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"So...is this a quad-date?" Tori asked.

"I guess, welcome Megan." Normani gestured and Megan smiled innocently.

"Oh...this is going to be so awkward." Kehlani put her head in her hands.

"Cheer up Lani, at least someone who's actually cute find you interesting." Normani whispered as Kehlani gave her a death.

"How tall are you?" Camila started the interrogation.

"5'10." Megan told them.

"5'10?!" Ally choked on her water.

"Aye y'all gang!" Dinah shot her fingers at Megan causing her to laugh.

"Last name?" Camila continued

"Pete..." She trailed off.

"Cool, age?" Camila leaned in.

"24." Megan answered.

"Me too." Kehlani jumped in.

"Birthday?" Camila kept going.

"February 15." Megan smiled.

"So after Valentine's day?" Lauren asked.

"Yes, but I still want both gifts." She spoke in a straight forward way.

"Someone who's older than you." Normani ushered and Kehlani rolled her eyes.

"Well, you're an Aquarius." Lauren clapped before the food appeared.

"Ooh, hi I'm Megan, the woman who ordered at that table so..." Megan told them and the guy who was walking to her old table gave her her food.

"Thank you." They all harmonize as the waiters nodded before leaving.

After dinner, Normani picked JJ up and rested him on her hip.

"Did you enjoy your meal?" She asked him and he nodded tiredly so he rested his head on her shoulder.

Dinah interlocked their hands and kissed the back of Normani's hand.

"Ready to go home?" Dinah asked.

"Yes." Both JJ and Normani groaned...

"Lauren..." Camila trailed off playing with her fingernails as they sat in Lauren's car.

"Yes Camzi?" Lauren asked as she starts the car.

"Why did you choose me?" Camila asked.

"Because I liked you more than a friend would and now I love you." Lauren answered making Camila heart flutter before breaking.

"Do you want kids...with me?" She asked as Lauren pulled into the driveway of their house.

"I would love some one day." Lauren responded before taking the car keys out of the ignition.

"How would you feel if I told you that the doctor told me that having kids is pretty much impossible?" Camila asked as tears fell from her eyes.

Lauren looked at her instantly and seen the tears fall. Lauren got out causing Camila to full on sob and didn't even know that her door opened.

"I still love you no matter what Camzi." Lauren muttered as she hugged her tightly.

Camila didn't even respond, she just cried just as much as she cried when she found out. Lauren carried her into the house after locking both the car and the house up. Laying her down on the bed gently, Lauren kissed the now sleeping Cuban on her forehead before changing them both into something more comfortable to sleep in. Even though she loves Camila, it sucks that she can't have kids with her. But nothing's impossible, Lauren thought...

Tori tired Ally out to the point where she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Even though they just had sex without a condom, something didn't set right in Tori's stomach.

Marry the girl! Tori's angel yelled causing her to pop up.

For once, I'm agreeing, but take things slow because I don't want you and her to end up like your parents.

Tori agreed and decided to plan the proposal until whenever Ally gets pregnant. Turning to look at her hopefully soon to be wife, she look down at the sleeping sweaty beauty and seen her sleep very peacefully. Putting on some boxers, Tori put on her dog tags before climbing in bed herself.

Kissing Ally on the head goodnight, Tori found herself also drifting to sleep...

"JJ's sleeping." Normani leaned on the dresser.

Dinah nodded as she took off her shirt after taking off her shoes and socks. Normani looked down at her muscles and bit her lip. Dinah proceeded to take off her clothes but before she can take off her pants, she felt a pair of lips on her own. Pulling Normani closer to herself, Dinah turned them and pulled Normani's dress up so she can spread her legs wider...

JJ pretended to be sleep and got out of his bed carefully to not hurt himself before making his way out his room. He crawled over to the kitchen and climbed on top of the counter. He seen what he was looking for and happily went for them. He grabbed a cookie and went to climb off the counter. But before he can touch the ground, he slipped and landed on his ankle causing him to scream...

Dinah and Normani popped up after hearing a scream and quickly got dress. Normani being the first to get dress, rushed out to see her son crying on the floor while holding his ankle. She rushed to his side and picked him before setting him on the counter.

"Baby no, shoot. We have to get you to the hospital." Normani responded looking at the broken foot.

She kissed his forehead causing him to clutch onto her robe while still crying softly.

"It hurts!" He screams.

Dinah picks him up and places him on her shoulders before walking to the front door. He giggles as they move and Normani follows with the car keys in her hand...

It's morning now and everyone came over to Normani's place to visit Jaylen.

"How'd ya break your leg little fella?" Tori asked.

"He was trying to get himself some cookies." Normani spoke for him and he avoided her eye contact causing Camila to giggle as Lauren smiles at her.

"At least he didn't die, cookie was worth it." Dinah say causing Normani to hit her.

"You may be stronger than me but I'm 10x smarter so don't play with me." Normani gave Dinah on of her special death facial expressions as Dinah to shakes her head not wanting to argue.

"So I threw up this morning, maybe that's a sign that I might be pregnant." Ally spoke up making everyone cheer.

Tori blessed God before cuddling into Ally more.

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