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"Okay, I like this photo the best so you should post it on your Insta." Lauren ushered and Normani did.

"Zamnnnnnn!" Camila cat called obviously hyping up her best friend

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"Zamnnnnnn!" Camila cat called obviously hyping up her best friend.

"Oh this, this is nothing. Wait until we get to the future babe." Lauren kissed her before clicking through the photos.

"How can one be a biker girl but a photographer?" Camila asked making Normani laugh.

"No idea, but I'm ready for this whole thing." Normani started to stretch.

"Even the...P. R?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, it's not a problem." Normani told her making Camila crotched down while she reached for her toes.

"Not. A. Problem?" Camila asked and Normani pulled herself backed making Camila get up.

"Yes, and stop doing that. You sound like a robot who is adapting to speaking." Normani laughed as Camila rolled her eyes.

"Come on, we need you to do a cover." Lauren ushered and Normani nodded.

Getting into the studio, she put the headphones on and did a warm up to adjust her voice. Once she was ready, Lauren started the song which Normani followed through easily.

After the recording and everything, Lauren gave her a high five before editing the audio.

"How do you how to manage all of this?" Normani asked.

"Because when I was younger, I used to be a computer nerd. That means working camera, phones, computers, and any electrical object there is." Lauren explained and Normani nodded.

"That's cool, what's next?" Normani asked.

"The PR." Lauren told her making Normani sigh.

"And that's it for today?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." Lauren answered before uploading the clip to Normani's YouTube.

Lauren ushered Normani's phone and Normani gave it to her having Lauren post a video of her singing that Camila recorded.

"Y'all have this set." Normani observed and they gave each other a high five.

"That's how Camren roll." Camila joked making them laugh.

They made their way to the gym which was a walk away so that is what they did. So walking in, they seen Dinah hitting the punching bag as her trainer called out her steps.

"Stop!" He shouted having Dinah throw her arms down before taking off her gloves.

"Hello sir." Lauren shook his hand and he smiled.

"I know you, you are awesome on the bikes." He complimented and Lauren thanked him.

"We are going to hit up a party, no drinking." Camila waved a warning finger at them.

"No promises." They both told her before walking outside.

Lauren ended their conversation and walked with Camila outside.

"Shotgun." Normani called making Camila and Lauren look at each other confused before looking at each other confused.

Dinah started the car before pulling off, Normani pulled out her phone and seen her video plus photo getting lots of likes. She scrolled through Insta and decided to start the PR right, even if that mean you have to follow Dinah's account. Dinah's phone went off making her pull it out of her pocket and rolled her eyes. She hit the follow back button before putting the phone back down and kept her glare on the road. Once reaching the private party, they all got out and immediately went into the house.

"Ooh, there's a pool." Normani squealed before sneaking away to it.

"Follow her." Lauren ushered and Dinah rolled her eyes.

She did anyway and grabbed two cups full of alcohol. Normani had her feet in the pool as she looked over the ledge and Dinah sat next to her before taking off her shoes. Looking at Dinah, Dinah actually held up a cup which she took before taking a sip.

Definitely alcohol.

Dinah also took a sip and let the silence play out. It was comfortable and the sound of Chris Brown playing was soothing actually. Once they both finished their drinks is when they started their conversation.

"I don't see what you are seeing." Dinah spoke as she squinted her eyes.

"It's right there, how can you not see that?" Normani asked with a giggle.

"The green thing?" Dinah asked and Normani nodded.

"Yes finally, are you blind?" Normani laughed and Dinah shook her head.

"No, I have 20/20 vision." Dinah crossed her eyes making Normani laugh even harder.

"Ew, my feet have wrinkled." Normani giggled.

"Look mines too." Dinah showed making Normani continue to giggle.

"You are funny." Normani boped her nose making Dinah scrunch her face.

"And you're cute." Dinah smiled making Normani blush.

"Awe, thank you!" Normani thanked and Dinah shrugged.

"You're welcome." Dinah also blushed before swinging her feet.

It was silent again and Dinah didn't like it.

"Normani?" Dinah called.

"Yeah?" Normani asked turning her head to look at her but Dinah smashed their lips together making Normani moan.

It didn't stop until Lauren tapped their shoulders making them pull away.

"Enjoyed your make out session?" Lauren asked causing them blush.

"Yeah, it's time to go. The sun went down." Camila pointed out and they got up.

Walking out, Camila mocked Normani causing her to keep the blush on her face. Entering the car, Dinah dropped Lauren and Camila off first before driving to Normani's place. Sitting in silence, Dinah unbuckled her seat belt before getting out confusing Normani. It wasn't until she opened the door on Normani's side and turned her body so Dinah was inbetween her legs.

"I missed you so much." Dinah muttered before smashing their lips together for the second time today.

Normani gripped the back of her neck as Dinah lifted her out of the car causing Normani to wrap her legs around Dinah's waist. Kicking the door close, she locked the door before walking them to the front door. As soon as Normani back hit the door, she pushed Dinah off before unlocking the door quickly. Dinah stood their confused until Normani pulled her inside before locking the door.

"Oh and by the way, I missed you." Normani kissed her.

"Love you." She kissed her again.

"I need you like right now." She husked before kissing her again but kept it locked this time.

Dinah was ready to get her girl back and so was Normani, this "PR" turned out better then they thought.

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