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It's been a week since the incident and Dinah was just waking up to receive a call from her son.

"Hello?" Dinah asked.

"Hey Mom, Mommy's not getting out of bed...she also haven't been eating as much lately. Lastly she's been really sick." JJ explained concerned.

"I'll be over in 10 minutes." Dinah told him and got ready quickly.

She dialed everyone else and explained what's happening, they said they'll be there in a few. Dinah entered the house and seen her son on the counter trying to find something to eat causing Dinah to laugh.

"Becareful." Dinah told him and he turned around.

Dinah helped him get something to eat before making his way to Normani's room. She walked in a seen Normani staring outside the window with tears falling down her cheek. Dinah walk over to her and wiped the tears from her eyes then hugged her.

"You okay?" Dinah asked softly and she felt Normani shake her head.

Dinah kissed Normani on her forehead and picked her up bridal style. Carrying her out the room, she sat her down on the couch. The others entered the house and Camila raised the food. Normani turned around and looked at them before turning to Dinah with a sad smile.

"Come here kiddo." Dinah ushered as he held his bowl of cereal carefully.

Dinah sat him next to Normani and then she sat next to Normani herself putting a blanket over them three.

"Thank you." Normani muttered putting her head on Dinah's shoulder.

"No problem." Dinah kissed her head.

Turning on Netflix, everyone sat and watched while eating. After hours of binge watching shows and movies, Normani got up with Dinah and left the room in which no one paid any mind too. Sitting down on Normani's bed, Normani rest her arm on her leg with her head in her hand looking at Dinah.

"I know you're not okay." Dinah sigh and Normani looks down.

"I know you do." She mutters in response and Dinah eyes lock with her's again.

"I wanna help you so badly but I can only do little." Dinah replies.

"I just need you here for me." Normani bit her lip feeling the tears stinging her eyes and Dinah got up.

She pushes Normani on her back while sliding on top of her. She starts playing with Dinah hair and sigh.

"Too much is happening, I just want one break in life." Normani admits and Dinah smile.

"Let me take you on vacation, we'll bring JJ." Dinah suggests and Normani looks away.

"I have a solution for you also Dinah." She brings up.

"For what?" Dinah asked.

"For boxing, go professional." Normani smiles lightly.

"I know, it's dangerous though and I don't want you talking me out of every fight." Dinah sigh.

"I won't, but I can't promise I won't also." Normani giggles.

"Okay, I'll get in touch with my manager." Dinah nods.

"So....when are we going on vacation?" Normani asked.

"Tomorrow sounds good?" Dinah questioned.

"Tomorrow?!" Normani yelped.

"Oh come onnnnnn, your break is tomorrow and that's that." Dinah sits up.

"JJ still has sch-" Normani tried but Dinah cuts her off.

"They won't mind a week off." Dinah shrug.

"Okay fine, if you wanna go so bad..." Normani trailed off.

"I actually really do, a break from drama is all I need baby." Dinah peck her lips repeatedly and Normani whined.

"Okay okay, you convinced me, we'll go and I'll call the principal tomorrow." She tells Dinah.

"Good, now we sleep." Dinah starts tickling her causing her to start laughing.

"DINAH!" Normani squeals...

"Aw, y'all have fun." Ally smiles.

"I'll be posting on Instagram." Normani told everyone and they nod.

"Nice, we'll inform you on the pregnancy girlie." Ally smiled and Normani nod happily.

"If she ends up pregnant after this trip, it's not my fault." Dinah raise her hands causing everyone to groan as JJ jumps up and down.

"I'll get a sister or brother?!" JJ squealed.

"Oh hunny, get in the car." Normani ushered and he stop.

"Awe man." He pouts doing as she says.

"Why is he so damn cute?" Normani asked.

"Because he's our son and I'm the hella cute one." Dinah flipped her hair causing everyone to laugh while Normani stood their surprised.

"Well, we have to go before we miss our flight." Normani takes a deep breath.

"It's ard, we have like another hour. We'll be getting on a jet." Dinah smile brightly at Normani clearly excited.

"Okay." Normani nods before getting in the car.

"Safe flight." Ally blessed and Dinah nodded hugging everyone.

She got in the car and they drove off to the airport.

"Odds on Mani getting pregnant." Lauren starts causing Camila to roll her eyes as Tori laughs.

"50/50." Tori nods and Lauren roll her eyes.

"Naw bro, you gotta say yes or no." Lauren crossed her arms.

"Fine no." Tori states.

"Ard bet, hundred?" Lauren asked.

"Bet." Tori shakes her hand.

"Y'all really betting on my bestfriend getting pregnant?" Ally asked.

"Yes?" Lauren tells her unsure.

"Holy hell." Camila roll her eyes and  grabbing Lauren's ear.

"Oow!" Lauren yelps...

They exited the car and Dinah grab the bags. JJ watch in awe as a plane flies away and feels himself being lifted before being placed on Normani's hip.

"You'll be needing these to protect these precious ears." Normani explained putting headphones on his head.

They walk in and get searched before continuing. Since it's JJ first time being at the airport, they went exploring around. After that, they hear the first flight to where Dinah is taking them be announced.

"I love how happy he looks, we would have been getting on that plane if that jet wouldn't pull through." Dinah laughs and JJ runs to the window to watch it take off.

Normani take her eyes offs of him and look at Dinah with a smile. Dinah smiled back before looking at JJ. As the plane lifted, the winger exploded sending it back down causing everyone to back up. Normani eyes widened and ran to JJ yanking him away from the window before a piece went flying to his face. Luckily they jumped out the way before the glass shattered and the piece went flying pass them. Dinah rush to their side and help them away to safety. Normani clutched onto her son having the fear of loosing him rush through her blood.

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