep, she's just watching tv and is not paying enough attention to me." Dinah teased.

"I am!" Normani playfully scoffed and Dinah laughed softly.

"I'll see you soon." Dinah shakes her head.

"Whatever Deenah." Normani bit her bottom lip as Dinah hung up with a wave.

"Jeez." Dinah shakes her head before getting up as soon as Lauren leaves Camila office.

"Make sure to remember to lock up Shawn." Lauren walk out with her jacket now open and her glasses on.

"Yes ma'am." Shawn nodded and Lauren ushered Dinah to follow her.

As soon as they left, Lauren makes her way to the window where Camila's office is.

"Being small has it's perks." Camila straightened her outfit and Dinah realized.

"Were you in there the whole time?" Dinah questioned and Camila nodded.

"I also recorded the whole conversation, good thing I know Colson." Camila sighed and Lauren interlocked their hands.

"I'mma make sure she gets home safe, you better not get shot again." Lauren warned and Dinah flipped her off.

"I don't plan on it." Dinah laughed as she walked off.

She stopped seeing Lauren and Camila drive away then looked at Justin. Who was already looking at Dinah. Dinah remembered the day she was shot and she realized it was about to rain.

"Let's go J." Austin pat Justin on his back not realizing that Dinah was across the street from them.

Justin turned away from Dinah and walked off and Dinah pulled out her phone.

"Yo, wassup?" Dinah's assistant asked.

"Bring this man to the ring for me." Dinah sent a photo to her.

"Oh?" Dinah can feel a smirk through the phone.

"Call it revenge." Dinah sighed as she started walking home.

"Okay, it's booked." The assistant confirmed and Dinah smirked.

"I got to go, thanks." Dinah stuffed a hand in her pocket.

"No problem babes." Her assistant hung up the phone and Dinah started to make her way home.

After about, 20 minutes of walking/jogging/running, she finally made it there just in time to see Normani still watching TV and her kid still sleeping but cleaned up at least.

"Hello precious." Dinah walked over to Normani and was about to kiss her cheek but Normani moved her head to look at Dinah then got a kiss on the lips instead.

"Mm, hello." Normani pulled away first after about 3 seconds.

"Well let me tell you what happened today." Dinah sat down and Normani turned her attention to Dinah.

She explained everything and Normani was in shocked, then hit Dinah.

"You are excused from fighting for another year." Normani crossed her arms.

"What he did was a pussy move though." Dinah argued back.

"What's a pussy?" JJ yawned.

"Dinah!" Normani widened her eyes.

"I didn't know he was awake!" Dinah muttered only loud enough for Normani to hear.

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