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"Hey Wifey." Dinah greeted Normani seeing her approach the beach in a tank top and jean shorts.

"Hi DJ." Normani smiled as Dinah hands immediately fell onto her ass.

"I missed youu." Dinah connected their foreheads.

"Well after last night what did you expect me to walk?" Normani asked causing Dinah to laugh.

"You know how to boost my confidence." Dinah pulled away but Normani pulled her in for a kiss.

"Mommy!" JJ yells as soon as he spotted her.

"Woah slow down." Normani scooted him up in her arms after he ran through the sand to get to her.

"Are you feeling better?" JJ wondered.

"Yup, I feel perfectly fine." Normani pecked his cheek.

"Yay! Can we build a sand castle?" JJ eagerly questions.

"Sure." Normani agreed putting JJ down and letting him drag to the ocean as Dinah followed behind with a smile.

"Oh hey Normani, feeling better?" Yara asked and Normani gave her a thumbs up.

"Don't start the party without me." Dinah's smile grew seeing her little sister finally appear as Normani jumped onto Kamila.

Meanwhile Yara was starstrucked, Dinah and Kamila looked exactly the same basically twins in her eyes. Just one is possibly younger and she think it's the shorter one.

"Kamila..." Yara heard the name of Dinah's sister and that was all she needed to hear.

"So who's she?" Kamila asked appearing next to Yara causing her to jump back a little with a faint blush.

"Her name is Yara, she's my younger sister." Normani introduced and Kamila raised an eyebrow before looking between the two.

Leaning down, she holds out her for Yara as she speaks.

"Hi I'm Kamila." Kamila introduced and Yara shook her hand hesitantly.

"H-hi." Yara finally speaks and Kamila stands back up putting her hands on her hip.

"So DJ, I see you." Kamila points to the ring and Normani also look at it as she help JJ make his sand castle.

"I do what I do." Dinah shrugged before sitting down next to Normani.

JJ gets up and run to the shore to grab more wet sand.

"I forget he's my nephew." Kamila mentions slapping Dinah in the back of her head and running off towards JJ.

"Ouch." Dinah rubbed the back of her head.

"You look good shirtless." Normani complimented as she carved some details into the castle.

"Oh really?" Dinah smirked leaning forward to see Normani smiling.

"Mhm." Normani hummed pecking Dinah lips softly.

"Longer please." Dinah pouted and Normani rolled her eyes before planting a longer kiss.

"Alright you two, get a room you are making the whole beach gag." Kamila jokes causing Normani to put up her middle finger.

Kamila fake gasp and clamp her heart dramatically as Yara giggled.

"Ooh, how you do that mommy?" JJ asked trying to put his middle finger up.

"NO!" Normani puts his hands down and shakes her head.

"But why?" JJ whined.

"It's bad." Normani kisses his hands.

"Can I do it when I'm 16?" JJ asked happily.

"Sure." Normani agreed.

"Normani." Dinah says her name in a disappointing tone.

"Relax, he'll forget by tomorrow." Normani whispered.

"Oh okay." Dinah whispered back.

"Ooh, look what i found mommy!" JJ pulls away from his mom to pick up a crab that he kept in the bucket.

It took everyone a good minute to clock what it was before they yanked the animal out his hand and away from it. Which resulting into Normani's finger getting clawed.

"Owie owie!" Normani whined as Dinah pulled the the claws apart and drop the crab causing it to scatter away.

"I'm sowwy mommy." JJ hugged her and Normani brushed it as Dinah tended to the wound.

"It's fine, nothing major." Normani kiss him on his forehead and Yara passed Dinah a bandaid.

"Don't die now Mani." Kamila joked causing Dinah to punch her arm making her wince.

"Where's your ring?" Yaya asked softly and Normani looked at her.

"It's on Dinah's hand." Normani tells her and everyone wondered how or when that even happened.

Even Dinah forgot Normani put the ring on her finger, lol that's cute. After Normani finger felt more relieving, her and JJ continued the sand castle as Yara and Kamila chit chatting. Dinah was just chilling not really feeling the need to do anything.

"And done!" JJ jumps up and Dinah claps half asleep.

"That's look sick!" Kamila hyped.

"Yes it's really gorgeous." Yara praised as well.

"Oh right! I found something." JJ runs to get the item.

"Uh oh." Dinah stretches.

"See!" JJ comes back with a beautiful seashell and placed it on the castle.

Normani took a picture with JJ in it and one with him out of it. As soon as she finish taking the picture JJ reaches to grab the seashell again but ended up falling on top of the whole castle causing it to fall.

"I-" Kamila laughs.

Dinah face palms herself and Yara shakes her head with a smile. Normani starts burying JJ in the sand and he also thought it was a good idea.

"It's so soft, is this my cover mommy?" JJ says pretending he is sleep.

"Sure." Normani look back at Dinah with a knowing look and Dinah nod in understanding.

After Normani finishes, she gets up and so does Dinah.

"Y'all hungry?" Dinah asked causing JJ to hype up.

"Yup." Kamila stands up also helping Yara.

"YEAH!" JJ wiggles but he can't really move.

"Alright let's go." Normani ushered and they start walking off as the other two followed.

"Hey! What about me?!" JJ yells and starts wiggling even more before giving up.

He looks around seeing that he is alone and pouts. After a twenty seconds, Normani comes back helping him out because she wasn't going to leave him in their for more than a minute plus she was actually hungry and needed to get JJ cleaned up.

"Hmph, you left me." JJ crosses his arms and close his eyes but keep one secretly open.

"For twenty seconds." Normani stated putting her hands on her hips.

"Felt more like twenty years." JJ sassed.

"But I came back for you didn't I?" Normani hugged him and he hugged her legs.

"Hehe, I just wanted kisses." JJ smiled and Normani gave him his face kisses he so dearly love.

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