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"What?" Everyone asked.

Camila is smiling with tears falling down her face. She was happy, the happiest she has ever been.

"I said I'm pregnant." Camila repeated.

"How?" Lauren asked.

"By y'all two fucking each other of course." Dinah joked.

"Dinah." Normani groaned.

"The doctor told me, he said that we're having a baby." Camila watched as Lauren stepped closer to her.

Lauren pulled her in for a huge hug causing everyone to awe.

"I thought we were never going see mini us." Lauren muttered tears also falling down her eyes.

"I guess fate is really on our side." Camila rested her head on Lauren's chest.

"Awe, everyone is pregnant. Should I get Normani pregnant again?" Dinah joked even more making Normani eyes go wide.

"No thank you." Normani departed away from Dinah.

"Oh come on, I know you always wanted more." Dinah teased.

"Don't make me jab my finger in your bullet hole." Normani threatened causing everyone to ooh and ah even ouch.

"You're cruel." Dinah pouted.

"Wait, why did you think you and Camila would never have any children?" Tori asked.

"Because Camila told me that it's basically impossible for her to conceive a child." Lauren revealed causing everyone to frown.

"If it's a girl name her Miracle." Dinah told them.

"Finally something smart coming out of your mouth." Ally commented.

"Weren't y'all practically crying about me almost dying?" Dinah asked.

"But sometimes you talk to much babe." Normani told her.

After the doctor came back and assigned crutches for Dinah, they left the hospital and went to go eat at Chipotle. As they sat down and ate their food, a guy kept looking at Normani all flirty. Of course it was making her uncomfortable and she just focused on her son.

"Mommy I have to pee!" JJ whined causing Normani to get up along with Ally.

They get up and make their way into the bathroom swiftly.

"Oh heaven, finally." Ally rushed into the stall as Normani let JJ do his thing in the stall.

Normani exited the bathroom to go get her purse when the guy grabbed her and pushed her into the male's bathroom. She screamed and kicked but nothing work, he pushed her into the stall with him trapped inside.

"Let me out!" Normani screamed and the guy placed his hand over her mouth.

"Shut up bitch, just let me get this done and I'll be out of your hair." He started to unbuckle his belt causing Normani to scream in his hand before pushing him away.

Thanking God for her flexibility and heels, she bit his hand causing him to retrace it from her mouth and kicked him in his dead before pushing against the stall wall and kicking him. He fell to the ground with a puff of air as Normani crawled under the stall. The man exited the stall and followed her movement.

"You can't escape." He told her as Normani felt her phone buzz in her pocket.

Thanking God for that too, don't leave your phone in your purse, always have it on you!

Normani pulled out her phone and answered the call.

"Normani, where are you? Your child almost fell in the stall." Ally shook her head.

"Ally get help, I'm in the boys bathroom." Normani told her quickly in a whisper before she heard a bang on the stall door.

Normani got up and tried to hold the door close but the man busted through it. Normani walked back and he smirked. Before he could make his way to Normani, he was yanked to the sinks and was punched in his stomach and face before his back hit the wall. Dinah punched him in his face repeatedly causing his nose to bleed and eye to swollen.

"Dinah!" Everyone called pulling her off of him.

Normani ran out the stall and hugged Dinah to calm her down as JJ peaked his head in the bathroom.

"Mommy?" JJ looked at the man on the floor causing Normani to pull away from Dinah and to attend their son.

"Don't look at that. Let's go!" Normani ushered and they nodded before leaving the man.

Cleaning up their mess, they sat on the sidewalk as the police arrived.

"What happened, did he hurt you?" Dinah asked Normani checking as Normani grabbed her hands.

"I'm fine, maybe you should listen to your manager before you accidentally end up in jail." Normani told her causing Dinah to look down.

"Okay, you're right." She agreed as Normani kissed Dinah's cheek.

"Thank you." Normani laid her head on Dinah's shoulder.

"I'm always going to protect you Manz." Dinah sighed and Normani nodded.

"I know." She smiled softly as Dinah wrapped her hands around Normani's shoulder.

"Mommy, I'm sleepy." JJ annouced causing Dinah and Normani to snort.

"Come here child." Dinah ushered causing JJ to jump and lay on their laps.

Ally smiled at the little family before walking over to Tori.

"You knew Dinah was going to do that didn't you?" Tori asked.

"I did." Ally answered truthfully.

"Why didn't you go for someone more stable?" Tori continued to questions.

"Because I know what that guy almost did to Mani, he honestly deserve it." Ally rolled her eyes.

"Did he? You sound just as bad as Dinah looked." Tori told her causing Ally to scoff.

"You don't understand do you, Mani say she just fine but this will haunt her. I know it and I will be there for her." Ally walked away as Tori sighed.

"Y'all okay?" Ally asked as Camila and Lauren nodded with a smile.

"She won't be okay will she?" Camila asked Ally who shook her head.

"I'll speak to Dinah about this, I'll tell her to be careful." Lauren ran her hands through her hair.

"Normani is now like an expensive vase in a box." Camila sighed.

"Can I talk to you ma'am?" The officer asked and Ally nodded.

"We'll discuss more later." Ally told the other two who nodded as Ally went to go talk to the officer.

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