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"I can't believe you have me working in a bakery." Tori groaned causing Ally to giggle.

"Don't worry, you still look cute." Ally peck her cheek before going to the back.

Tori hear a woman scoff and look in front of her to see a woman covering her children eyes.

"How may I help you?" Tori asked and the teen girl pipes up.

"Can I get some cookies?" She asked and Tori raised an eyebrow.

"How many?" Tori asked and the girl pop her gum instead of answering.

"A dozen." The boy answered for his sister and Tori nodded.

"Flavor?" Tori wondered.

"Three of everything." He tells her and she walks over to the cookies.

Ally walks back out with a wedding cake getting the girl attention.

"Woah, that looks so cool." Her jaw drops.

"You like, been working on it all night." Ally takes off her gloves and the teen nod.

"Are you getting married?" She asked causing Tori to almost drop tray of cookies.

Ally giggled and shook her head.

"No...not yet at least." Ally kept that smile on her face as she boxed the cake.

Tori blushed crept on her face as she set the tray down. Clearing her throat, she pushed the tray to the boy.

"How much?" The mother asked fiddling with her purse.

"Uh..." Tori trailed off.

"Eight dollars." Ally answered and Tori scratch the back of her neck.

"Jesus..." The mother muttered.

"Please don't use the Lord's name in vain." Ally tells the mother and she scoff.

"Who are you to tell me what to do? As if you're a Christian." The woman gave Ally a stink face causing Ally to click her jaw.

"Actually I am, we both are. I noticed you had something to say since you walked in, so if you have a problem you can leave. Y'all can have your cookies, make sure not to share with your homophobic mother." Ally gave the cookies to the kids who smiled.

"I want to speak to your manager." The mother crossed her arms.

"I am the owner of this business." Ally sassed.

By now people are recording and Tori didn't really know what to do.

"Well I-I will get my husband on you, he's a police officer." The mother pointed and the kids stepped away from their mother.

"Ma'am, I wouldn't do that." Tori speaks up.

"Yeah well-" The woman starts pulling out her phone

"No, I wouldn't actually do that." Tori showed the woman her tattoo and the woman words left her soul.

She grabs her children arms and practically dragged them out the bakery.

"Karens these days..." Ally trailed off as Tori nodded with a laugh.

"I guess me being in the military have it's perk." Tori wraps her around Ally who raised her eyebrows with a sly smile.

She looked to her left and seen the husband walking in with her guess his best man. Pulling away from Tori, the man smiles at Ally.

"Is it done?" He asked and Ally slid it to the best man.

"Yes and you can't see until your wedding, good luck." Ally smiles brightly and He nods as the best man picks it up.

"Don't get cold feet!" Tori reminded and he put up his thumbs.

Ally felt arms being wrapped around her waist and a smile still placed on her lips.

"I can't wait until we get married." Ally muttered falling in Tori's touch.

"Me either." Tori responded.

They hear the door open with the bell signalling that it did and in walk their two best friends.

"Wassup Camren?" Tori greeted giving Lauren a mini handshake.

"Camila is craving and we need helping planning the wedding." Lauren tells them

"Alright, how much are we talking?" Tori asked.

"100?" Lauren wondered pulling out a hundred dollars.

Ally slowly reached over and took the bill.

"Deal." Ally agreed.

"I'm hungry!" Camila yelled from behind Lauren causing Lauren to crotch down in embarrassment.

"Come on." Tori ushered and they all sat down by the window.

Ally brought some bakery goods over and sat down as well.

"Well, we don't know what color scheme we should go for..." Lauren first brings.

"Blue and pink." Ally suggests.

"What why?" Lauren asked.

"Make it a baby shower wedding." Ally explained.

"That's a great idea." Camila complimented as she stuffed her face.

"Anyway team boy will wear blue and anyone team girl will wear pink, even though that's a little sexist..." Tori put her hand on her chin.

"No one cares, it's just colors we could make it black or white but that's too boring." Lauren huffed.

"Alright relax, we'll stick to the original of blue and pink." Tori tells her and she nods.

"You'll make the cake?" Camila asked as Lauren wiped the corner of her mouth.

"Of course." Ally jotted down.

"Where should we have it?" Camila asked.

"Beach?" Tori suggested.

"No!" They all denied.

"Park?" Tori huffed.

"Tori hush." Ally put her hand on Tori's mouth causing Tori to stop speaking.

"Oh I got it, how about a beach?" Camila asked causing Tori jaw to drop as Lauren and Ally face palmed themselves.

"Babe no, we're not Norminah." Lauren tells Camila causing to her nod in agreement.

"What?" Ally asked.

"They are the ones to most likely get married on the beach, y'all are the church." Camila elaborated.

"Fair." Ally and Tori say.

"How about a rooftop?" Tori suggest again and everyone went quiet.

"Alright." Lauren shrugged.

"Sure." Camila agreed.

"Good idea babe." Ally jotted it down and Tori patted herself on her back.

"When Normani get back, she is definitely helping me." Ally muttered to herself but Tori heard.

"Hey, what about me?" Tori asked.

"Of course, you'll definitely will be doing the heavy lifting." Ally kiss Tori on her cheek as Tori slouched in her chair.

"Awe man." Tori sighed.

"Thanks guys." Lauren also sighed but in relief as Camila slept on her shoulder.

"No problem, you should get her home." Ally ushered and Lauren nodded.

"Oh most definitely." Lauren laughed and got up before picking Camila up bridal style.

"See ya later." Ally waved and Lauren nodded again before leaving.

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