The gang decided to hang out and around, of course Normani brought JJ to also join so Dinah and him can get closer. She did keep him out of Dinah's life for a good few years so Dinah did miss his first everything except the other firsts. They sat at the bar of Lauren's arena which she manages really well over the years, she is thinking of hiring manager as she move up into the higher business. That idea confused everyone on how she turned from a biker gang member to a business worker.

"Listen, I'm still going to be working with the bikes, but it's going to be at a higher level. I already had Valentino Rossi, Jorge Lorenzo, and Marc Márquez race here." Lauren stated.

"Who, huh and what now?" Tori asked completely confused.

"Nothing, nevermind that. I just need harder work so my father wouldn't really be disappointed about my biking career." Lauren told them and they nodded.

"I can be your assistant, I'm tired of working in this cramped space." Camila tried to ease her way into Lauren agreement which worked.

"Sure, that will be awesome. And you won't be jealous if I hire a hot assistant." Lauren joked which made Camila smile fall.

"Wow..." Camila turned to leave but Lauren pulled her on her lap.

"I'm kidding, no one's hotter than you...not even Mani's hotter than you." Lauren told her which Normani rolled her eyes.

"Out of all people Lauren, you had to choose me?" Normani asked.

"I'm saying you're hotter than everyone except Camz." Lauren twisted it.

"This just got weird..." Tori mumbled.

"I'm pregnant." Ally spoke making everyone turn to her.

Tori took a good minute to comprehend what she said before tackling her into a big hug.

"Oh my God, hallelujah!" She praised before giving Ally many cheek kisses.

"Congratulations." Everyone else said with a smile while some clapped.

"Thanks guys, okay okay Oreo." Ally lightly tapped her neck and Tori stopped but continued to hug her.

"Are we next?" Camila asked Lauren while biting her lip.

"I mean, whenever your ready babe." Lauren responded before kissing her neck softly.

Camila nodded before laying her head on Lauren's shoulder.

"I wonder if the Camren baby will have green eyes or brown." Tori stated causing Camila to blush.

"What's this?" JJ asked holding a pool stick.

"That's a pool stick." Dinah answered.

"How it work?" He asked.

"I'll show you." Dinah got up and JJ gave her the stick.

Normani also got up and helped JJ onto the pool. Dinah showed him how to use it and JJ tried, him being the small child he is, he struggled but still managed to hit the ball at least. Normani gave him a kiss on his head as Dinah gave him a high five while JJ cheered meanwhile everyone else started their own conversation. Although, Camila watched the interaction and looked down guilty.

"What's up babe?" Lauren asked wrapping an arm around her and Camila leaned into her side.

"Nothing, just have nothing to say." Camila told her and Lauren nodded.

Obviously Ally and Normani picked up on Camila mood since the beginning, she has been distanced lately so they wanna know what's up with their bestfriend. It's now 6 o'clock and the group who low-key look like a family of 7 made their way to a buffet. It had to be a high class buffet since all of them are basically very well known. Once they all settled down, Dinah started to take pictures.

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