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Camila squealed as she looked at the ring on her finger. She can't believe she is going to marry her highschool sweetheart. She just wish she can have kids with her also. That cause tears to swell up in her eyes as she sat down on the bed. Curling up in a ball, she cried before getting up and made her way downstairs. She made her way to the kitchen for water before she heard the door open. Grabbing her water, she made her way to see Lauren enter with a box.

"What's this?" Camila asked wiping her dry tears.

"a surprise, were you crying?" Lauren asked concerned and Camila looked down with a nod.

"I just had an emotional breakdown about something." Camila mumbled.

"I know how to cheer you up..." Lauren trailed off before putting the box in the floor while sitting down.

"What are you doing?" Camila asked and Lauren ushered her to sit which she did.

"Open the box." Lauren instructed and Camila slowly did.

Out popped a puppy, a black puppy with fur so thick.

"Oh my God, he's so cute!" Camila squealed.

"What do you wanna name him?" Lauren asked causing Camila jaw to drop.

She looked back at the puppy before smiling.

"Thunder, my dire wolf." Camila kissed the puppy as he licked her face...

"JJ no!" Normani groaned as she chased him around the house.

"Haha you can't catch m- ah!" He squealed as Dinah launched him in air.

"What about not catching?" Dinah asked causing JJ to cross his arms.

"You ruined my fun lady." JJ sassed causing Dinah to fake gasp while putting her hand on her heart dramatically.

"I am offended, boy." Dinah set the child down while laughing as he gasped just as dramatically.

"I am a man." JJ told her and Dinah put her hands up.

"And you're about to get ya ass whooped if you don't get in that bath tub." Normani threatened causing his eyes to widen as he ran off to the bathroom.

"You gotta let the kid have some fun babe." Dinah pulled her in for a kiss but she pulled back.

"You wanna teach me how to parent? You have him for a week or so." Normani kissed Dinah cheek before walking away to follow JJ.

Dinah rolled her eyes before following her to the bathroom.

"What do I get out of this?" Dinah asked.

"My respect." Normani smiled innocently before applying shampoo in JJ's hair.

"Fine deal." Dinah muttered as she grabbed the conditioner for Normani...

"My stomach hurt." Ally whined as her parents laughed.

"You're pregnant baby girl, of course it's going to hurt." Her mother told her Tori smiled at Ally innocently.

"You consented." Tori put her hands up in defense as Ally rolled her eyes.

"Trust me, it will all be with it when it's over." Her father patted Tori's shoulder before helping his wife.

"You was worth it in the end." Patricia told Ally making her smile.

"Stop, you're going to make me cry." Ally sniffled as Tori puts her arm over Ally's shoulder.

"I love you." Tori added to the cause of why Ally is crying.

Pouting, the first couple of tears fell from Ally eyes causing Tori to quickly wipe them.

"So are y'all going to invite your friends over for this cook out or?" Jerry asked causing Ally to pull out her phone.

Hitting the dial button in the group chat, everyone picked up.

"Hiyo." Dinah and Normani spoke first as they waved at everyone who waved back.

"My parents are hosting a cookout, y'all wanna come?" Ally asked.

"Sure, I'll bring JJ." Dinah answered before Normani.

"Sure we can come, we'll bring Thunder." Camila rubbed the black furred pup.

"Y'all got a dog?" Ally asked and Lauren nodded.

"We are also engaged." Camila told them causing the one's with a vagina jaw to drop.

"OMG!" Ally and Normani squealed.

"Show us the ring when we get there." Normani told Camila who nodded.

"Damn Jauregui, who do you think gon propose next?" Tori asked as Ally hit her arm.

"No cussing, sorry Mom." Ally apologize for Tori's language as Mama Patricia waved it off.

"I think you will be next." Lauren predicted.

"No faith in me?" Dinah asked.

"I don't even have faith in you." Normani shot causing Dinah to roll her eyes.

"Yeah I think you're right, Tori will be next." Dinah shakes her head.

"Well, I'll see y'all later?" Ally asked.

"Kk, Allycat." Camila disconnected.

"Yeah we'll see y'all." Normani told her before disconnecting as well.

Ally then turned to Tori who pretended like Ally wasn't staring at her.

"You want to marry me, don't you?" Ally poked her cheek teasingly.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tori acted chill as Ally squinted at her.

"I'mma go change real quick." Ally mentioned before getting up and going upstairs.

"You have my consent." Jerry smirked causing Tori blush before laughing.

"Thank you sir." Tori got up and went to go sit on the couch.

After about 10 minutes, the ring of a doorbell alerted Tori. She popped up off the couch and seen Ally opening the door.

"Hey Allz." Lauren greeted Ally first as Camila hugged her.

"Hey y'all, come in." Ally moved out the way and aloud them to walk in.

"Wassup Tori." Lauren gave her a bro hug as Camila hugged her as well.

"He's so cute." Ally held Thunder in her arms.

"I know." Camila smiled while scratching.

"We're here!" Normani announced as she greeted everyone.

Dinah did the same as Ally let JJ play with thunder.

"Girly, let us see that ring." Ally sassed and Camila blushed.

"Fine, okay. Here." Camila gave them her hand causing Normani and Ally jaws to drop.

"Zamn Lauren, this ring is huge." Normani gasped.

"And sure as hell expensive, please forgive me Lord." Ally prayed.

"Speaking off, how much did this ring actually cost?" Camila asked Lauren.

"1.2k." Lauren smiled as everyone jaws was on the floor.

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