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"Did you hear?" Lauren asked barging in the room with Tori.

"No, what happened?" Camila asked sitting up.

"The plane that Normani and Dinah was supposed to get on blew up. Good thing they were getting on a jet instead." Tori explained with a hand on her chest with relief.

"Is everyone okay?" Ally asked.

"No, 15 dead and 38 injured." Lauren ran her hand through her hair.

"Is Dinah and Normani okay?" Camila asked.

"The service is down, they aren't letting anyone get in contact." Lauren tells her.

"Oh my Lord." Ally started to pray as Tori rubbed her back in comfort...

"Why are we still getting on a jet again?" Normani asked putting JJ down.

"Because we can and the jet is available to leave. They double checked everything to not have anything go wrong and we also aren't approaching an storm on the way, so we are good to go." Dinah explained everything before sitting down.

"I hope you're right." Normani mutters and Dinah grabs her hand sitting Normani down on her lap.

"Everything is going to be fine okay? Just relax." Dinah whispers kissing her neck softly.

"Okay...JJ put on your headphones." Normani instructed and JJ looked at her.

"Kk, Momma." JJ does as he is told and turned on music.

Normani gets up and buckle him in before buckling herself in as well.

"I bet the others are worried." Normani tells Dinah who sigh.

"I know they are, we can't leave unless we leave." Dinah phrases.

"Hopefully once we get to your secret location, we can call them up telling them we are fine." Normani suggests and Dinah nods.

"That'll take about a day or so..." She confirm.

They feel the jet start moving and it being lift off the ground. Normani and Dinah put on their headphones as well. Sitting back waiting, Dinah takes off her headphones hearing the pilot annouce.

"You can unbuckle your seat belts and is free to roam around." The pilot commands and they do so.

JJ gets up and start exploring as Normani engage into another conversation with Dinah.

"Quick question." Normani speak firstly.

"Shoot." Dinah replies.

"Have you been on this jet before?" Normani asked.

"Yup, this my first time bringing someone other than my team." Dinah laughs.

"So you haven't been apart the mile high club yet..." Normani trailed off causing Dinah to raise an eyebrow with a smirk.

"Manz, you are one interesting woman." Dinah gets up and grab JJ as he tries to run pass her.

"Put me down." JJ frown.

"I was going to ask if you want to watch TV and have some snacks but I guess no-" Dinah gets cut off by JJ.

"Noooo, okay okay I want that. PWEASE!" JJ begged.

"Okay sheesh." Dinah puts him down on her spot and connect his headphones to the TV that is on another seat.

Dinah then hands him a tablet and he searches through looking at different shows. Normani comes back with snacks and put it by his side before placing water down in the cup holder. They watch him put on Adventure Time and immediately gets engaged into the show. Normani grabs Dinah's hand and lead her away from JJ as JJ paid them no mind. Wrapping her arms around Dinah's neck, Dinah smile and wrap hers around Normani's waist.

"We are only doing this once, for experience..." Normani trailed off kissing Dinah as Dinah led them inside the bathroom.

It was huge for a bathroom on a jet so this jet is expensive, Normani noticed. Normani gets lifted onto the sink and Dinah lips meet hers.

"Oh wait, to answer your question. No I'm not apart of the mile high club. We are about to be right now though." Dinah peck Normani's lips again and pulls each other closer.

They made out as clothes started coming off. Normani started to stroke Dinah by the momentum of their mouths. Lacking air, they pull away and Dinah thrust herself into Normani's hand before taking her own fingers into Normani. Normani back arch and her legs wrap themselves around Dinah's waist. Leaning in, Dinah attacked Normani's neck and heard a few moans escape her mouth making Dinah slow down but go deeper. This time she hear groans in ear and Normani movement stop as her eyes shut tightly. Normani hips thrust again Dinah's fingers and Dinah felt her walks clench around her fingers. Pulling her fingers out, Normani whine and feels her clench and unclench around nothing.

"Dinah." She whined and Dinah smirked once she got the condom on.

"I'm coming princess." Dinah tells her and kisses Normani on her lips before aligning herself up.

Stroking herself a little, she decided to tease Normani a little by running her tip up and down her pussy. Normani bites her lip and tries to get something.

"Dinah please." She begged not wanting to touch herself causing Dinah will just trap her hands.

Dinah smirked and pushed herself in causing Normani to groan before a moan pushes it way through her lips as Dinah went deeper. Normani eyes open a little and she grabs Dinah face, smashing their lips together. Dinah starts thrusting in and out, as Normani nails dig into Dinah's shoulders. Normani's legs lock around Dinah's waist signaling she's close again. Moans escape her mouth, groans escape Dinah's. Dinah changed her movement since she felt herself getting close. She went deeper and rougher making Normani nails dig even deeper but this time in her back. After a few more thrust, they both came and Dinah rode out their high. Pulling out, she sat down on the toilet as Normani recovered breathlessly.

"You okay babe?" Dinah asked and Normani nodded getting off the sink carefully.

She climb on top of Dinah and Dinah smirk. Aligning herself again, she helped Normani drop carefully. Her walls started clenching and unclenching already and kissed her lips softly. Normani finally started moving her hips before resting her head against Dinah shoulder. They went for two more rounds after and after that, they walk out the bathroom refreshed and seen JJ sleeping with the straw falling out of his mouth. Normani cooed and took a picture before giving him a kiss on his head.

"We been going for 4 hours..." Dinah told Normani causing her eyes widen.

She checked her phone seeing the time and then looked at service bars.

"Oh we have service yay!" Normani sit next to Dinah and face time Ally on Instagram.

Ally picks up almost immediately and she cheers.

"OMG y'all are okay!" Ally praises.

"Yep! Invite the other girlie." Normani tells Ally and she does so.

Camila answers and she waves brightly.

"How are you guys?" Camila asked before looking at Lauren who's playing the game.

"Great, JJ is sleeping and it's so cute." Normani replies.

"Where are y'all going anyway?" Ally asked.

"Barbados." Dinah answered causing Normani to squeal.

"Queen Rih Rih birthplace?" Normani asked.

"Not Saint Michael, but yes ma'am." Dinah confirms.

"Well y'all have fun, I need my sleep." Ally tells them as she get in bed with a sleeping Tori.

"Okay, goodnight Allycat." Normani tells her and Camila waved as she disconnected.

Dinah cuddled more into Normani and started dozing off to sleep.

"Keep us updated, Mani. I want to see beaches and bikinis." Camila joked causing Normani to giggle.

"Will do, well I am going to head to bed also, see you in a week." Normani waved and Camila did the same.

They disconnected and Normani turned in Dinah arms, cuddling her.

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