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Normani released a song and it blew up. She didn't expect it to go so well, but it didn't hit the billboard charts which she didn't really care about. Her mood felt very chipper for once and she didn't feel stressed.

"Whatcha want for breakfast baby boy?" She asked Jaylen who just woke up.

"Waffles?" He attempted and Normani nodded.

She started to make the waffles and Dinah joined them tired also.

"What are you making?" She asked rubbing her eye.

"I'm making waffles, want some?" Normani responded with a smile and Dinah nodded.

"Why is your mother so happy?" Dinah asked Jaylen who shrugged.

"I like seeing her happy so I don't care." He shrugged as he continued to play with his stuffed animal.

Dinah pulled out her phone and waited for breakfast...

"I don't feel like walking." Ally twirled in bed.

"You're annoying." Tori got off the bed and walked to the closet.

"No! Don't put on a shirt." Ally rushed in front of Tori and Tori stopped.

"I thought you said you didn't feel like walking." Tori shook her head.

"I didn't say I didn't feel like running." Ally sassed back.

SMUT WARNING - im sowwy...

Tori trapped her against the closet and kissed her softly which turned heated almost immediately. Tori grabbed Ally's legs and wrapped them around her own waist. Carrying her to their bed, Tori set Ally down carefully and ran her hands up and down Ally's bare skin. She left Ally's lip and went straight down to her neck, sucking and biting causing hickeys to form. Pulling away, Tori pulled the belt of her pants and yanked it off before throwing it someone. Ally scooted more onto the bed as Tori pulled Ally's shirt off and kissed her bare belly. Inching her kisses closer to her core, Tori gripped the fabric blocking her tongue and Ally's pussy. Pulling off hard and quickly, Tori trailed her kisses until she smelled the scent of Ally's clit. Looking up at Ally with a smirk, she dove her tongue in making Ally moan lightly. With the first couple strokes, Tori added her first finger causing Ally to arch her back. Tori then added another finger causing her to here a few moans out of Ally's mouth. Adding another finger, Ally grip the sheets. It didn't take long after a few thrusts of both Tori's tongue and fingers to get Ally cumming.

Tori stood up and was now towering over Ally. Ally opened her eyes and felt lips touch hers causing her to close her eyes lightly. Not expecting a thing, she felt something thick enter her causing her to gasp and grip Tori's face. Tori started to thrust in and out of Ally causing her back to once again arch off the bed. Tori attacked her neck once again and trailed her kissed softly up her jaw line. After minutes of thrusting, they both came. Panting breathlessly, Tori pulled out and sat next to Ally.


"Are you going to act up again?" Tori asked Ally who was now under some covers while rubbing her stomach.

"Maybe..." Ally muttered before looking at Tori who was smiling at her.

Shaking their heads, Tori got dress before walking to the bathroom.

"We need to clean the bedsheets." Ally yelled to Tori.

"I'll do it later." Tori said in the bathroom causing Ally to giggle.

Ally got up also and got dress. She walked downstairs and twirled before making her way to the kitchen. Thinking of what to do for a second, she decided to bake...cause why not? After making the batter, there was a knock on the door. Ally looked and seen Tori about to open the door.

"Wait!" Ally called causing Tori to stop.

"What?" Tori asked as Ally ran in front of her and opened the door.

"Hello." A woman shorter than Tori but taller than Ally greeted them.

The woman locked eyes with Tori and Tori gritted her teeth.

"Hi." Ally being the polite person she is greeted the woman back causing her to look down at Ally.

"I'm Sydney." The woman introduced herself causing Ally jaw to drop...

"This is random..." Camila trailed off as holds Lauren hand.

"What? I can't take you out on a date anymore?" Lauren asked with a smile as Camila eyed her suspiciously.

"You can, but it's weird to not have people in here as well." Camila rolled her eyes before crossing her arms.

"I don't think people will want you to interrupt their date or dinner." Lauren told her causing her jaw to drop.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Camila asked but Lauren just walked away.

Camila followed and entered the room Lauren did. It was beautiful and most definitely expensive. Camila looked around shocked before looking at Lauren who was standing with her hands behind her back.

"Come here." Lauren ushered and Camila walked slowly to her.

"What's going on and how did you afford this?" Camila asked.

"My grandfather owns this place, but that doesn't matter." Lauren took ahold of one of Camila's hand which was the left one.

"What's really going on Lauren?" Camila asked making Lauren put her hand on her heart dramatically.

"I'm hurt you didn't call me by my nickname." Lauren shook her head as Camila rolled her eyes with a smile.

"I'm serious Lo, what's are you doing?" Camila wondered and Lauren sighed.

"Close your eyes." Lauren instructed and Camila followed.

Getting on one knee, Lauren took ahold of Camila's left hand again.

"Now open." Lauren held out the wedding ring box as Camila opened her eyes.

Camila looked down before clamping her hands over her mouth.

"I just wanted to tell you before I ask you to be my future wife that you made me the happiest I have ever been. You have always been by my side and my partner in crime. I won't let something like us not being able to have kids or anything to get in the way of marrying you or being with at least. I want to be able to address as my wife and to call you mine forever. So Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, will you do the honor of being my future wife, my partner in crime until we die, my lover forever...will you marry me?" Lauren asked as Camila had tears pouring out her eyes.

Camila nodded her head with her hand still over her mouth. Lauren put the ring on Camila's finger before getting off her knee and picking Camila up as she wrapped her legs around Lauren's waist while crying in her neck.

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