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By the time they finished straightening up the place, Lauren ordered take out for them all for their help. Of course it was going to be pizza since they all shouted for it.

"Hey Camzi, can I ask you for a favor?" Lauren asked making her raise a brow.

"And that would be..." She asked curiously while Lauren pulled her close.

"I want you, to be the owner of this spot specifically. You get to run it and I'll ask some of the biker gang to help you out or if they want to work here as well." Lauren explained while Camila already had the biggest smile on her face.

"You want me, a 17 year old, to run this bar?" Camila asked and Lauren nodded.

"I didn't put this promise ring on you for nothing, I put it on you to make promises, to promise to give you as many opportunities as I can for you to succeed." Lauren assured before kissing her hand.

"Of course I'll run this business with you." Camila said with tear running down her eyes.

Lauren wiped her tears before Camila kissed her.

"Mmm, salty." Lauren muttered against her lips making Camila laugh in the kiss...

Dinah watched in amazed as Normani twirled around clearly in her own world.

"Beautiful." She mumbled as she got up.

Walking over to her, Normani twirled and bumped into her. Her cheeks burning up, happily Dinah really couldn't see it.

"Sorry, I-I didn't see you there." She stuttered but Dinah just held her close and tightly.

Normani looked up in her eyes and sworn she seen them glow a little. Being taken back, Dinah had attacked her lips making her cup her face to keep her steady and slowed the pace. Pulling away, Dinah rested her head on Normani's and Normani didn't even realize her back was against the wall until her head hit it.

"What was that for?" Normani asked playing with Dinah's hair.

"I was just happy to have you in my life, you are truly beautiful Mani." Dinah told her while tracing her fingers along her lower back.

"Well I'm happy to have you in my life too Mufasa, wanna know why?" Normani asked.

"Why?" Dinah asked as Normani adverted her eyes to Dinah's lips.

"Because I...I love you Dinah Jane Hansen." Normani told her and Dinah bit her bottom lip.

"I love you too, Normani Kordei Hamilton." Dinah spoke without a single hesitation making Normani pull her in for another kiss...

"I can't believe you got scared of a piece of dust." Ally said making Tori groan.

"I thought it was a rat or a bug." Tori defended herself as Ally wrapped her hand before putting it in ice water.

Tori hissed before readjusting herself to get used to it.

"I didn't know you were scared of rats or bugs." Ally told her trying to catch her gaze.

After Ally said that, Tori had a mini flashback...

"Are you serious right now!? We live in this broken down shit hold and you spend the little money we have on alcohol!?!!" Tori heard her Mom yell.

"Well woman, I don't see you working your ass off!?!" Her father yelled back obviously drunk.

"Fine! You drink your ass off. Don't come crawling back to me. I'm taking Tori, you can keep your son." She said as Tori eyes widened as she see the rat come crawling out the hole.

It looked around stiffen the air before crawling over to Tori. Tori just stared at it not knowing what to do. She slowly reached to touch it, but the closet door opened revealing her Mom as the rat ran away quickly. Tori squealed as her Mom picked her up and rested her on her hip.

"What's going on?" Her brother asked and her Mom didn't say a word.

He followed her until she finished putting everything in the car.

"Are you leaving?" He asked.

Making her stop before looking at him.

"Please don't leave without me, I can't stay here with him." He begged as Mom started to break down.

He managed to ease his way into her Mom's heart and she raised him as her own. Tori was just happy to see her brother and glad to not be seperate from him.

"Uh, no. I just wasn't paying attention." Tori lied before taking her hand out of the water.

Ally raised a brow and a knock on the front door snapped all of the couples out of their own world.

Lauren answered it and grabbed the pizza before bringing it back to a table in the bar.

Setting it down, they all made their way to the table and Lauren looked at them all questionably.

"Hickey." Camila pointed out before realizing she just said.

Normani was flustered by then as everyone had smirks on their face while Dinah just stuffed her face with pizza.

"You two better not have had sex in my bar." Camila warned making Lauren smile at her.

"We should so do that when they leave." Lauren whispered in her ear making her blushed like crazy.

"What did you say to her?" Ally asked as Camila did the same as Dinah.

Stuff her face with pizza while Lauren laughed.

"We didn't have sex in your bar." Normani told her and Camila swallowed hard.

"Yeah uh huh." Camila muttered before hitting Lauren for being the cause of her being all flustered.

Crossing her legs, she just continued to eat while Normani and Ally stated at her getting the sign.

"Oh, OH! Hypocrite." Normani joked making Camila give her a glare.

Ally giggled before laying her head on a very quiet Tori's shoulder.

That giggle snapped Tori out of her world and she looked at Ally with a smile before resting her head on Ally's.

"Slow down before you choke." Normani warned making Dinah slow down.

"Sorry." Dinah apologized as Normani whipped her mouth.

Dinah would be lying if she said she didn't like being treated this way.

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