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"What's popping Tally?" Lauren questioned as Ally and Tori made their way in her bike stadium.

"We realize that you have a baby shower planned but we do not." Ally giggled lightly and Lauren nodded.

"We gotchu." Lauren ushered them over and sit down.

Shawn comes out from the back carrying some crates with alcohol in it as Camila pops up from behind the counter.

"Oh hey Tally!" Camila waved excitedly and Ally waved back.

"Hey Camila." Tori responds before they turned their attention back to Lauren.

"I brought brownies." Ally smiled and Lauren nod before getting to eating one.

As they discussed everything, Camila takes a seat next to Lauren then grabbed a brownie for herself. They heard the door of the bar open causing their attention to go to that. Shawn ushered the unexpected visitors to the four and a loud greeting uproars.

"Hey y'all!" Normani exclaimed excitedly and Ally and Camila were the first two in the hug.

"Oh my God, let me see that ring girl!" Camila ushered

"Don'tusetheLordnameinvain, but same!" Ally squealed and Normani showed them the shiny jewel.

"Yassssss!" Camila started snapping her fingers and Ally clapped hers.

"Okay but real question, did Dinah put another bun in the oven?" Lauren questioned.

"Oh hell no." Normani laughed and Tori jumped up cheering.

"Haha bitch you owe me another hundred!" Tori stuck out her hand and Lauren rolled her eyes before slapping a hundred in Tori's hand.

"Don't worry about them, anyways talk about the trip." Camila urges.

"What about the baby shower?" Lauren asked.

"It can wait." Ally brushed off.

"Y'all cuss a lot." JJ speaks up causing everyone laugh.

"Oh I'm sorry baby." Normani handed JJ his headphones and her phone then sat him down before plopping in the seat next to him.

Dinah sat down in the table with Lauren and Tori deciding to have a talk with them about the trip also. Shawn comes over after about ten minutes offering drinks in which the pregnant brides had declined for obvious reasons.

"Ally next." Normani tapped her nails on the table by Ally's finger.

"Haha, yeah for both becoming a mom and getting proposed to." Ally smiled bright and Normani nods before getting up to grab a brownie.

"I mean I wasn't trying to set my sister up with Mani's, I just wanted to spend some time with Kamila." Dinah shrugged leaning back in her sleep.

"Yara likes Kami?" Normani asked with a smile appearing behind Dinah scaring all three of them.

"Damn woman." Dinah shakes her head as Normani move to sit on Dinah's lap before grabbing a brownie.

"It seems like it but your story makes it sound like she liked you first." Tori states and Dinah eyes widened.

She noticed Normani stop chewing and took the brownie out her hand.

"Let's not say that." Dinah faked laugh while wrapping her arms around Normani.

Normani smiled at Tori and Lauren, her eyes closed and her lips tight.

"There was no need for you to take my brownie Dinah." Normani speaks up and Dinah laughed.

"Well yeah, that's true. Maybe you could use some water to wash the parts you ate first." Dinah explained ushering for Shawn who nods and bring some water.

"Oh yeah, I remember the time when Shawn liked Camila but I didn't really care." Lauren leaned back putting an arm on the back rest.

"He didn't like me." Camila rolled her eyes as she popped up from behind her as well, pushing Lauren's arm off.

"Here's your water." Shawn says clearing his throat.

"Oh thanks Shawn." Normani grabbed the glass and took a sip very slowly.

Dinah looked at Tori and Tori shrugged.

"So Tori, when are you going to propose anyway?" Camila questioned.

"When the time is right." Tori shrugged again.

"Lol, only if Manz and I were like that." Dinah laughed.

"It was your fault." Normani smirked putting the glass down.

"I'm not regretting nun." Dinah smiled remembering their eventful night.

"Y'all need Jesus." Ally rolled her eyes as she sat down next to Tori.

"Ally you are our Jesus." Normani giggles and everyone nods in agreement.

"Wha- hey! How?" Ally wondered.

"Because, Allysus." Lauren shrugs this time.

"Allysus?" Ally questioned.

"Ally + Jesus." Tori explained.

"Oh- y'all are annoying." Ally crossed her arms as everyone laughed.

"Mommy I gotta pee." JJ announced stepping foot to foot.

"Oh alright." Normani set down her cup and got up to let Dinah take JJ to the bathroom.

"Come on." Dinah ushered and they walked into the mens bathroom.

"Normani where do you want to get married?" Ally asked.

"Ion know, probably the beach or somewhere pretty." Normani fantasize about her wedding and how everything will look.

"I told you." Lauren laughs and Normani furrow her eyebrows at her.

"Told them what?" Normani then raise an eyebrow.

"You and Dinah are most likely to get married on a beach." Lauren shrugs.

"Where are you going to get married at then?" Normani questioned.

"On a roof top." Camila pipes in.

"Oh well JJ is afraid of heights..." Normani started to think if he should stay home or not.

"Just make sure to keep a close watch on him and not have him go near the edges." Ally states and Normani nod.

"Will do." Normani confirms.

Dinah and JJ walks out the bathroom and Dinah helps him set up his little station he got going on so he won't hear the grownups conversation. After that being done, she pull out her phone and decides to order some Chipotle as she sat down.

"Ohh order me some please." Normani stuck out her bottom lip once she peaked over at what Dinah was doing.

"Fine." Dinah rolled her eyes before making Normani's order.

"Y'all getting Chipotle?" Tori asked hearing the order.

"Yep." Dinah says popping the p.

"Order me some." Tori smirked and Dinah groan before passing her phone to Tori.

They all ended up ordering themselves something to eat and decided to chit chat about life.

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