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As Dinah and Normani got off the plane, people with tuxedos grabbed their bags to a separate car as someone led the family of three to a different car.

"How professional." Normani comments as she held Dinah's hand on her left and JJ's on the right.

"Woah, this place is huge!" JJ squealed as he jumped around.

"Where are we going?" Normani asked and Dinah pulled out her phone.

"Our destination is The Crane Resort." Dinah tells Normani and she nods before connecting JJ and Dinah's hand.

"I'll be back." Normani tells them and they nod.

She makes her way over to a butler who is inserting the suitcases in the trunk of the car.

"The next plane to land, send her to The Crane Resort please and thank you." Normani brush off the guys shoulder causing him to look at it.

She walks aways, making her way to the car that Dinah and JJ are getting settled in. Entering the car herself, the driver pulled off to the hotel and JJ was over excited. Throughout the car ride, Normani ended up falling sleep and JJ took pictures and showed Dinah.

"Mama is cute." JJ whispers and Dinah nod in agreement.

"You should see her in the blankets wrapped up in them." Dinah tells him and got slapped in the back of her head by Normani.

"Don't say that." Normani yawned and Dinah rubbed the back of her head.

"We gon fight." Dinah tells Normani getting out the car as soon as it stops.

Normani flips her hair and does the same. JJ looks around confuse and decide to record. Dinah got into her boxing and Normani grabbed her wrists which Dinah easily got out. She ended up picking up Normani causing her to squeal. Another car pull up and out comes a young girl, she crotch down to JJ's height.

"What's going on?" She asked as Normani laughs while Dinah set her down carefully on the ground.

"They are fighting...wait who are you?" JJ asked stop recording and look at the mysterious young woman.

"I'm guessing your mother's half sister." She waved and JJ scratched his head.

Dinah helps Normani up and gave her a quick peck on her lips before turning to JJ.

"Yara." The young lady put her hand out and Dinah shook it.

"This is our son JJ and my girlfriend Dinah." Normani introduced picking up her son.

"The one that got shot?" She asked and Normani looked away with a forced smile as she inhaled.

"Yup." JJ chimes in as Dinah laughs.

"This place is beautiful." Yara compliments and Dinah nods.

Normani puts JJ down and he grabs Yara hand tugging her inside the hotel.

"This why you asked for an extra bedroom, I thought you wanted me to pop another baby in yo belly." Dinah says slapping Normani's ass causing her to swap at Dinah's hand away with a blush.

"Stop." Normani mutter before Dinah wraps her arms around Normani's waist.

"I can't show my baby mama also girlfriend some love." Dinah kiss Normani's neck and Normani bite her lip.

"You can but not now please." Normani whisper as they made their way to the front desk.

"Hi...reservations for Dinah Jane?" She asked and Dinah nod.

"Here's the ID to prove it." Dinah smirked as she rocks Normani and herself side to side.

"Here's your keycards, enjoy your stay." The receptionist tell them and they nod as they walk into the empty elevator.

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