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"You're fighting who?" Camila raised her eyebrow.

"Austin Dickhone." Dinah answered as she got her hand wrapped up by her assistant.

"What?" Lauren took the tooth pick out of her mouth.

"Yeah, I recognized who shot me and it was him. I think those bullets were meant for Lauren but whatever." Dinah got up as she began practicing on the punching bag.

"Oh damn." Tori muttered causing Ally to hit Tori on her stomach.

"Yeah so, this would be my last fight until next year." Dinah directed those words at Normani and Normani crossed her arms.

"Good." Normani looked away.

"Why am I here?" Austin wondered as he entered the building with Justin and Shawn.

"Well here's the thing Austin, I was shot and I think you know who shot me." Dinah stop practicing and turned to the boys.

"So what?" Austin scoffed.

"I won't go to the police if you have a sparring match with me." Dinah cracked her knuckles.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Austin furrowed his eyebrows and Dinah face became cold.

Soon enough, Austin was being lifted into the air causing Shawn and Justin to go on guard.

"Dinah." Normani pulled Dinah away and Dinah held up the gun that Austin had in his pants.

"The police would love this." Dinah checked out the piece and Austin dusted himself off.

"Fine, just give that back." Austin held out his hand.

"After the match." Dinah put it in safety and emptied the clip causing Austin to bite his cheek.

"Alright, do you have anything for Austin to wear." Justin stuffed his hands in his pocket.

"Yes actually." Dinah's assistant responded and they followed her to the locker room.

"Was this the murder weapon?" Normani whispered in Dinah's ear.

"Don't know, it was either Justin or him." Dinah whispered back.

"Oh god, I forgot I dated him." Camila felt nauseous and Lauren held her up.

"Hey relax, he'll be locked up." Lauren comforted and Camila took a deep breath.

"Colson and his men are on their way here." Tori reassured and Camila nodded.

"I have a bad feeling about all of this." Ally notes.

"Think I'm going to lose Allyson?" Dinah raised her eyebrow with a sly smirk.

"Not at all." Ally rejected and Dinah made her to the ring.

"Please don't become your stage name." Normani muttered.

"Not gonna lie Normani, no promises." Dinah grabbed onto the strings and pulled herself onto the ring.

"Alright let's go Jane." Austin also got into the ring and Dinah smirked.

"See, he's even asking for it." Dinah laughed as she got into the ring.

"5 minutes, that's it." Dinah's assistant gestured and they nodded.

They heard a small bell ring and they began circling. Dinah stopped guarding and threw some jabs at Austin who was guarding. After 2 minutes, Dinah had gotten closer and began throwing body shots at Austin who swung back at Dinah's head which she was dodging. Another minute later, Dinah saw Tori walking back from the bathroom and moving over to Justin cautiously. After another minute pass, a loud bang had caused everyone to jump to see Colson and his squad bursting into the building.

"Everyone on the ground!" The swat team yelled.

Justin had reach for his gun and Tori tackled him causing a gunshot to go off as Dinah knocked out Austin before he could react. Shawn looked shocked by what just happened as the swat team rushed to the women side while some rushed into the ring to capture Austin.

"We need a medic!" One of them yelled and Colson made his way to the women as Dinah looked back to see what just happened.

"Shit." Dinah got out the ring and seen that her assistant got hit by the wild bullet that Justin accidentally shot.

Normani, Ally and Camila was cowering behind Lauren when the swat team came rushing into the building , so if anyone were to get hit it would've either been Dinah's assistant or Lauren and it just happened to been Dinah's assistant. Tori got off of Justin as the swat team arrested him and looked at Dinah's assistant slowly fade away.

"Damn, Ally feeling must've been this." Tori out her hand on Dinah's shoulder as Dinah put her head in her hands.

As everything began to clear out, Colson was talking with Camila and reported that the assistant didn't make it causing Camila to bit her lip holding back the urge to cry though she didn't know the assistant personally.

"Dinah please calm down." Normani stayed back but still tried to calm down her lover who was punching holes into the wall.

"I shouldn't have gotten her dragged into this, she didn't deserve that!" Dinah raged back.

"It's my fault, I should've apprehended his gun before even approaching him." Tori tried to calm Dinah as well.

"She's so young, her parents are going to be so..." Dinah placed her head against the wall and Normani hugged her and rested her head on Dinah's back.

"We got rid of one trauma to add on another." Lauren muttered as she took the toothpick out of her mouth and it went quiet.

Camila walked over to the group feeling even worse than before and Tori noticed.

"Hey you okay?" Tori reached out.

"I'm...I-" Camila began breathing really heavily before fainting and Lauren caught her.

"Camila." Everyone called as Colson ushered for the medics to come before rushing over to Camila side...

"The baby is fine, her anxiety just kicked in so keep her on bed rest." The doctor told the group causing Lauren to sigh gratefully.

"Thank you, Doc." Lauren looked at Camila and kissed her forehead.

The doctor nodded and left as Normani entered with JJ.

"We got food." Normani announced as JJ smiled brightly.

"Thank you." Everyone says except for Camila (obviously) and Dinah.

"Mom." JJ went over to hug Dinah who head was held down.

Dinah looked up and smiled as she picked up the small boy. JJ hugged Dinah around the neck and Dinah hugged him back causing Normani to smile as she sat down on Dinah's lap.

"Are you feeling better?" Normani kissed Dinah's cheek.

"A little yeah, thanks." Dinah smiled before taking a deep breath.

"Of course." Normani rested her head on Dinah's shoulder.

"Do I smell food?" Camila muttered causing everyone to laugh.

"Yes you do." Lauren smiled as she kissed Camila's hand.

"Oh thank God you're awake girl." Ally sighed as she ate her hamburger.

"Sorry for the scare, there were just a lot going on." Camila sat up and Lauren sat down.

"Yeah, the baby is okay as well." Tori told her before Lauren could.

"Thank God." Camila placed her hand on her stomach and Lauren grabbed the burger from the bag and held it up for Camila which she immediately took.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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